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Everything posted by Sbowyer28

  1. This is correct. Also I think Kerbin System should be neutral as it's too close to launch sites, Anyone agree?
  2. In this RP I shall Lay claim to Gilly As the Tyrene Empire.
  3. Imkomming Kmessage Kfrom KnovaKilisko Kreading "Stup weth teh k's, KEEEEEEAAAAAAARRRRRRRRTTTTTTHHHHHHH"
  4. For once GO KIDA, I'm only cheering for you guys because Zokesia fought Dae...
  5. Somebody link these people to Macey Dean is they think stock weapons suck...
  6. Well I may build a Frigate on KSP as soon as I get a new computer
  7. Texture packs for KSP, I'm loving this, this is the only mod I will ever use.
  8. Moach you are officially more of a Boss!!!
  9. Elder scrolls III Morrowind, One of my favorites still to this day.
  10. *Cough* Halo *Cough* But in all seriousness I agree with Spartwo, We don't know how to Coexist, Look what happened to the Neanderthals. The Neanderthals were smarter and stronger, They couldn't survive because they were less agile, If we did that to a Homo Species imagine what we would do to a Grey.
  11. Ok let's get back on subject please, Sorry I started the whole Halo 4 hate, Well anyways I found this going through my waypoint Found this funny
  12. Well Nice to see you play, I honestly don't like Halo 4 Just the vibe because bungie sold it. Also I'm working on a clan, Message my GT For information. (Gt is Sbowyer28).
  13. Hello KSP Community I Was only wondering who played Halo Reach? Please don't be hostile towards this game As I see this is probably how this thread will end because of people against FPS will start arguments. Well anyways what's your rank, What clan are you in, What's your favorite ship? Go on don't be shy.
  14. Ok (K Syndrome look away) How about Kebini Kitan, Katurn K, Moho Katlas, Little Koe, Moho Kedstone.
  15. Streetlamp you always amaze me, Keep up please don't let your channel die.
  16. Danny uploaded, Must watch FIRST ON THE LIST!!!
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