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Everything posted by gosnold

  1. I had an issue in 0.25 and 0.90 with Mechjeb not working in a KSP fresh install (I am on Windows 8.1). The part showed up and could be put on a rocket but the button did not show up. Changing the permissions of the KSP folder so that it did not ask for confirmation when adding/deleting stuff solved the problem.
  2. I have a problem with 0.24.2: there is only 1 attach point on the bases, and fairings will not stick correctly, it automatically uses 8-fold symmetry instead of 2-fold.
  3. I now use the SpaceX method: first stages are fully reusable
  4. Le monde, one of the most prominent French newspapers, has published an article on KSP and educational aspects: http://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2014/07/08/kerbal-space-program-le-jeu-video-qui-permet-d-apprendre-ses-cours-de-physique_4450674_4408996.html#xtor=RSS-3208 Google translate:
  5. Could you try to increase the drag of airships when deployed? I regularly exceed mach 1 on ascent with fully deployed envelopes and a small payload.
  6. Tested, it works, and it is super cool.
  7. One of my payloads does this when dewarping, but the others don't. It is a mystery to me.
  8. I'm trying to use half a fairing as a reentry shield for long payloads, but it seems the fairings detach when you get out of warp and there is nothing I can do about it (before launch dewarping is ok though). Is anyone else having the same issue? Ps Thanks e-dog for this amazing mod!
  9. I just want to say your mod is awesome, you can make very nice drones with it:
  10. Seems awesome, I just want to check if I got things right: when you click on load ship on the lauchpad, it should open a window or something even if it is in debug mode, right?
  11. A duna sample return mission. Initially, the plan was to rendez-vous with a second vessel in duna orbit, but it is so easy to escape duna I did the rendez vous in Kerbin orbit (I couldn't land the sample on kerbin directly because the probe had no parachutes). <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/OlMcF/embed"></iframe>
  12. The closest approach function and the adapted ejection angle are so useful that thing is now on all my interplanetary ships.
  13. I managed to aerocapture at Laythe. I was coming through the Jool moon system from the wrong side (ie doing the orbit in the opposite way), so the speed relative to Laythe was 7km/s. The braking was so strong I had to burn upwards while in the atmosphere to get into orbit again.
  14. I can't seem to have correct delta v estimates for stages with not stock engines. The program thinks their fuel consumption is the Isp or something like that. Any chance to see a fix?
  15. If you use Mechejeb and select a planet as target, you will see in the rendez vous window figures called time to AN (ascending node) and DN (descending node). When one of them reaches zero your are on the orbital plane of your target and you can change the inclination of your orbit using norm+ and norm-. The calculations you will find on the forum are all off because of excentricity and inclination, so just get your orbit on the same plane as the target and then move Pe Ap to intercept.
  16. You have to keep in mind that if the line between kerbol and the camera is not normal to the planet's orbital plane, the orbit will appear distorted. Maybe it is the case.
  17. The relative inclination in the rendez vous module is wrong, it just substracts the inclination of your orbit and the target's and does not take the signs of the inclinations into account.
  18. Most of the angles you can find do not take into account excentricity or inclination anyway, so there is no point being too accurate. But mechjeb has an angle menu that can come in handy.
  19. Does it take into account excentricity and inclination?
  20. You could try and use mechjeb, it has a setting which keeps the rocket on a defined course and works better than ASA IMHO. Alternatively, make sure your main engine has thrust vectoring and that you are not at full throttle, it will give you more control authority. (or adjust the settings of the ASAS, but that requires some math)
  21. Jupiter is smaller than the Sun, it can't look bigger than it if it were at the same place.
  22. I would be really cool if the target you selected for rendez-vous showed up in the TRANS window for a Hohmann transfer (if its orbit is circular enough).
  23. OK, I guess I'll sleep tomorrow.
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