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Everything posted by Trux

  1. You know what Kerbal landings are like... The correct word may be "Countries".
  2. I enjoy the tone of KSP where it is right now, why make it into something it isn't meant to or designed to be?
  3. Not a bad suggestion I definitely would like to see the space center evolve with your own space programs progression
  4. Can't believe it has taken this long for someone to reply... You need to hit escape and select end flight, from there is an option to return to the VAB. Hope it works out for you.
  5. I too have stopped for a while, want to get back into it when I have some free time. Just do other things, don't set a break peroid or anything like that. Just live your life
  6. You fools... It was Earth all along! (It may actually not be Earth but the entire Universe. If you have any problems with the destruction of the Universe please refrain from pressing the red button again)
  7. There are plenty of E's there In fact you are only missing a R, P and a single E * Out of interest what is your UI size and resolution?
  8. Multiple launches? I don't see a craft that big being launched and propelled all the way to Jupiter with just one launch
  9. Sorry about that, I just realized it had one of the KSPX cores as the body... I will re-upload the craft file tomorrow as stock but all you should need is This
  10. Trux


    http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbol Everything you need shall be on this page Probably, honestly though the wiki is a good source of information for the game.
  11. F1 is screenshot, F2 hides your UI and F4 disables ship distance labels.
  12. You think that is bad? I altered the original to make the boom three times as long as it is not and my word that was tough to sit through The G's weren't as bad but the rotation was faster... Still trying to make it viable to space travel
  13. Well the spinning is basically free energy so I'm looking at having it angled to aid Space launches, maybe a little craft on the end which decouples and engages thrusters or just glides. I will do more testing but right now it's only use is making Kerbals barf or just killing them mercilessly by flinging them into towers or the ground.
  14. Huh you learn something new everyday, I thought it was just white for heat distribution and the like.
  15. Are you having trouble loading the craft? The only parts in the craft are stock parts. The plugin on the video and VAB are separate as far as I know...
  16. Does white paint save weight :S
  17. 22 G's without even leaving the ground Dizzy Kerbals
  18. So I may be crazy, or just damn lucky because I have found a glitch that actually does something useful. This is as much a showing off as well as a confirmation test. This is the Kerbal Centrifuge System, designed completely by accident from a satellite it was eventually fitted with high visabilty pods for Kerbals to enter and be tested. When launched it appears to tip over onto it's side and then spin dramatically Interesting results were given from testing, least of all the Max G's my brave Kerbals managed to pull in this monstrosity... I did a quick play test with IVA views and flinging the Kerbals like fling type things... If you would like to download and see if you can get any higher G force be my guest. I would love to see some alterations or refinement Here is the Craft file Requires KSPX Parts Expansion to work, will upload a fix soonâ„¢ - http://www./?xfxd49zock7k3f4
  19. Hmm I may need to give Gimp another go today
  20. Has it not occurred to you that Noobs/Newbs or new players are paying customers. They have the right to be here and we were all in the same position before but at least we didn't have people trying to distinguish us from trolls or blaming us for ruining the forums... Yes there are some people that overstep the line but at least treat them equal before they are even step in front of it.
  21. It's the Cupola style and the one man lander can
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