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Everything posted by Gaiabladegold

  1. True, I suppose beta testing is something not overly time consuming, and possible bugs will be fleshed out by the community upon release moreso than anything... (Not saying you'll likely have many, though. And curses, my attempts at getting dev pre-releases foiled, lol XD) But the fact you are focusing on stock comparability is actually something I consider a major plus, actually. All in all, I look forward to the nuclear engines the most right now, that is an engine class in which more variety is much needed... And I especially can't wait to slap on some of those beautiful components on some of my heavy transfer vehicles that have been needing a bit of a pick me up in one way or another. Nothing gets an interplanetary station-sized ship going smoothly like the soft thrust of efficient nuclear engine... Among other things... ^^ Edit: That is a particularly splendiferous looking setup of tanks and engine you've got on your lovely vessel, good sir... You make the waiting part more and more difficult at ever turn.
  2. Waypoint fule canisters is the way I'd go. An ambitious mission, I barely managed a return trip from Duna after having to launch a rescue mission... but all 12 Kerbals made it back safe and sound. It will be interesting deciding on a lander suited to diverse situations like Tylo's kerbin-like gravity, and Moho's high heat frying high-output engines... Not to mention the transfer system as well. Moho and Jool would be the most challenging in those regards, moreso Moho, since Jool you can Aerobrake...
  3. Loving the look of things so far, it'll be worth the wait, undoubtedly! Just a couple of quick questions for you, though, 1)are you making primarily Nuclear engines, or will we see regular gas-guzzling thrust spewing LF engines along in this pack? And 2) are you happening to be considering the 3.75m size range at all at any point in time by any chance..? All in all, I can't wait to put these babies into action, and look foreward to what's to come! Happen to need a beta tester, to take some of the trial and error workload off, btw?
  4. Ooh, a whole tanks and engines parts pack? I'm looking foreward to that! Great to see you're up to filling the void left after some of the modders who made the good polished parts packs went MIA since the forum crash, and alot of good packs aren't getting updated for a while now... ^^; Gonna be watching for this for sure, always refreshing when you open up a fresh download of rocketry, good sir, and you have quality models that will undoubtedly please.
  5. I had the same issue here as Konraden, though I'm in no rush to have it fixed, not performance inhibiting. It was odd, though, that the first time I used it, worked fne, white lights (Forget the specific ones) worked fine, alternating even flashes and the red ones flashed on and off slightly faster... seemed it became bugged after I went into warp with them on...
  6. Welp, gonna keep an eye on the weather for this one... if it looks bad, I'll save up a few hundred to hire out a plane to get above the cloud layer. I am not gonna miss this one!
  7. Got it working now, Just updated before discovering this mod, and have been itching to try it the whole time, thanks! MORE ENGINES!!! XD
  8. I tried this, but they still don't appear at all... Tried dropping it in with the new file system, dropping the parts in the old way, and a number of other unconventional means... (Not all at once, of course) anything I could be doing wrong? Or is this a botched solution? Either way, this thread has been very quiet...
  9. I think they just released something not too long ago... moves the tab thingy up above those buttons, actually, see the latest Dev release maybe...
  10. I will good sir, of that you can be sure. Edit: Wow, you work fast... O_O
  11. Ah, not so much laziness as absence of anyone actually working on packs of parts like this, really... But it may be skill too... Its just that the packs availible that come with a good selection of tanks and engines seem to be poorly done in some way, be it the general look of the parts, or the balance of its stats, and the folks who worked on some of the better ones in the past seem to have vanished in the forum wipe... ^^; Actually, I'm currently unemployed due to medical stuff, so I've got quite a bit of free time on my hands myself... I've looked into the modeling myself, and you're right about it being intimidating, especially with zero to nil experience in this field... But if you'd be willing, I'd love to see some tutorials, I think learning for myself may be a swell idea. It'd be great to learn so I can make a few engine designs I had in mind, and I love having longer tanks to avoid unstable stacking on my ships... XD
  12. It would be great to see someone pick up on those parts packs that had 3.75m tanks and engines, and the 1.25m and 2.5m parts that just fit areas the stock parts didn't quite cover... KW rocketry did it well and looked fitting with the stock parts before its dev seemed to go dark after the forum crash and we were left with a version that hadn't been updated much since 18.1... Maybe you'd consider starting a whole new parts pack altogether if you could get a small team to work on it with you? (I'm great at testing parts, been running trial and errors on alot of mods after the 0.20 update scrambled everything XD ) I remember there used to be alot of great packs before... now most are made in ways that just don't feel right mingled with everything else, or just simply don't have that nice polished feel to them, and there doesn't seem to be many good modelers willing to pick up on this field lately... We need a good engines and tanks pack again, that keeps balance in mind, while looking good and being functional as well, all while expanding the horizons of part diversity... Most modders nowadays seem to focus more on things that aren't in KSP at all right now, rather than expanding what is there... And the idea of keeping realism in mind with designs is something I wholeheartedly agree with you on. So, maybe it could be something to consider, rather than going for teaming up with another modding company, starting a whole new one to have your parts put into a bundle, maybe compiled over time as they are requested now? Edit: Sorry for lengthy post, btw, I'm moreso the lurking sort, but just saw this and was wondering if you may take interest in the idea... ^^;
  13. Hey, Duck, I was just noticing that Auto-staging function keeps coming around to bite me time and time again whenever I switch vehicles, or go off of Ascent auto pilot to start manual control... I know I can deactivate it manually, but its a bit of a pain that it remains functioning by default to stage 0, and activates all my landers engines at once while its still transferring... and the only way to turn it off is by having to open ascent autopilot again, but even then, it just turns back on when I switch over to another ship again, or go back to one that had it turned off earlier... Think you could possibly squeeze in the means to make it override to automatically deactivate, say when the ascent window is closed, or when you switch to another ship? Just a thought, otherwise this mod works like a dream, amazing stuff, like a miracle of science and magic with how it works so well. XD
  14. It be the revenge of the formerly slain Kraken, returned from the depths of the recycle bin to wreak havoc and destruction once more... We thought we won, but it seems like it is the one who had the last laugh...
  15. I'll be watching for this one, Its such a handy mod, and I never realized how much I miss it... Haystack's bugged too, so maybe its a similar issue, like the problem with the linux?
  16. I thought it was the tanks at first, but seems the attchment nodes are thankfully problematic with the decouplers in the pack, small sacrifice till it gets fixed... I did notice the flat-top SRBs have been getting the sunken node syndrome seeming to be going around, but the radial ones appear fine... All we can do is wait for the modders to update, I suppose... :/
  17. I actually just dropped the old mod parts into the mod folder like in the older version, didn't even have to change the .cfg file at all, and it worked like a charm, most parts worked fine... The only exceptions were a few made with the part generator, their connector nodes went wonky, but otherwise great, even mechjeb worked by dropping it in the old way... Haystack and Crew manifest didn't work, though, not sure what happened there...
  18. Hey, been flipping through the posts, hoping to find my own little bothersome issue... Either I missed in, or I'm the first, Easy to miss in over 140 some pages... ^^; Anyway, I've been using the 2.07 version of Mechjeb since I started playing again after a brief hiatus to refresh the feel of the game... A bit nervous about it, hearing about bugginess and all, but decided to try it out. Works like a dream in my opinion, love the new system using nodes so I can make sure all goes well, and I love the window editor with all the information I never knew I needed, really puts alot of mods together into one... I use a number of other mods, like haystack and Crew Manifest, Quantum strut, as well as some parts packs like KW rocketry, and the old KerbX parts packs to name a few... With all these mods, it still worked fine, did transfers okay, never perfect, sometimes the occasional disaster, but for the most part just fine, like a dream... But anyway, getting to the main issue here, I turn on my KSP again and load up the spacestation with my orbital tug attached... and now MEchjeb's windows have become entirely see-through, and the letters are all black and scrambled all over the place! I can't tell where a window starts or ends! Even the tab at the side is just the black letters, and you can guess how hard it is t make anything black out in space... ^^; It worked fine up till now, and I haven't recently changed anything at all in the plugin side of things that may be causing conflicts or errors behind the scenes, it seems to have just quit on me... any suggestions? I've tried deleting some other of the more recent plugins like B9's firespitter, but nothing seems to be working... I'd really like to not have to wipe my entire game and start over again, especially if this'll keep happening... Please help! ^^;
  19. For me, my love is the ship designing, and seeing them work, not as much the actual direct control flying of the ships. Mind you, I still like to be in some control, and MEchJeb is certainly not as perfect as some would like (Rapid flipping while thrusting on and off during a burn for a precise duna transfer, or bending the orbit around Kerbin for an escape trajectory to Jool, causing the flight path to go THROUGH the ground are some examples I've had recently ^^; ) but it makes the tedious parts alot simpler, like holding a ship steady while controlling throttle manually for those tricky burns you just don't want to trust a machine to do, or even plotting out a node you can burn yourself... Either way, I think its a great thing to have if you want it, and alot of real life spacecraft use auto pilot for most things anyway, and technically being able to see your ship third person isn't exactly very realistic either... ^^; But the main point is, it is a game, and nothing is wrong with doing what you wish to make it more fun for you in the end, yes? ^^
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