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Everything posted by OopsThatNotWork

  1. Haha do us a favor, DONT actually do this, we want to be able to use your work.
  2. Have you tried a clean install with kethane (like again since this happened)? As far as ive seen you are the only person to report this bug in recent past. P.S. make sure you installed it correctly too.
  3. Really want to use this mod, but im not throwing parts I intend on using out just to save memory. I already threw out all the parts I have no intention of using to save memory and it still crashes the game when I try to make a mapsat vehicle. I can use/make any other vehicle i want, but the instant i try to launch any vehicle with the dish on it, the game will refuse to launch it and freeze up and has to be manually shut down through task manager.
  4. Haha, ummm, not sure. Yorik if you know the answer to this could you help me out? Edit: @Yorik: Hope all is going well with the joint venture on the Ion-Engine pack. Looking forward to it.
  5. Haha was literally mid-sentence with my response when i saw yours. Edit: @OP: Do what this guy said about tapping F, recently started doing that and made things alot better.
  6. I might give it a shot sometime. Although all my rovers are track vehicles, the stock wheels suck too much, they break way too easily for me.
  7. This looks cool, may I make a suggestion? Can the solar panels go on the outside of the cargo bay?
  8. Im thoroughly impressed. Well done! Looking forward to it.
  9. Cool. Cant wait to see them later on, keep up the nice work.
  10. Yup. I tied a bunch of fuel tanks (huge spherical kethane tanks) together with them and disabled the winches every time i added one so that when i brought my crane over and lowered or raised the cables on it, I didnt destroy my tanks that were already in place.
  11. Right now mapsat is a memory hog when active, so it is likely the cause of your crashing. Especially if you have any other mods installed.
  12. Helpful tip, if you disable a winch on a craft you not currently using, pressing the numbers wont do anything to any winch that is disabled.
  13. Haha, i will, but utility makes it better. Thanks for all the great stuff.
  14. Well done zzz on making all your stuff on a single thread for the most part. Those boxes just for decoration right? I got a good idea for them on my base if so.
  15. Haha, well i can tell you that it works fine as far as not crashing for me. The only issue i have with it is the previously mentioned EVA lazor not working all time. Which really not that big of a deal to me.
  16. Quick question, can it be stopped at any point? Or does it have to go up or down the entire distance before stopping? Either way, im gonna use this.
  17. I totally intend to play career mode vanilla (probably wont have any option). But on sandbox I only draw the line at light/warp speed items.
  18. Are you, who you work for, looking for a recently graduated engineer? But for real, im serious.
  19. Did anything on the mod get a facelift? I use these occasionally.
  20. Haha skipper great. It is the engine i use on every one of my final stages. For freight transfer vehicles anyhow. , not using it for lander stages.
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