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Everything posted by Shpaget

  1. Put the camera in something other than Auto. Chase, locked, orbit...
  2. Scott Manley recently did a couple of videos about this. Munar return in about one hour ten minutes.
  3. I haven't had much time to test 1.0.2, but from what I did manage to test - Yep, I love it. Overheat of mining rigs is long gone, pods are self balancing on reentry, heatshields function as one would expect... All in all, its a much more intuitive system. Reentry from high orbit (Mun return, for example) using aerobraking happens exactly as I would expect it to. Lowering the Pe to 25-30 km ensures safe and realistic deceleration (around 6 g), parachutes are not indestructible and provide much nicer, lower g, making them a bit more dangerous, which is awesome. There is still plenty of ablator on the smallest shield (when only pod and parachute are returning) which gives me confidence that it will be a viable procedure for return even from higher orbits. I haven't had the chance to test nukes yet, but I hear they're fixed as well. Good work SQUAD! There are still a few crucial things that are missing from stock, mainly the stuff you get with KER. Most of useful (and fundamental) data is hard to access, or not displayed at all. Hope it gets implemented too.
  4. If an elliptical one is not required I go for around <10% Ap Pe difference for parking orbits, and <1% for permanent ones when I want them pretty. If Pe is above 70 km, it's a good orbit. In mods like Remote Tech, it is required to achieve multiple very accurately matched launches with as nearly identical orbital periods as possible (eccentricity is not that important). A difference of a few seconds per orbit will quickly accumulate in high warp, and your constellation will fall apart.
  5. With Minmus having those nice flats and being so cheap to take off, my plan is to have a mining/refinery rig there and have a tanker (couple of orange tanks worth of fuel) shuttling the go juice to LKO.
  6. If you upgraded R&D you can transfer fuel manually. Make sure you keep the balance.
  7. If using keyboard to control, try hitting the CapsLock. It toggles a mode precise control mode indicated by blue roll, pitch and yaw markers in lower left corner.
  8. Ok, now that the 1.0.1 hypetrain is here... where's the 1.1 hype thread? I understand that something called shmelta vee is on board.
  9. One more thing. You placed the node before Ap which caused your initially planned orbit to be elliptical. You can move the node around. When expanded (showing the dragy-aroundy bits) click on the gray circle indicating the node. It will turn a shade lighter, now you can drag it around. Aim to put it as closely to Ap as possible.
  10. How can you complain? Seriously, you're using third party software that is, other than being allowed, not supported by the developer and then complain that minutes after the update happens your mods don't work. If you don't want the update until the mods are updated themselves, don't update. Or play stock like the devs intended.
  11. I already started thinking of a funny reply dealing with a special place in seventh hell for pulling my leg like that, but Holy Kraken!!! Something's downloading!
  12. You're doing something wrong then. Not 30° turn, but 1° turn, followed by another 1° soon after. Try very gentle turns as soon as you can (<100 m/s vertical is perfectly soon enough). Keep your chevron (the yellow -v- mark on navball) inside the heading marker or at max outside of it by no more than a few degrees. If you have some active winglets, thrust vectoring and decent TWR, you should have no problem keeping stability.
  13. Jeb already has Kerman line.
  14. Tourist says "Oh, I'm so excited about seeing the Grand Canyon!" Pilot replies "Yep, there it is.", pointing to a nearest ditch.
  15. Engineers get a boost in efficiency and cooling of the drills and ISRU.
  16. This, but since we are seeing the world aound us in visible, and not IR, my suggestion would be mirror finish in visible light. They would look awesome - almost invisible - black on black with only stars (and nearby bodies) reflecting in them.
  17. In VAB while building the rocket open the Engineer's report in lower right corner of the screen. It will tell you the mass and part count.
  18. Just did a small test with a small single stage probe rocket. At start it had 4242 m/s dv in vacuum, 3587 at sea level. I pushed it in LKO (71 x 77 km) and had 787 ms/ remaining (800 kg of fuel). So, less than 3500 for a SSTO with almost 1 ton of cargo. It really depends on the engines you use in low atmosphere where ISP is reduced.
  19. Heading - Inclination 0° - 90° 45° - 45° 90° - 0° 135° - 45° 180° - 90° 225° - 135° 270° - 180° 315° - 135° 360° - 90° (Actually the same thing as the first line) Edit: Build yourself a simple rocket: OKTO core 2x FL-T800 fuel tanks 4x AV-R8 Winglets Swivel engine It can easily reach low retrograde orbit. Play with it and see what results you get. If you install Kerbal Engineer Redux mod, you can see all the pretty data as you go.
  20. I think that is officially called The Manley Manoeuvre.
  21. If you take off in 270° and enter orbit in that direction your inclination will be 180°. It is called retrograde orbit. The numerical difference between heading and inclination in all these examples comes from different references. Your heading is referenced to North of the body you are on or orbiting, while inclination is referenced to equatorial plane (the plane in which the planet rotates).
  22. Deep shade of red is ok. Bright yellow is something to worry about. Are you playing an old save? I noticed that I had some issues with irregular overheating on a save file from 0.90. Reinstalling the game and starting a new save file made things a lot more predictable. I agree about the nonexistance of temperature read out. I've been playing since mid 2012 and now in 1.0 is the first time I had to use the debug menu.
  23. Well, 0.5 km (500 m), while close enough for rescue, is certainly not dangerously close. It should not cause collisions. What is your relative speed? I usually go for <0.2 m/s at <50 m. Getting closer is of no particular use. It's easier to maneuver while EVA than in a ship. Are you perhaps burning the stuff you want to rescue with engine exhaust? It won't be happening at 500 m, but if you get too close...
  24. Not quite what I'm getting at. It seems to me that fairings have no mass at all other than the base, meaning that larger fairing is not more massive than a smaller one of the same base diameter. LV-T45 should not be capable of lifting that fairing at all, no matter where the mass is concentrated.
  25. I'm having trouble figuring out how the mass of a fairing is calculated. During procedural shaping mass (and cost) is indicated and it is reflected in the Engineer's Report. However, once on the launchpad, the mass of a fairing seems to be not included, according to map view Info button, and the performance observation. For example, an LV-T45 can easily lift 60+ tons of fairings at sea level, when I would expect no more than 15-ish. Any ideas?
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