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Everything posted by andrew123

  1. It is, but the concept of a moving and dispersed launch platform is similar. It's even harder to destroy multiple aircraft flying around remote parts of the planet, guaranteeing a nuclear second strike capability. That's why they originally developed the Skybolt for the Vulcan bomber.
  2. It's one of the old cold war concepts where you'd have to hunt down and destroy the ICBM launch platforms. It's significantly harder to hunt down and destroy dozens of flying missiles (continuously in the air in rotating shifts) than a few submarines loaded with dozens of missiles. Land based silos are also vulnerable to surprise nuclear strikes, even with hardening measures. It's kind of like a road mobile ICBM. Israel's Jericho 3 is potentially road mobile.
  3. Agreed. Unfortunately, I have a sneaking suspicion of his identity...
  4. The T/R does leave a bit to be desired. You could probably empty two of the tanks.
  5. Could we possibly include a naval vessel and a fighter jet? Airshow and cinematic naval exercise. F-15 Strike Eagle. Aegis destroyer. (KDX-III)
  6. First of all, I was only informing you of a potential redundancy. It's not courteous to clutter the forums, you know. Also, I didn't rate the thread.
  7. 1130: The Borg complete the assimilation of the UPK populace left on Kerbin. Work begins on the construction of a massive fleet of Tactical Cubes with sporadic reports of transwarp incursions above Duna. In orbit of the former UPK:
  8. 1129: The warships are detected by the drones manning the satellite, and a newly built sphere is sent to assimilate them. The Borg beam onto the vessels, and all warships and their doomed crews are assimilated into the collective.
  9. 1127: The remains of the Borg drones remain active, rebuilding themselves and harvesting the radiation to power a jury rigged phaser armed satellite. One wrong move, and Kerbin could become a massive tomb.
  10. Aegis destroyer. (KDX-III) Two ships of the line in RIMPAC. F-15 Strike Eagle.
  11. 1122: A crashed Borg Sphere is found in Kerbin's North Pole. A multi national expedition is sent to explore the anomaly, with communications being lost shortly after discovery of the wreckage.
  12. Maybe it's the unoptimized nature of Unity? I imagine that the engine is desperately calculating the physics when you make unexpected commands, but it might also be a bandwidth limit. EladDv has a lot more knowledge than me on this topic. He's probably familiar with some aspects of Unity by now.
  13. Now that takes me back... I lost all of my old screenshots on my old computer. :P
  14. I can obtain 30% H2O2 and distill it, but that stuff is dangerous.
  15. Hmm... I've officially started working on some weird KSP projects, with no specific goal. I wonder what'll come out of it... :P One possible product of my misadventures... I'm coming for you, Spartwo... Also, some awesome footage for you navy folk. I just love how the US Navy's supercarrier dwarfs all of the LHD's.
  16. It appears that the idiot oligarch in charge of Roscosmos and their sales agencies tweeted one too many threats. Congress finally realized that depending on the Russians to provide military SLV engines is a rather bad idea. http://www.janes.com/article/46643/congress-moves-to-stop-use-of-russian-built-rocket-engine-by-2019 But like any political move, they forgot to plan for the replacement.
  17. I'll try taking some close ups after preparing for some AP World History writing. Document based questions, FTW!
  18. Happy christmas! :) - from the MP.net KSP expat community. At least we don't have an 'original buthhurt thread' yet. Those forums are scary... http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?236054-The-Original-Butthurt-thread
  19. 'barfs in mouth' That thing was an abomination, worse than even the F-35. I present to you the Ho 229. The german jet powered flying wing. Please ignore that swastika on the jet. I can't find many acceptable quality photos of this jet.
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