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Everything posted by Shpaget

  1. The Gov does it for us automagically here. In 2016 I got $10 back XD, last year not even that.
  2. That's exactly what I thought, but the video contains structures that are clearly not just perlin noise. Very interesting.
  3. Can we call it something not impossible to read/pronounce? I propose "Bill".
  4. Ok. It's entirely possible that this flight got whatever altitude they requested and stuck to it. In a crowded airspace they rarely get their requested altitude right off the bat, so need to be a bit more patient. As for coordination between different countries (or even between different sectors in the same ATC center), all data is automatically shared with all interested parties and (depending on how much time there is before transfer) one 15 second phone call is all it takes to coordinate the changes.
  5. How do you know? Step climbs are routine in European flights and planes don't necessarily fly at altitude they filed in the flight plan. Pilot requests higher, ATC green lights (or doesn't) and plane goes higher. If the flight is delayed at departure, the pilot will ask for higher than usual to compensate (planes fly faster at higher altitudes).
  6. You missed my point completely. My post had nothing to do with strategic or material capabilities of neither Germany nor USA, or likelihood of Axis winning.
  7. Forum staff think we might get our feelings hurt if we see the name of a certain WWII era political party spelled out, so it is censored. As for the topic, there are individuals that are just thrown into the situation they have little control over and are forced to play along. There are countless individuals that were working directly or indirectly for Pedant Germany during WWII, but had reservation regarding various policies of the regime. However, their skill is not any less admirable just because they were on the "wrong" side. Had the Germany won the WWII, entire US team working on nukes would be facing the music for dropping those bombs on civilians. Again, brilliant minds that were put into position they did not necessarily like, but had to work in.
  8. Hmm, if the girl Jedi can ride an escape pod out of the Millennium falcon and into the hangar bay of the baddies without her being shout out of the sky, why doesn't the rebellion just do the same thing but replace the girl with a nuke? Sounds like a quick and easy way to blow up a big ship.
  9. Lightroom has a good implementation for rotation adjustment. It's rather expensive for amateur use. What I found out to be a usable and free option is paint.net. Put your image in the background layer and add another transparent one. Draw a vertical and/or horizontal line (SHIFT + mouse) on the transparent layer then select the background one. Go to Layers -> Rotate / Zoom... and there you can make the adjustment with real time feedback.
  10. Me likes it mucho, but please fix the slight roll to the left (or is it jaw?).
  11. But after deployment you get your money back. Besides, you don't need to use USD. Use any currency you like. Or use your pennies. Then you only need 275 million dollars.
  12. Or for even less, and no skill involved at all, bought a ticket on an airliner, and gone even higher. He would be much more comfortable, experience the high altitude for longer, would be able to sip a drink of his choice, and wouldn't have broken his back.
  13. Pretty much entire Germany and a decent part of the rest of the Europe worked directly or indirectly for the pedant regime. A lot of infrastructure and companies from that time still remain and tens of millions of people work there. For them, apparently, there are little or no ethical issues. They have bills to pay and work to be done. In your particular case, you are the only one that can say if you have ethical reservation and if you would be comfortable working for a company that stopped being a threat to Poland 30 years before you were even born. Edit: Pedant censorship? Come on people, we can't even have a grown ups discussion?
  14. You don't need an expert human driver to make an expert computer driver. You can take a team of above average programmers and let them loose. The first iteration of the software will not be perfect, but after each error in judgement while doing simulations you can analyze it and find not only a fix, but the best fix. That is something that a human can never accomplish. They only ever get one chance to make a decision in a real life situation. Simulations give the opportunity to go back and try another approach, and another, and another until you find the best one. Then you propagate the update to all instances of your test fleet and simulate more. At some point the software becomes better at driving than the humans programming it. Sure, there will always be a possibility of a catastrophic bug that results in a crash, but that happens even with "stupid" cars that are standard today, and happened with entirely mechanical cars before them, and happened with people walking where their shoe straps broke on their sandals and they fell down a hill and broke their neck. All that matters is that AI provides the possibility of reducing the consequences of human error, which is the most common cause of accidents (drink driving, speeding, texting...).
  15. The video from the car's onboard camera has been released, so we have a few more details. My take is that a human would quite possibly not be able to see the woman since there are shadows and light areas, but an autonomous car equipped with LIDAR and RADAR should have seen her. RADAR and LIDAR don't care about shadows, so there is something wrong with the equipment. That being said it is clear that the driver was not paying attention (looking down, likely at his phone). So, while I would definitely put blame on the woman for crossing the four lane road without letting the car with big bright headlights pass, I would still like to know why the car hasn't seen her. It should have been able to, and should have been able to avoid her. The road looks to be fairly empty and apparently there was enough room to swerve. https://twitter.com/TempePolice/status/976585098542833664
  16. When I first read the story in the morning it was devoid of any details. Apparently not a suicide (not that I thought it was, just considered it one of many possibilities). Some accidents just can not be avoided and are trust upon you. If someone is walking on a pavement and suddenly jumps in front of a big rig, it is not reasonable to blame the driver of the truck. Anyway, apparently this was not a suicide, but it does sound like a jaywalker which could involve limited visibility from the driver/car perspective (again, just speculating). It is one of my phobias and makes me very uncomfortable when I see people mindlessly stepping on the road while being obscured by a truck/bus/tram, even on a marked crosswalk. I always stop and peek behind such obstacle when I'm the one crossing the road, but when driving (or especially being a passenger) I always get queasy when I see such scenario. Considering this is an autonomous car, I'd assume they have video of the accident, synced with telemetry so investigators will have somewhat easier job in this case. It's just a shame that best lessons are learned the hard way and that somebody lost her life.
  17. There are too few details. It could be a case of the car not seeing the woman (which raises the question what was the safety guy behind the wheel doing), it could be mechanical failure of steering system where safety driver couldn't correct, or it could be a suicide by car, in which case autonomy of the car plays little role in the incident.
  18. You can do whatever research you want. Government (well, wester countries, at least) will not stop you as long as you work inside law.
  19. Miniguns have rates of fire of around 2000 to 6000 rounds per minute. With 6 barrels that brings us to 350 to 1000 revolutions per minute. I'd say that's not nearly enough for barrels to fly apart. They'd flex outwards slightly, but nothing catastrophic. As for accuracy drop, you don't need match grade accuracy to hit a person with a minigun at a katana range. Of course, a katana (or any hand held blade weapon) has any chance of cutting through even a one gun barrel, let alone six. I would be surprised if it would nick the barrel enough to cause any drop in performance.
  20. A stranger cheats in gambling dice roll to win an unrelated boy who he brings into a religious cult full of weird looking older people. The kid grows up to be a bad person.
  21. I mean this sort of belt. Linear bearings seem to handle the overhang fairly well.
  22. Yes. There is a 2:1 timing belt reduction and then threaded rods. Two motors, one on each side (the elevator is about 3.4 m long), each driving it's threaded rod. The problem with steppers is that if the lose a step, they will not catch up (without some fancy feedback and control) and if they are under considerable load they may even stall and not start again, since they require acceleration and can't just jump to speed. There are two linear bearings to hold horizontal position. Yes, I understand and chain design was one of many that we considered, but decided against. The reason was primarily aesthetics, since most of the elevator will be seen by visitors. Polished steel of the threaded rods and aluminum platform look a lot nicer than some greasy chain :). The new motors are, mechanically speaking, servos but are controlled just like steppers (with step and direction commands). They have integrated positional feedback and will catch up with commands and (do their best to) return to commanded position if forced out of it. On the right, there is a hole in the wall that will feed the trains from the existing layout in room on the right. There will be a couple of levels in the room you are looking at, and another level all the way down that leads to the basement, where another 200-ish m^2 of layout will be built. That's why the elevator is dug into the floor.
  23. Sorry to hear that Make sure you fix it now, since it will be more difficult later after laying track, not to mention significantly more frustrating. On our layout, if any one is interested, last few days I've been toying with new motors for the train elevator. That's another case of overestimating material (there are more cases of it than I care to think about). Anyway, this is the third pair of motors I'm installing. First two were steppers, NEMA 17 size. I've spent days trying to calculate and test if the previous motors would be strong enough and after figuring out that the first one would be only marginally strong enough, I bought twice as powerful ones, thinking I've solved the problem of lost steps and stalls. I was wrong. The elevator would work for a few hours and then one motor would lose a step, stop rotating and whole thing stopped. Not only that but it made nasty noises even when working properly (that's just one of the facts of life - steppers are noisy). This last purchase I went all out, broke the bank, but man are these motors awesome. They are NEMA 23 sized Clearpaths from Teknic and wow. They are brushless servos/stepper thingies. I still haven't installed them, I need to make new mounting brackets, but what I've seen on the bench... amazing.
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