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Everything posted by Trux

  1. Multiple modules would count in my opinion, although one thing that does annoy me about this is when people post pictures of "bases" and the living area for the Kerbals are either command pods or the cupola module..
  2. I'm pretty sure the bar IS the wrong way around, I can't find the exact quote but this was confirmed.
  3. I have the same problem with the "yellow" prograde and retrograde markers but it isn't a huge issue right now due to the fact you can still eyeball it from the shapes. An option in the future would be great but I think it's a low priority on the road map right now, maybe someone could mod the UI for a colourblind navball.
  4. I suppose a 1.25M Crew tank would be nice...
  5. He's not requesting for it to be available in the game, he's asking for suggestions on his save file that is roleplayed with his own missions. Try to read the thread before posting instead of just reading the title and replying blindly.
  6. Have you broken them by any chance? Could you please provide a picture so we can help
  7. It would be nothing like that considering that Yahtzee is actually coherent...
  8. Back to basics, Biplane design And an alternative model
  9. The skybox was never meant to be a completed thing and needs replacing at some point down the line anyway
  10. RTC3 is good when you have lots of custom scenery Making huge detailed parks is brilliant
  11. I have an easier solution, leave it to the modders to try to create a multi player mode (If it's even technically possible or entertaining) and leave Squad to work on KSP
  12. A better more humane alternative
  13. I commend you for using the search function, however weather features are on the "what not to suggest" list on the main Suggestions and Development page You may want to have a look here for information on something relevant - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer/page17
  14. Add a set of Launch clamps to the rover and attach a command pod to that.
  15. Bit of a necro post, half of the information in this thread is obsolete
  16. I think they have plenty of Surnames right now *Why would you suggest those Surnames? They are cliché and have nothing to do with the KSP universe.
  17. Very nice, who is the Author?
  18. The spaceplane parts will probably be updated together, along with the cockpit internals and improved aerodynamics.
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