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Everything posted by MarkusA380

  1. Yes, bring your station up piece by piece, don't cheat.
  2. I think nosecones are not fully implemented yet. Think of the fact KSP is an Alpha!
  3. Yeah, I know. I just wanted to say this caus it was my idea...
  4. Well, I thought more about an animated one, not ingame. Ingame wouldn't be good (Everyone wears a spacesuit? No...).
  5. Addition: I have one thing I am a bit sad of in your story: The part where the pioneer spaceflight is described is a bit short, the space race thing replaced it somehow after the first chapters... But this seems to happen with every Space Story... I am just thinking about Perry Rhodan Neo.
  6. Ok. These are all valid arguments! What about this: Where did the Kerbals get the spacesuits from at the Kerbal 1 mission? Jebediahs company was a junkyard back then, right? P.S.: I would love to see a movie of First Flight... That would just be epic. Love your work, thinking about printing it and making a book out of it for myself when finished.
  7. I know that feeling. I was so enthusiastic when I played KSP the first time, too. Well, your missions are a great beginning! I think I speak for the whole forum if I say: Welcome and have fun around here and in KSP!
  8. Sorry KSK, I was very tired that evening... I really enjoyed the story!!! I am looking forward to the next chapter! I really love the way you describe the very beginning of the space program, with all it's pioneers and complications, and of course, our happy-badass Jebediah Kerman. One question: Where did the Kerbals know from Reentry Heat, Orbits and such and who created the Trashcans and for what purpose if the Kerbal 1 was the first rocket??? There is too much rocket-science which first should be discovered I think... I am thinking of a probe which reentrys and everyone looses it's minds when it starts burning... You know.
  9. Really fascinating!!! I like the fact it is not the only one out there, but I am worried we will ever visit this "museum"...
  10. People which are hopefully not as far as us, right? Most of the times, those people post the same theory over and over, thats why Multiplayer became such a death theme...
  11. I have added a new "Gameplay" chapter, introducing my idea of the gameplay I would imagine for the L.O.G. plugin. Please write me your thoughts about it!
  12. Ja, ok. Das is ja irgendwie logisch. P.S.: Jeden Abend fängt es an, in dem Feld neben unserem Ferienhaus zu piepen, fast schon gruselig. Nach ca. 5 min hört es dann wieder auf. Morgen gehe ich mal im hohen Gras suchen, was dafür verantwortlich ist. Vielleicht ist es ein abgestürzter Wetterballon??? Das wär der totale Hammer!!!
  13. Meine GASEK Duna Return Rocket XXL bittöschön. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1noqwpgb4v7uzjv/GASEK%20Duna%20Return%20Rocket%20XXL.craft Wenn ich mal Zeit habe schreibe ich eine Bedienungsanleitung, kannst du die dann dazustellen (keine Datei, nur Text) ? Wäre super.
  14. Sorry to say that, but there are better ones...
  15. I created a one-man lander to Land on Duna and restart from it. It landed with parachutes, but it can land without. (It had enaugh fuel to land on Duna with chutes, restart and then land on Ike) If anyone needs it (or the rocket that gets this lander to Duna and back(Yes, ONE rocket)) just send me a PM.
  16. BlueSubstance, ich habe eine Frage: Können anderssprachige User eigentlich unsere Kreationen irgendwo zum Download verfügbar bekommen? Das wäre nämlich nicht schlecht... oder?
  17. I had two catastrophic missions: One was a Laythe Probe Lander which landed, but the landing legs were too weak and fell off the probe. It flipped over. Second was a huge mission, one rocket bringing a one-man-lander to Duna and back. My first try failed: I landed on a hillside, the.lander flipped over and couldn't start off again...
  18. Well, there is a tiny problem with this theory: We know how the evolution "happened", although we still have gaps in the timeline. But, another civilzed species (which isn't humanoid) would have taken an own evolution, which would have left much evidence on earth. Such a species doesn't just "appear" somewhere and leave some tools as evidence. But there was another civilzed spezies here on earth, but it was humanoid: The Neandertal. It was wiped out by the humans which are known to have landed on the moon. Us.
  19. Bei mir gibts auch nix neues, ich bin immer noch in den Ferien. Aber beim L.O.G. Thread vorbeischauen lohnt sich immer.
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