This is great! I was waiting for some new contracts types. Someone has seen other mods like this? edit: i would like to see some finding missions. Maybe your target only pop up and could be seen in map view when you are in a 10 km range or something like that.
Oh nice! I m part of the german scouts and i m happy to hear this. I made a flag with the international sign of scouts. Excurs: rover are called the oldest group of german scouts. Gut pfad!
Maybe you think it is easier, because it is easier to balance the thrust per weight ratio through the new engines (skipper and the new tiny orange one). Did you use them in your design?
Yes you can. Start a little bit before and there is no problem sending more then one vessel to jool duna eve from a low Kerbin orbit because the vessels dont need long time around to the burning point. The inclinided planets are more difficult to reach because you need inclinided burn with every vessel. Hint: the kerbal clock from spaceport helps a lot when you want to send more vessels at once.