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Everything posted by comham

  1. Presumably any improvement to terrain in RSS could also be used to improve the stock planets? I'll keep my eye on this.
  2. Looks nice! Might try and get a small building in on one of those plots if they're free.
  3. Isn't there a mod that allows you to type in a button label in the VAB somewhere, and then its printed on the IVA above that particular button? (I think it's ALCOR) Perhaps that approach could work here.
  4. Yeah, the engine nozzle is absurdly high poly. There's nothing wrong with making boosters and tanks though!
  5. Self control should not be an issue at all. Part choices should be logical based on mission requirements and how parts fulfill those requirements. If a part (eg, a hypothetical overpowered engine) becomes the logical engine choice in any situation, then it is overpowered and needs a nerf to fit in with everything else. Or if a part is totally useless and it never makes practical sense to use it, it is underpowered. If you ever played the PS2 game Dark Chronicle, the magic character had an alternate mode where she could turn into a monster, like the mechanical character could ride a robot, but the way the experience point economy allocated damage points made her monster mode absurdly underpowered so it was never, ever used by players.
  6. I don't think that TA analogy holds up very well. One point TA is well regarded for (even after nearly 20 years!) is balancing T1 and T2 units so that teching up to T2 does not make T1 obsolete, both tiers are useful to the endgame in terms of the resources they cost. Skirmish is not a great analogy to sandbox. Skirmish with instabuild and unlimited resources would be a good analogy to sandbox but no mode like that existed. There is still not much of a picture on what KSP career mode would look like. RTS campaigns tend to be seen as tutorials for the competitive multiplayer mode and KSP career mode right now is generally seen as a training mode for... something, right? Minus much of the story content that RTS campaigns have. I know there was a pretty popular blog post a few years ago that made the point quite well that any KSP career mode should play down the economics of it, because wobbly kerbal disasters were fun and it would be counterproductive to make the player feel bad about them and distract from the trial-and-error (in the good sense) gameplay loop of KSP.
  7. Notionally the stock game should be a feature-complete, internally consistent experience with mods as a nice bonus. Unbalanced stock parts screw this up.
  8. I wasn't talking about this mod, I was talking in general terms. Obviously adding AI opponents would involve a lot of work, if it's even doable within the scope of a mod.
  9. I've experienced the old version of the plugin failing to load the UI or the ctrl+k menu a few times after running the game in windowed mode and closing it by the x in the corner a few times in a row, while testing new structures. I can't remember how I fixed it, I think I just uninstalled the plugin, ran the game, closed it properly, reinstalled the plugin and then it worked.
  10. yeah why should the devs bother to balance their game, it's not like it's their job or anything. neither is bug fixing or making content apparently.
  11. Yeah, but that's difficult and nobody bothers with it if there's, you know, proper game mechanics that cater for it. It's a last resort thing. If there weren't any flight sims that covered commercial airliners people would probably play combat flight sims with the enemies disabled and pretend they were flying a 747 instead of a spitfire.
  12. That's really nice. The only cleaning up it needs is some springy recoil!
  13. Kraken rum is pretty nice, I keep a bottle by my bedside. Thanks for the update Daemoria
  14. Maybe we should move to a new thread, I keep seeing new posts in this one and hoping it's an update from Daemoria
  15. Perhaps an interface ring to sit on top of these parts, for connecting standalone single-purpose base units by KAS.
  16. Yeah, exactly. We weren't born yesterday. That said, Michael Abrash joining does replenish my supply of hope.
  17. Hey, don't put me off so badly I never took any art classes in school beyond age 13, and I've always considered myself Not A Creative Person, but I just haven't developed my creativity muscles yet and doing this 3d stuff has made me realise that maybe I do have some creative potential. And 3d scanners are useful things, think of all the sweet scifi concept art out there that's never made it into a game. Even if you've never made anything creative ever, learn 3d modelling, basically.
  18. Yeah, I didn't know anything about modelling a month ago, but there are so many really good tutorials out there if you want to get into it. Blender isn't so scary once you've watched some tutorials and messed around with it. You may go about things differently, but my progress was: 1. Watch a tutorial on the UI 2. Read 3 different step-by-step modelling projects, mash them together in making a 3d version of someone elses scribbled concept art 3. Watch some more box modelling tutorials, start a new project 4. Try to put something simple into KSP to feel like I'd accomplished something Just mix it up if you get frustrated. Of course, having technical 3d skills is one thing and having creative art skills is another.
  19. I think that's a fantastic idea. In-world GUI's are great, and budget isn't something you have to check as often as, say, ammo in a FPS, so it's worth that minor inconvenience. Have two on opposite walls to cut down on spinning around maybe.
  20. I think the blue wires look alright. Given the "realistic!kerbal" sort of style you're using, they look like the kind of bright blue wires you'd choose if you wanted to make sure they weren't getting jammed in the mechanism, if they're electrical or pneumatic. Also they're on the inside and will be barely visible in play.
  21. Future looking comment: I can't wait to see your take on the lander cockpit, legs, and rover chassis, and the larger orbiter.
  22. I think it would be neat to have a bank of hangars that store (out of the game world) specifically recovered ships, so you could use them again without having to simply leave them sitting there on the grass where they cause CPU load when you're near them. And it would store the specific ship you recovered when you recovered it, so just what's left, no initial boosters, remembering which solar panels had been accidentally broken, fuel levels etc. Recover To Hangar / Recover For Parts, two different options. More useful for spaceplanes, obviously, but I guess you could have a reusable rocket launched capsule you load via crane onto a decapitated booster assembly.
  23. This is something that really ought to be stock, though, it's so basic.
  24. I think multiple spawn points per model is a handy feature to have, definitely.
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