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Everything posted by OopsThatNotWork

  1. Yea we sometimes do that, its not about not finding why they did something, sometimes its we just dont care. I for one hate what they did to the C&C series in C&C 4. They decided to completely veer off a cliff from what their previous games had been. I don't give a ______(insert your word of choice here) why they did it, I just hate them for taking the next game in the series I like and making it (as far as gameplay is concerned) my least favorite game in the series by completely destroying the gameplay the series was known for. And dont even get me started on cancelling Generals 2 for some MMO-esk type game.
  2. I would be glad as hell i paid only 15 bucks for it, cause if I can help it I'm not giving EA another penny after messing up so many sequels to some of my fav games. Edit: Btw, anyone from EA who reads this thread realize this unpopular trend is a pretty good indication of the general consensus of your company now.
  3. Should I even ask where u get that from?
  4. Haha, imminent (use your own definition of the word).
  5. Not sure. but i think he asking about v0.1.0 which >0.09.9 (or atleast i think it would be)
  6. Haha, I agree, what? Edit: Think he asking if a new version is coming???? Not sure.
  7. Question, ( been away from this mod a while, dont shoot me if repeated questions) are you adding new body/hull parts for different types of ships? I just curious.
  8. Haha, I find that hilarious/awesome devo but why on gods green earth would u want to use wii controllers for this game?
  9. Because right now EVA interaction pretty limited (without mods, which further complicate MP). So....other than piloting the ship pretty much just gonna be sitting on your a$$.
  10. Also can you please rescaled the weights of the different radial adapters? they shouldnt all be 2.5 mass units. otherwise one of my fav mods in game.
  11. This is dev thread. Try the release thread. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35147-Rubber-Band-Inc-Caterpillar-Tracks-Alpha
  12. No problem man, thanks so much for the awesome lights. They been making my bases glow in the dark for a while now.
  13. How many tons does it weigh? I just put something that is 160 into orbit quite easily (so much so im starting to consider some parts I'm using broken [probably shouldn't be surprised,idk] ).
  14. Indeed it was, however at 12 miles across, im not sure (even though we are) we can call it a moon
  15. Hey Devo, just curious, you still working on this? Im really interested in a new forklift.
  16. I really want to use this mod, but is there any chance a model and/or texture update is coming?
  17. Haha yea ive got a base im building on minimus. I currently have one of those huge kethane tanks, plan to have 3, and i attached green nav lights to it, when the sun is hidden the base looks freaking awesome thanks to these tanks. (Landing them was kind of a bear, not to mention relocating them with a crane with next to no gravity, Im able to land them about 1 km away from my base consistantly)
  18. Heard about it from a co-worker actually, haha.
  19. To your first question yes you are supposed to be able to see the hexmap on the main menu (I doubts its correct/truthful on kethane placements in the game, IDK). However if you dont like it, you can disable the kerbin hexmap on main menu by altering the cfg file. I cant answer your second question you have, hopefully someone else will. Edit: Haha Majiir faster than me.
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