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Everything posted by andrew123

  1. The imperial navy frowns upon your lack of faith... We will send a stealth ship to cleanse you of doubt. Also, this ship is freakishly durable. Will do. It might look like the AMRAAM.
  2. I found that military stock replicas seem to never earn much rep. I just do it for fun.
  3. And don't forget one of the more memorable craft... In modern KSP... :D
  4. That all depends on the number and type of parts on your craft, along with action groups, etc.
  5. I hope to see the episode released today. I still have to study for finals. :P You were partially right. :)
  6. 10/10 Nice logo. Also, nice christmas hat. For posterity.
  7. I'd go with a laptop that carries a beefy cpu, preferably with excellent single thread ipc, a maxwell 970m class gpu, 16 gb ddr3, and a m.2 pcie ssd. And none of that blasphemous 6 bit tn panel trickery. Only hidpi 8 bit ips.
  8. This is the initial production model of the Kawasaki P-1A. It has a fuel tank to engine ratio of over 6, or over 3600 units of fuel for four turbofan engines, enabling loitering and C4ISR missions. This model is armed with a SATCOM unit (bulge near the cockpit on the top), two SHARK guided missiles, and four parachute deployed sonar buoys. All weapons are carried in the large internal bomb bay. External hard points are available upon request. Press 1 to toggle bomb bays. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qbo2ql9bcqiyiwz/P-1A.craft?dl=0 The fuel capacity is over 6 tanks per engine. Also, I fired a guided missile at the P-1A... Confirmed kill. An early prototype model.
  9. Also, what was that about the P-8A... The Kawasaki P-1. Includes bays for weapons.
  10. So, how long until we have AI's as capable as those helos. Those are some awesome counter-gyros. I can already see the US analogue... And there's the modern DIRCM countermeasure-systems.
  11. YES! SHIPS! I approve of this idea. :D
  12. Dev 1: 'I saw some posters making an awesome youtube series! Should we promote them?' Analyst 1: 'NO! PROFITS DOWN! NEW FEATURES! MOARZZZZ!!' Dev 2: 'But the series...' Analyst 2: 'BUT THE SERIES? WHAT SERIES? MORE FEATURES!' ...
  13. Sorry to hear. I'm currently cramming for AP World... 0_o I did well so far, and that near 100 percent average gives me some leeway, but my teacher is pretty stringent on grading.
  14. At least it's less stress than finals.
  15. I can improve that tradition with better vessels.
  16. Your's is even more cringe worthy, considering all of the flight testing you have to go through... ... I do feel your pain, though. My naval warships are a pain to test after minor revisions. (Putting it into the water every time without hyperedit.)
  17. I'll just have to recreate this... And this... And a lot more...
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