Grats on defending your thesis! (Assuming it went well, at least. If not, then.. well, anyway...) Just played around a little bit with the current build, and I thought I'd share some feedback. I've tried out earlier versions, though I haven't used it regularly. - The new BuildEffect config option is great! The base rate falls off a little too quickly for my preference, and I like being able to change that. I'm currently experimenting with it at 0.1, and I like the feel of it. - As for general build times in RSS, they feel pretty well balanced in their current state, tbh. For example: a basic, stock-part tier 1 orbiter for career mode with RSS takes about 10 days to build (24 hr days), just re-using the pod used to unlock the t1 tech -- long enough to feel substantial without being onerous. That's for 154 fuel tanks, 31 LV-30's, 32 decouplers, 5 command pods (one recycled), 6 goo cans, a girder piece, a heat-shield, and a parachute. We'll see how things go as I dig further into the tech tree, but it seems pretty good so far. - The "warp to complete" function doesn't work properly with RSS for some reason. It starts warping just fine, but then it doesn't stop when building is complete. - The one feature I'd really love to see, though I have no idea what the feasibility of it might be, would be to have currently-built VAB/SPH ship inventories loaded into the mission-prep window you get when you click the landing pad or runway in the space center screen (rather than the saved-ship-type list). I keep clicking on them to prep duplicate/standard-type missions, THEN remembering you can only run simulations from there with KCT installed... It's really annoying, to say the least. If you could find some way to implement this, then I'd probably keep the mod installed for regular play. Anyway, I love the concept behind this mod, and it's fun to see it develop. Thanks for all your hard work!