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Everything posted by comham

  1. comham


    Planetes is perfect, anyone who plays KSP should probably watch it.
  2. It's pretty simple, if c4d can export 3ds models, just do that, and there's a simple tutorial to getting it into ksp via unity in the kerbtown manual
  3. I've always thought a simple collectable system along with a detector thing (like the anomaly detector in STALKER) would work quite well for science. Collect+combine a whole set to get science points; sets of varying sizes and amounts, so you'd have eg a set of 4 within 50m of each other, a set of 4 within 1km of each other that's worth more but you'd need a rover to do it in a reasonable amount of time. The objects themselves just as simple low-poly physics-enabled rocks or pebbles or meteoriod fragments.
  4. Yeah, kerbals need a better EVA feel. Right now they're basically small vehicles, they don't feel like little bipedal characters, even clunky ones wearing spacesuits.
  5. Including RCS fuel with a docking port part is a perfectly reasonable assumption, and there's nothing small enough to put in those side parts anyway. Just use a cargo bay.
  6. I think it needs more of a "coasting to a gentle stop" motion on the last door swing, it seems too harsh at the moment. But I really like the little elements "unlocking" as the door slides on the hinge.
  7. A low res planet is a low res planet, procedural planets wouldn't add much interest without a much revamped and more detailed planetary terrain system. Plus, everyone using the same planets boosts community, which was important early on in development.
  8. They're just handpainted overhauls though, imo the entire terrain system is too basic and sparse. Needs more procedurality and detail density.
  9. Biomes; more of them obviously, but also about 100 times more visual scatters in addition to "rock 1, rock 2, tree and cactus", scatters with colliders, just more interesting terrain in general. Tropical islands, dense jungles where you can't land because you'd crash into the canopy, mesas, lots of things.
  10. Doesn't numpad +/- do zoom in IVA and 3rd person? Else, I dunno, get a sensible mouse for gaming
  11. I think I heard you can specify whether a kerbtown object shows up in the Available Objects list somehow? So, eg, I can place an object, then for release I remove the object from the available object list so players have to go find where I placed it instead of just placing a fresh copy themselves.
  12. Yeah, I think an animated part would be more appropriate for folding wings like that than IR.
  13. I hope the environments get a dedicated artist at some point.
  14. I'm working on a set of buildings for just this purpose. About 60% done so far.
  15. I played a lot before my graphics card died. First thing I do when I get a new graphics card will be to play Arma 3. Such amazing games.
  16. Damn shame, they were some glorious looking bits of concept art and 3d assets. I'll follow your game project for sure though.
  17. That's absolutely astounding quality! exceedingly minor rivet-counting gripe: the placement of the "RCS nozzle" texture bits, right against the cockpit glass? Not a lot of space for the fuel feed inside, surely? It'd stand a risk of leaking into the cockpit.
  18. You've got to know when to take a step back and disengage, it's true, but it'd be a shame to let those lovely models go to waste.
  19. Those are some gloriously chunky looking parts. They look like something that was kitbashed together on a gerry anderson production (this is a very good thing)
  20. I have an X-52 pro, I haven't played in a while but iirc I just had to turn down the sensitivity a lot. Don't think I even set up a joystick profile, just mapped the stick in the KSP settings screen..
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