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Everything posted by mark_mazz

  1. I had one stock idea for this. I even made another challenge for it http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/23675-KerBull-Stratos-STOCK
  2. It's actually quite easy to get into orbit without map view, interplanetary travel I'm not so sure about...
  3. The popular beverage, KerBull, has decided to sponsor you, famous Kerbal sky diver Jebidiah Kerman, to break the world record for highest sky dive! Congratulations, don't die. Chalenge: 1: Build a rocket that can send you at least 60000 meters into the air 2: Have a return module that disconnects from the rocket with a parachute and ladder attached (may not be capsule) 3: Fly into space, with a trajectory that will land you as horizontally as possible back at Kerbin (trust me, it helps) 4: Release the return module, go on EVA, and grab onto the ladder 5: Hold on tight, and try not to die Rules: 1: No mods. At all. It just easier this way 2: You must use the one man capsule (so you have to actually navigate from the capsule to the parachute) 3: You must have some sort of proof (photos, video, etc) 4: Have fun! The one time I took photos, I died, but I'll show you anyways Awards: Fail: Explode at the launch pad Badass: Survive a fall from over 60000 meters Ultra-badass: Survive a fall from over 60000 meters without parachute Phycho:Orbit around the sun, return to Kerbin, and survive the fall HOW?!?!?!: Orbit around Jool, return to Kerbin, and survive the fall
  4. Can you PLEASE upload a .craft for that? That's one of the coolest things I've seen in a while.
  5. The Kerbol system is a lot more concentrated, so were light delay applied to the game, it would be much lower, maybe 4 minutes or so.
  6. Can we see a map view and a description of how you did that? I want to see how you managed that.
  7. I tried this same idea once before this challenge came out. I don't have screenshots, and I don't remember how close I was to the pad, or how high I was, but I found that it helped to go east slightly, as that is the direction that Kerbin rotates, and it is especially helpful when jumping from space, like Tommygun did.
  8. This is terrifying, but I will try. Also, it's never going to work for me, because I have no mods installed and don't know how to make cfgedits, so this will be entirely stock.
  9. Also, I had another idea. What if we were to send a return module to Eve, kill the crew (sorry) so that the capsule is empty, send another lander to land on Eve, send the lander in Eve orbit, and send the crew back to Kerbin in the return module? Would this be allowed (considering we have to kill the crew of the first rocket but nobody has to know about that)?
  10. We should establish some sort of test to see if a plane is capable of making it to Eve and back. For example, Take off, orbit around the mun and back, land on Kerbin, take off and orbit around the moon again, and land back on Kerbin once more. Assuming you have ample fuel left after each of these tests, I assume that means the rocket is promising. Should this be the official test for seeing if a rocket is at least close to making it to Eve and back?
  11. I tweaked the design and added a rocket to get it to Eve. I was able to get it into orbit, land with the lander, get back into orbit with the lander, and land with the capsule safely, so it seems promising. It is, however, quite unstable when you are taking off, so getting into orbit takes a little flight prowess, but an experienced pilot can do it with not too much work. http://filesmelt.com/dl/Eve_Concept_Craft.craft
  12. Here's the final stage sequence for my example lander, with pictures.
  13. I have a recommendation, but I'm not sure if it will work. Would it be possible to load multiple stages of parachutes? So you could use one parachute stage to land on Eve, and another to land back at Kerbin, so you don't have to waste precious fuel on landing. I'll make a concept rocket and upload an image and possibly a download in a while.
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