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Everything posted by Xaver

  1. I think it is up to you. Take the choice you prefer for better results.
  2. I had that issue there and at the contract display. My screen goes black for a second.
  3. Both! Nice in sandbox. Efficient in career.
  4. Sandbox mode is very good for building nice looking space ships that you do not build in career because they are inefficient.
  5. Uh, i like it! It adds a nice amount of a strategy game to ksp. I think i miss that amount a little bit in 1.0.
  6. 1-3 hours. But today more. We will make a LAN-party with dmp!
  7. You can stop all engines before decoupling and burn slowly after it. So your relativ velocity to the boosters isnt that high. Not very efficient but it works.
  8. Nope, not for me. If you care so much set up a linux OS.
  9. Maybe the motors of the gyro-thing in the big sas is more efficient xD
  10. I had built an enormus rocket with solid booster as engines and wonder why it stop burning after a 60 sec :-D aah these 0.15 days...
  11. In reallife an engineer, in ksp a Pilot.
  12. Smashing onto the vab with a velocity of 1000m/s from orbit.
  13. And when they run out money. Please squad say that promplty. I will buy one more copy of your game xD
  14. exactly! When the possible torque-moment of inertia of area-ratio is to high the equation leeds to oscillation. I don´t say that it isn´t possible, cause the new SAS has solved this problem to. But remember that the old SAS had this problem to. Planes with SAS was sooo wobbly
  15. As i said in a similar other thread: If you want you can call it a bug. But i am sure thats the law of controll system Engineering. Like when you have cruise control in your car. You will need an well-fitting equation to get those things stable.
  16. If you want you can call it a bug. But i am sure thats the law of controll system Engineering. Like when you have cruise control in your car. You will need an well-fitting equation to get those things stable.
  17. Mh, i dont play it with steam. But in comparison to my other games i think i am around 1000-2000 hours of playtime
  18. In my opinion at 30% rewards everything possible is allowed
  19. It is the german title of the movie: i simply incorrible. Not well translated in german first. But so it sound more like a movie for kids i thought.
  20. Oh, i thought lanyards are used to clipping keys togethet :-D
  21. I've tested the flight contract: flight to 4 chechpoints automaticly sent data. Contract finished next i will flight with another plane.thats funny testing planes on this way
  22. Jebadajauuuuuu. Cant wait to test the new waypointsystem! That is the glorious of 0.24! Thank you! Keep up the good work!
  23. Hey people, I started to write a plugin. But now I´m wondering about the C# commands. Did someone has seen a command list, that I can use to have a look at it? I dont know, where the hell I should know all this stuff like GameEvents.onPartCouple.Add. I need something like GameEvents.reachedSurface.Speed.Add or something like that. Some expierienced would help me? Thanks EDIT: Ok i think some:http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Community_API_Documentation BUT the GameEvents aren´t there... Edit 3: Puh, now i have it, my development environments suitable show it to me
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