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    Annotating the 12th volume of Kim Il Sung thought
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    The DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Kerbin)

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  1. All stock. Complete with a rotatable erector firing table (not obvious from the images, but you can rotate the canisters before erecting them). Of course, don't offset it too much (or risk capsizing when launching). I chose the larger 1.25 m diameter boosters (as opposed to the smaller components that are closer to the American ATACMS in size) as the KN25 seems to use a similar, if fewer segment, motor as the KN23, aka the 'Kimskander.' Let me know if you have any questions or problems with the craft. Key binds: 1. start fuel cells 2. stop fuel cells 3. erect canisters 4. travel lock (canisters must be aligned in pre-disconnected / staged orientation for "hooks" to catch correctly) Download craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v7ka0gus76pc0yl/A%20A%20Juche%20ATACMS%2022.craft?dl=0
  2. Stock fun (Heavy TEL's that use no rockets for erection). The Kerbal Strategic Rocket forces were furious that they couldn't reach the decadent halls of imperialism, but now they have the means! (Yeah, HS-12 TEL. I'll get around to the "logging trucks" later on.) Unfortunately, no RD-250 / RD-251 equivalents in KSP. I know it's a closed cycle engine I'm using, but I throttled it to about half the max thrust and consider the heavy payload fairing airframe a sufficient "handicap" to match the HS-14. XD
  3. You're right now, but the original KN-11 was liquid-fueled. The North Koreans switched to a solid-fueled variant after the liquid-fueled version kept failing (exploding, falling short, etc.) with no solid pointers as to what engine it originally used (Nodong, the R-27's engine, etc.). Now, if the North Koreans would've been nice enough to state the fuel mix for the engine (N2O4 / UDMH or IFRNA / Kerosene) then the list of candidate's would've been much shorter. When I made this thread (over 2 years ago!), they were testing the liquid-fueled variant. If you look at the picture in the OP, you can clearly see that the engine's liquid-fueled ("clean" flame / less smoke than the solid-fueled version). They've also seemed to have abandoned trying to use the R-27's powerpack for their new missiles. They've all but stopped testing Musudans, and their new IRBM and ICBM (Hwasong-12 / 14) utilize a "domestic" (with speculation that it's based off either the SS-18's powerpack or the Chinese YF-20) powerpack. PS: There was quite a furious debate after an armscontrolwonk article wonk article on the KN-11, where some people were claiming that the missile had a 1.5 m diameter (same as the R-27) and others were claiming 1.25 m (though not much disagreement about its length, which they assumed was similar to the R-27's, if I'm not mistaken). http://www.armscontrolwonk.com/archive/207631/dprk-slbm-test/ It doesn't matter much now. They've developed a solid motor capable of propelling the KN-11 / KN-15 MRBM, even if their ability to control the missile accurately is dubious (since they haven't bragged about thrust-termination systems, etc. often utilized to accurately / reliably control a solid-fueled ballistic missile's trajectory).
  4. It's not that hard. You just have to make everything in stock. And here's one of my more recent vessels. 8 defense length VLS cells, 4 strike length VLS cells, 4 deck launchers, and a hangar capable of accommodating a medium sized craft. The hangar has a door, and the ship has a Phalanx 1b mount. Both the Phalanx and main gun can both rotate and change the elevation of their guns. The gun mounts are mostly aesthetic, as a stock cannon and autoloader would make them too part count heavy. Each of the strike length cells can carry either a Vandal mach 2 1000 km range cruise missile, a Kobolt ABM and ASAT capable missile, a SM-1, or a SM-3. I've also got some aircraft carriers.
  5. Aye. I should've been clearer, though I said that while I had experimented with the smaller surfaces, the larger ones could work. However, they could present clearance issues if opened on the ground.
  6. I'll have to explore just how far the larger control surfaces turn, though my experiments with the smaller ones didn't work too well. I was also trying to make the doors kinda realistic, by allowing them to open on the ground. Those huge control surfaces may present a problem. On the other hand, I have used them as doors on my AGS prototype. The bearing will be switched out with the race ball bearing when it is developed enough, with the gun being replaced by the one that's being developed on the hamilton IFV. Autoloader will have to be something else entirely though.
  7. Current version is just hinged. The most frustrating part is trying to figure out a system to automatically extend and retract them: all of the current ideas I have would take away from the precious internal bomb bay space too much, and they are just individual craft.
  8. That looks like some amazingly efficient engineering right there. Do you mind providing a download link so that I could possibly take it for a spin, and also to check how much delta v it has?
  9. Found my "stealth" jet from a few weeks ago. Ignore the YF-22 name, because it's not supposed to be a replica. XD It's also a test bed for my bomb bay doors and the locking mechanism. All shots here were done with the bomb bay doors open. It's also missing many VLO features. The nosecone was also a slapdash job, mostly due to the increased drag from a wing panel based radome.
  10. Here's a few of my ships. Still trying to make torpedoes that survive the impact with water at 40 m/s.
  11. I've made a few different craft since I last posted. First up, the Hamilton IFV. Armed with 1 semi-rifled 120 mm gun and fitted for, but not with, both an autoloader and CROWS IIA weapons station, it's got plenty of firepower. The rear half of the turret is empty to house the developmental autoloader. Gun is capable of +45/-5 degrees elevation and depression. The unique feature of the vehicle is its incorporation of a quasi-race ball bearing. This is my first attempt at it, but the bearing's qualities continue to impress, and I also plan on adopting it for naval vessels to mount gun turrets. Race ball bearing, which allows for a much more stable turret. Next is the Navigation class corvette. Armed with 4 deck launched cruise missiles, 8 short VLS cells, 1 phalanx 1A 20 mm CIWS, and a hangar equipped with a door capable of hosting 1-2 UAV's, she's good enough for patrol duties. To top it all off, she has a top speed of around 26-34 m/s. Hangar door. Finally, the Tsushima class corvette. Inspired by the Russian Project 20381 class corvettes, she has 4 deck launched cruise missiles, 8 longer defense length VLS cells in the front, 1 phalanx 1B 20 mm CIWS, and a hangar equipped with a door capable of hosting 1-2 UAV's. She has a nice superstructure. Deck launchers can be substituted with additional VLS cells for strike weapons. s .
  12. Will start installing the AA guns on the 200+ m long Shoho light carrier, which carries enough fuel to circumnavigate kerbin more than two times. The side angled smoke exhaust is working pretty nice, and the ship's slightly less maneuverable than the Yuudachi. Over 1 million units of liquid fuel. Imperial seal. This hull will make a good base for a battleship. I'll start with the Kongo then move up to the Nagato.
  13. It turns pretty well for its size and stability, though I'm still trying to improve it. I'm removing some of the stabilizing features from the hull bottom and shifting the COM upwards... The hull is so stable that it refused to capsize no matter what I threw against it in the sea trials, and I'm using a modified version of the same hull for an ~200 meter long aircraft carrier, if I have enough time to finish it.
  14. Finished with V1 of the stock Yuudachi, aka the Nightmare of Solomon, replica. over 100 meters long, over 1600 tons, over 200,000 units of fuel, 8 long lance torpedoes, 2x2 5 inchers, 1x1 5 incher, and a top speed of about 28 m/s. The smokestack effect is pretty neat, and doesn't really use much fuel at all. I'm also happy with how the rigging looks, and will have to attach flags to make it look more authentic. Long lance torpedo launcher needs a bit of an aesthetic overhaul, and AA guns still need to be added. POI Guns are capable of -15 and +75 degrees depression and elevation. Torpedo launchers are rather stable when rotating. Long lance launcher system. Obviously needs some work to be aesthetically accurate. POI
  15. You've inspired me. I may have a solution for the traverse issues, though making actual magazines will be much more difficult.
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