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Everything posted by Shpaget

  1. Speaking of 0.17, a new FFF is out and trains look even more awesome, but now that they mention conditional stations and them not getting into 0.17, I don't know how I'll live without them. Very nice FFF overall.
  2. @5thHorseman What's your usual biter setting? I though about doing a lazy guy run, but I have a habit of making stuff in pocket and I think I'd accidentally make a bunch of chemical plants or something and ruin the run without even realizing. It is a good challenge, though. Very much in the spirit of the game. I think I'll take this base and expand it a bit until 0.17 drops. ATM I'm solar powered with steam as backup. At this point steam is probably inadequate, it hasn't kicked in in a long time and I have something like 5x too much solar power production and storage (I always overkill with panels). I might do a nuclear facility (I have none ATM). When 0.17 comes out, it will probably be necessary to start a new base, due to most science packs being redone and having different recipes.
  3. Yeah, power supply is somewhat crucial. Good thing about steppers being driven by decent drivers is they don't really mind higher voltages, but you have to properly set the current limiting on the driver before you power the motor, or risk burning it.
  4. The trim pot is for adjusting current limit. Pololu has instructions on how to set it: https://www.pololu.com/product/1182 I'm off to bed now. Hope you find the solution. See you in the morning.
  5. And the PCB connectors? You wouldn't believe how many issues I've had to troubleshoot due to dry joints. A thing would work for weeks or years and then start acting up intermittently. Usually a dry joint is not hard to find once you suspect it, but sometimes you are questioning yourself if you've just seen something move or was it your imagination. In those cases I just plop a generous amount of flux and retouch every joint that even remotely looks dubious. What about using the bad motor on the good driver?
  6. So, does the bad motor work or not on the driver that the good motor worked on? And the opposite, the good motor on the driver where bad one didn't? Check the connectors. They may have poor contact. Also, check for dry joints on drivers and connectors. Those can be a pain the cheeks, cause all kinds of issues and hard to see. Use lots of light, some magnification and wiggle the components.
  7. If I understand correctly, the bad motor is bad even when powered by the driver that performed well with the good motor? Smells like the problem with the motor. Disconnect the motor from everything and check with multimeter to make sure you have the two pairs of wires that lead to the coils. Short circuit one of the pairs and turn the motor by hand. Does it spin with equal or more effort? Disconnect and try with the other pair. There should be a noticeable difference. If you don't feel the difference with open circuit and short on both coils, you have a problem with the motor. Connect one wire of the pair with one of the wires of the wrong coil. There should be no difference in torque when you spin it by hand. Repeat with the other wrong wire. I've had very good experience with this type of drivers for some very small motors: https://www.ebay.com/itm/1PCS-A4988-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Module-3D-Printer-Polulu-StepStick-RAMPS-RepRap/221921771119?epid=883626200&hash=item33ab917e6f:g:BpsAAOSwl9BWKyv1:rk:1:pf:1&frcectupt=true and with this type for some larger (NEMA 17 size, but I forget the specs and don't have them at hand) https://www.ebay.com/itm/DM542-Stepper-Motor-Driver-For-86-57-Series-2-phase-Digital-Stepper-Motor-Driver/202209366200?hash=item2f149e10b8:g:3qIAAOSwcSxab8y2:rk:8:pf:0 Both are very nice and provide current limiting function as well as microstep control, they do all the logic, you just provide 2 signals - direction and pulse for step.
  8. I've heard that taking it apart is an excellent way to (almost) permanently destroy Curta. Reassembly requires special custom tools. A few years ago I was snooping around an abandoned building and found a mechanical desktop calculator (the type with a crank on the side). I rehomed it and as far as I've tested it, it functions perfectly. It looks like this, only with more dirt and grime:
  9. May I poison your dreams with Curta? Now THAT is a lovely piece of engineering! They are not uncommon on ebay, but squarely out of my budget.
  10. Yesterday I passed 200 hours in Factorio. Now I'm beefing up my copper plate production. When I started the main bus I thought that four red belts will be enough, but now they are entirely eaten by the factory, so I'm adding another smelting block for four more belts. Which means I need to double the miners, but I'm borderline running out of power (my backup steam generators need to kick in during the night). I need more solar panels and accumulators. The trains are amazing so I'm extending the stations from four wagons to eight. It makes the trains look much prettier, but running on coal makes them a bit sluggish, so I need to make better fuel. I still haven't decided which one to go for (I could pick any, since my researches are always way ahead of the factory development). In all these 200+ hours, I still haven't launched a rocket, but I think this map is the one where I'll finally do it. I love the game.
  11. I'm starting a SpaceFund Reality Rating Rating Service where I rate the integrity and accuracy of ratings done by third party space related rating services. /s So I have to invest to get access to this formula, and potentially realize that the formula is entirely flawed and my investment is misplaced? Got it. While the idea in general is fine, I'd think that any serious potential investor looking for a space related venture to invest in, would have a decent team of researchers to dig out potential candidates. This service is nice to have for us keyboard astronauts, but we have no actual use of it. Dunno.
  12. IMO, two is too many, but I do see why would somebody want to hold multiple. Tax evasion being the principal one. So, let's figure out how many can you realistically get? Your parents with that have different citizenships are on vacation in a third country and you just so happen to be born there. That's three. Get married to a spouse of fourth citizenship. Move to a fifth country and spend long time there. Play football (the real one) and get sold to a sixth country, you are now on a fast track to getting another passport so you can compete for the sixth country in the upcoming championship. What happens once you have kids? Do they inherit all your citizenships?
  13. They first have to demonstrate the benefits.
  14. A good deal of bicycle and motorcycle stability comes, not from the gyro effect, but from the geometry and angle of the front fork.
  15. Let's see if I can formulate this as a question... So, I stumbled upon a YT video and I just wanted to ask you if you also think that this is the nerdiest thing ever? For all you sorting algorithm aficionados, I present you the Quick-sort, the not so quick way. I can see a few redundant steps and a bit more shuffling than necessary, but all in all it's all sorted out. Watch out for the end cards, there's more.
  16. What if poisons are like allergies, but everyone is allergic? Except those few that aren't, who live out their entire lives not indulging in that delicious cyanide or something because they thought it would kill them.
  17. Did you have a chance to look at it from a dark sky spot? Or it made no difference? Naked eye or telescope/binocular?
  18. Shpaget

    The Question?

    Best light saber fights in all of the franchise, Darth Maul, Liam Neeson, what's not to like? Best of the bunch.
  19. Oh come on! They've made rocket launches (almost) boring to watch, and now, the first one I miss watching live, this happens. Anyway, I like how the core still extends landing legs, as if they're going to help with water landing.
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