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Everything posted by MarkusA380

  1. Hallo alle zusammen! Ich habe mir mal VOID zugelegt und angefangen, Minmus-Lander zu konstruieren, die so klein wie möglich sind. Hier ist der kleinste, den ich bisher geschafft hab, was sagt ihr dazu?
  2. Maybe the future PC's will be able to do what I plan? Just sayin'...
  3. I can't correct you. What you said is true. But I have got some ideas to fix this problem: 1. I will us a normal engine for the normal physics. Only when deformation or destruction happens, the polygon models are computed into atoms at the spot where the force is applied. After the deformation or destruction a new polygon model is made. 2. SETI-Like computing power share. Look it up. 3. Large Atoms, so more particles than atoms. In my current version I get 400 Atoms stable. Without PhysX or any of the methods from above.
  4. Well, I don't quite understand what you mean. Do you mean dimensional space or computing power?
  5. Well, because it is in Alpha: NO-WHERE. I seriously don't understand why everyone wants to download a totally unfinished piece of software (Both L.O.G. and SE) which is not meant to be "played", because it isn't good enaugh to be. I hope you understand this somewhen and just wait until release.
  6. Ich bin heute drauf gekommen, dass man den Thrust Limiter doch perfekt für Space Shuttles verwenden könnte! Also habe ich ein Shuttle gebaut, dass gerade in den Orbit kommt und zurück, mit allem drum und dran. Es transportiert nix ausser zwei Kerbals. Zum fliegen müsst ihr es nur starten, und immer ein Auge auf das SAS haben. Wenn pitch unter die Hälfte geht, dann dreht den Thrust des großen Triebwerks am orangenen Tank nach unten, solang, bis der Zeiger fast oben anschlägt. Versucht einen Orbit von ungefähr 100 km, dann ist der Tank ausreichend. Zum Deorbiten einfach den kleinen Tank am Shuttle selbst freigeben (Er ist von Anfang an geblockt damit beide Triebwerke beim Burnout gleichzeitig ausgehen) und retrograde beschleunigen. Beim Wiedereintritt immer horizontal bleiben. Alles bis über 50 m/s geht noch zum fliegen. Hier der Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u0ep07gy5utc28q/Orbit%20Tourist.craft Für Bilder hatte ich keine Zeit.
  7. Bus crash. Ten people die. As soon as they arrive at heaven, God grants everyone one wish. The first one asks him: "Make me look beautiful.". So god makes him beautiful. The others all ask him for the same wish. Except the last one. As he is asked for his wish he is laughing loudly. God asks him why. He then says: "Make them all ugly again!"
  8. It's completley based on atoms. Which should make it far more realistic than any physics engine at present. But it is in Alpha and still in 2D (although I will ad the next dimension soon, which wont be hard to do), so it will take some time. If you want to give it a try, write me PM.
  9. I love Space Engine... I wish KSP had this quality...
  10. Btw, because there seems no hope for L.O.G. any more, I am working on another project (a revolutionary physics engine) at the moment which I will release a first demo of in the near future. Anybody who is intersted in that write me a PM.
  11. I am fine. I think they will release MP in .24 or .25 because so many people want it...
  12. Hi alle zusammen! Wollte nur sagen, dass ich noch am Leben bin. Bin gerade erst das erste mal auf Dres gelandet. Eigentliche war der Lander sehr minimalistisch gestaltet, aber es stellte sich heraus, dass ich wohl gerade den kleinsten Rover der Welt erfunden habe! Er kommt Hänge rauf und runter und ist unverwüstlich! (aber langsam) Viele Grüße!
  13. Ja, und ich mache an L.O.G. weiter. Wehe mir spricht hier nochmal jemand über KMP!!! Wir sind kurz vor der nächsten Version, die dann auch almälich das Public Alpha Testing einläutet.
  14. Hello everyone! WopsS is now an official teammember!
  15. Hi there. I am back. I am very sorry that I didn't answer, but I was quite ill the whole time. We will now continue where we stopped, stay tuned!
  16. Yes. He has got the ingame knowledge, and we the server and client knowledge. It would become a really good mod...
  17. I am just trying to make a collaboration between him and us... let's see...
  18. I couldn't work with more coders. Right now it's just perfect.
  19. Why did you post twice? And why with such a bad english? I don't understand anything you wrote.
  20. Please, don't ask any more. I know, you are all exited for the release, but we can't give an ETA for something that complex.
  21. Breaking news! Absolute position setting (the Origin Problem, better known as Krakensbane) AND rotation does now work! I am just rendering the vid!
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