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Everything posted by OopsThatNotWork

  1. Im new to this mod too, but yea i noticed that today. Said screw the large scanner. Let me know if that was a poor choice.
  2. Love this mod and wish I could keep it but im not going to sit there on an active satellite and wait for the data to come in. If you figure out a way to make it so that the mapping can occur while flying other ships let me know. I was setting up a satellite network around all of the planets/moons but like I said not about to sit there and wait for the mapping. Also just downloading the data would be cheating imo. Well done regardless though.
  3. Put them all up on a slideshow screensaver lol.
  4. Wait so let me get this straight (might be having a stupid moment here), if we launch one of the premade craft files, it will auto launch in the water instead of the runways or launch pad? Great work btw, looking forward to making new carrier and filling it with some sort of aircraft once i learn to land them..... Edit : Thinking of using this mod and KAS to tie the craft down once below deck
  5. Gotcha. Yea i was pretty sure you weren't I just hadn't seen the dev for this mod post recently. Like you said he working on it being well polished. Keep us updated.
  6. Hey Hooligan, Who on this thread is spearheading this effort if anyone? I only asking you since you seem to be in the lead for most posts on this thread.
  7. Hey guys I found something that would solve the problem of what to do with multiple simultaneous launches, each player could "own" their own launch center. Under the suggestion/game development tab somebody made a post about creating multiple space centers on Kerbin for career mode. I could see this being helpful for multiplayer. Sorry no advice on when possible or if even possible, but just thought i would toss in my opinion for consideration. Here is the link to the post:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/34225-Space-Center-Placement-and-Development
  8. I totally hope this works out, it would be so much fun. I will be keeping an eye on this thread and intend to use the passive system for the time being. Also, I'm totally in favor of the voting on the time warp problem. To me it sounds like you need to use the same system as DEFCON, idk if anyone besides me and a few friends ever played that. To increase time warp there had to be a unanimous vote, otherwise the slowest vote overruled it. EDIT :Just realized this my first post......WOOT
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