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Everything posted by MarkusA380

  1. Ok I have done some little tweaks already. First, the new SAS modes are being used. So you have the old "I won't rotate while warping" with Stability Assist and a new "ISS mode" which is being triggered by every other SAS mode. The vessel will then point in the same direction relatively to the Center of the Celestial Body it is orbiting. That's what Sashan was talking about. How those two modes are triggered is still subject to change, but both work. Also, I threw out a ton of calculation for when the SAS should stop rotation (relatively to the torque, and the available ressources for Reaction Wheels and RCS) and how it should drain those ressources because that seemed to make some trouble. (eg mass lowering while warping etc.) There is still one little problem, when returning to Space Center and going back to a rotating vessel, it automatically spins faster by ~60% as far as I realized. I will fix this soon. Link and thread will come tomorrow, I am tired. - - - Updated - - - Also thinking about changing what the ISS mode should do exactly. Maybe it should just automatically point the vessel at the "targeted rotation" (e.g. prograde) as long as the rotation of the vessel when entering timewarp differs only by some degrees. (Otherwise you could just select a SAS mode and turn TW on for a short moment and it would point in the wished direction). Anyways, the effect would be the same (given your vessel is in a circular orbit) when comparing it to the current version. Please remind me that I said "when entering", because that will have a new entry to the vessel_rotations.cfg file as consequence. Sorry, just writing down ideas
  2. Ok, I think I am going to continue work on this mod. It's a great feature wich I really miss in KSP.
  3. I have built a Interplanetar One-Launch Shuttle for SSTO Planes with the Inline Clamp-O-Tron. w Here the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/48mxa8kyq5rynnu/Periapsis%20Mk%201.craft?dl=0
  4. Redirecting an bigger asteroid from hyperbolic orbit around Kerbin. Unmanned is okay, I think.
  5. A perfect one. So something inbetween. Compley but still minimalistic?
  6. Okay, we can begin with that! Asteroid redirecter you say? Okay, go! zekes, you build the Rocket, midgester and I work on the payload with travel stage.
  7. Added. You are Engineer 1of Aeronautics, but specialized on SSTO.
  8. Uhm well German is just not as "cool" so actually we use those words and phrases too. But "Leb' damit!" is the best translation. But its not even almost as badass as the english version.
  9. This is the worst German ever. Ask me in the future. Also german is a pretty bad language for this (every gramatically correct sentence with the same meaning sounds awful for the german ear), stick with english.
  10. Come to GASEK if you feel qualified! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98446-HIRING%21-NEW-German-Aeronautics-and-Spaceflight-Engineers-Kerbin/page1
  11. Yes, but we will need a half dozen of the engines to make it a bit effective. We still have to redirect a Space-Rock!
  12. Ok... Remember, when we want to make it reusable, we are not allowed to use parachutes and we need a refuelling unit. That could be the part I concentrate on.
  13. Ok thanks. I am on holidays at the moment (no PC) until end of this week but then we can get started with it! I already got some cool ideas for the video (and the craft itself, of course) for the SSTO Catcher!
  14. What about a High-End one-launch Asteroid Catcher+ Examiner+Redirecter? Or what about a really, really good SSTO Orbital Shuttle and Return Ship, being able to be refueled and reused (no chutes) when returned? EDIT: When releasing a product, can I do "comercial" cinematics for them? If you want to know what the quality of my videos is like, here a video:
  15. After you have tested them. And also the most part should be the "preplanned" projects. The big ones, you know.
  16. This is so true I will use this as a source for quotes. So our goal is high-quality stock-part ships, but still everyone from gasek can show off his stuff on here.
  17. Ja gut, du kannst sie hier natürlich zeigen wie beim alten, nur die von GASEK "produzierten" Projekte sind Stock und eben Teamarbeit oder, falls zu klein für Teamarbeit, abzuklären mit zekes und mir um sie auf den Gasek Rocket Builders thread zu laden. Das geht also auch an dich, zekes, dass du nicht alles von hier hochlädst, sondern eigentlich (bis auf Ausnahmen, die davor gründlich von dir und deinem Team qualitätsgetestet wurden) nur die Hauptprojekte, okay? Sonst wirds zu chaotisch.
  18. Okay, dann streichen wir die Stelle... Such dir aus, qas dir gefällt, du darfst trotzdem uploaden was du willst. Der Clou ist nur bei den Großprojekten, wo die GASEK Ingeneure auf dich zukommen weil du für etwas spezialisiert bist. Ich füg die Erklärung auch nochmal dem Erstpost hinzu.
  19. Partcount limitations will not be made, but less is more, right? So the most minimalistic is the best, of course. But good big ships are no problem.
  20. Your position now, Mr. Mad Teamleader Yeah I think Release Management falls under Thread Admin, right? If not I will add it to the list. The music is from Kevin MacLeod i believe. It is royality free, so free for any use!
  21. Yes, but now on a regulary base! Hehe Uhm, what position do you want in the list additionaly to thread admin? Also, what does IFA mean?
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