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Everything posted by TheDude

  1. Is there a way to add waste heat to parts? I want them to GENERATE waste heat like a solar panel.
  2. Is there any way to add waste heat to another part? I'm tossing around an idea for a part and I want a byproduct of its use is waste heat. (Like solar panels.)
  3. Yep, that worked. For future searches this worked for me: @PART[My_Engine]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { !atmosphereCurve {} @maxThrust = 150 @heatProduction = 325 atmosphereCurve { key = 0 575 key = 0.25 463 key = 1 188 } } }
  4. Greetings, How do you change the atmospherecurve inside of the engine module? I've tried this: @PART[My_Engine]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 150 @heatProduction = 325 @atmosphereCurve { @key = 0 600 @key = 0.25 463 @key = 1 200 } } } The thrust and heat changes but for the life of me I can't get the atmosphere curves to change. They are always stay the original values as defined in the CFG file. Best regards, The Dude
  5. Greetings, I'm having a terrible time with this mod. I have been trying 2.6 and now 2.7. No matter what combination of directories in the config or using the basic or adanced compression configs provides a very frustrating random hang and the occasional crash. I've added and deleted directories in the config, removed mods... you name it. I've gotten nowhere and I'm desperatly asking for help. My testing procedure is as follows: 1. Copy my existing KSP directory to a test folder. 2. Remove the 1.1 version. 3. Copy over the 2.7 version. Basic or Advanced. No difference in outcome. 4. Add all parts directories to config. 5. Start game. 6. First start generally had a CTD. Out of 20 start attempts I typically see this: 18 hangs on completly random parts. 1 CTD 1 sucessful start. If or when the game actually does start I will close it and, WITHOUT MAKING ANY CHANGES WHAT SO EVER, will start the game again only to have it hange on a random part. AAAARRRRRGGGGG !!!!! I don't know if makes any difference but I'm running B9, KW, KOSMOS, LLL, AIES, Kethane, Intersteller and RLA STockalike. All of these mods have the texture reduction packs installed if available. Now before everyone gets their knickers in a twist, I'm not hitting the 3.5 GB memory limit. I've culled out most of the parts from these mods and typically have only 6 - 8 parts from each. My memory under 1.1 is right at 2.2 GB while sitting in the VAB. OK... I've complained enough. I don't believe in complaining without having a solution or offering to find a solution to the problem. That being said, you tell me exactly what you need, how you need it and how to get it to you and I'll do everything in my power to see that it happens. Best regards, The Dude
  6. Yep. I was in the process of deleting the post but you beat me to it.
  7. I'm doing some testing with this mod and the numbers and resource generation is all over the map and I can't explain it. It seems that no matter how many Kerbals I stuff into a space station, one food and one biomass greenhouse will sustain them for as long as there is water available. Food production seems to equalize around 110 Kerbals but CO2, waste and wastewater consumption is off the charts. In all of my testing I could __NEVER__ get CO2, waste and wastewater to increase beyond 0.00 units no matter how many Kerbals were around. I then started increasing the resource consumption rates and waste production rates via the TAC LS options menu and that didn't help one bit. Here is a summary of my testing: 1: Initial Test 24 x Kerbals with all food and waste settings on "1 unit". 1 x Biomass 1 x Eco 2 x Food 4 x Microbiome Results - Food and O2 production was off the charts. Within 2 days both were maxed out. Nutrients slowly but steadily increase. Flora maxed out. All wastes never moved beyond 0.00. Water consumption seemed a bit low considering the extra load the Biomass stuff should have placed upon it. "OK..." I thought. "Maybe the 4 microbioms are consuming the wastes faster than they're being produced. 24 Kerbals though.... " So, on to test #2 #2: 24 x Kerbals with all food and waste settings on "1 unit". 1 x Biomass 1 x Eco 2 x Food 1 x Microbiome Results: The same as before. No changes at all. "Wow" I thought. On to Test 3 #3: 24 x Kerbals with food, water and O2 rates set to 5. CO2, waste and wastewater production set to 10. (Yes 10.) 1 x Biomass 1 x Food 1 x Microbiome Results: Now we're getting some where. Food and O2 levels decreased slowly over time which tells me the food greenhouse is producing food but can't keep up with demand. Water levels dropped pretty quickly which again is expected considering the number and consumption rates. Now for the interesting part: CO2, waste and waste water never, I repeat NEVER, moved beyond 0.00 while flora and nutrients slowly decreased from the base numbers. #4 Final Test 24 x Kerbals with all food and waste settings on "1 unit". 4 x Large TAC LS cans Results - As expected. Consumables decreased at a steady rate while waste products increased at a steady rate. The only conclusion I can come up with is the Biomass mod is functioning but is way, way out of balance. The Microbiome appears to be consuming 100% of the waste products no matter how much is being produced. I would have expected one microbiome to produce X amount of nutrients per second/minute/hour/day. If it can't keep up or the nutrients are filled or are in low demand then the waste resources should start increasing. 2. Greenhouse production is insane. One greenhouse was just behind the curve for 24 Kerbals at 5 times the consumption rate. If I'd dropped back to 22 Kerbals at those rates I bet it would have equalized. I would have expected one food greenhouse to support 2 Kerbals. 4 at the most. Maybe I'm doing something very wrong. Maybe I'm being very stupid. Both are quite possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Boy, it's late and I'm starting to ramble so I'll stop here. Best regards, "The Dude" 3.
  8. Ah, I see what you're saying. Sorry for the very poor explanation. Seems I can't multitask as well as I thought. :-) Anyway, if the fix is as simple as explained then I'll go with that. Sarbian: To clarify everything the code looks at where the craft is being controlled from and it's "forward" vector and assumes the thrust vector is opposite of that? So, my cockpit faces forward and MJ says "OK, the thrust vector points backward." So, if I add a probe body or a docking port on the top of my ship and switch to it during the decent then, MJ now sees the "Forward" is now pointing UP and will use the thurst vector pointing DOWN? I assume I'll still need to shut down my main engines that point aft?
  9. Request for feature: It seems that MJ auto landing system was designed for "tail sitters". This has worked well for my early designs but I'm trying create a craft with dedicated flight and decent engines. (Think of the ship in the movie Space 1999) MJ doesn't seem to understand there are two different sets of engines. Even with the main engines shut down, MJ still sees the thrust vector as pointing reward in instead of down. Is there any way to make MJ use the mains for the breaking manuver then switch to the decent engines or recognize the decent engines are being used if switched manually? Clear as mud? Thanks, The Dude
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