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    An egg drowning in a sea of papers

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  1. Press the green check mark under the last post in the #rules channel, the one that says Theysen You agree to the above rules and guidelines by accepting the role below! Have fun!
  2. For the new moon (lunation number 307), the new release (Kronecker) is out. A crash has been fixed. See the change log for more details.
  3. Since the forums are back up, we would like to mention that we do not recommend this thread for posting questions about Principia anymore. While there is a great deal of useful information in past discussions, the forums have become too unreliable to provide a useful venue for getting support from fellow users or from the developers. The SUPPORT file on GitHub lists the recommended options for getting help with using the mod or for reporting bugs.
  4. For the new moon (lunation number 306), the new release (Колмогоров) is out. No user-visible changes in this version. See the change log for more details.
  5. For the new moon (lunation number 305), the new release (von Koch) is out. Several small quality-of-life features have been added. See the change log for more details.
  6. This message is being posted late as the forum was down when we did the release. Klein was released twelve days ago. For the new moon (lunation number 304), the new release (Klein) is out. A check has been added to detect issues with the terrain system. See the change log for more details.
  7. For the new moon (lunation number 303), the new release (Kleene) is out. Several bugs have been addressed. See the change log for more details.
  8. For the new moon (lunation number 302), the new release () is out. Nodes and apsides are now displayed after manœuvres planned after a while spent in orbit. See the change log for more details.
  9. For the new moon (lunation number 301), the new release (کاشانی) is out. Compatibility with pre-Grossmann flight plans has been improved. See the change log for more details.
  10. For the new moon (lunation number 300), which is a total eclipse, the new release (Καραθεοδωρή) is out. Some crashes that could occur when looking at trajectories in map view using the surface frame have been fixed. See the change log for more details.
  11. For the new moon (lunation number 299), the new release (Канторович) is out. Various crashes and errors resulting in non-functional windows have been fixed. See the change log for more details.
  12. For the new moon (lunation number 298), the new release (掛谷) is out. Principia now displays predicted and planned impacts in the right location when seen in the surface frame; this replaces the experimental approach that was attempted in Jordan. See the change log for more details.
  13. For the new moon (lunation number 297), the new release (Julia) is out. Several bugs introduced in recent versions have been fixed. See the change log for more details.
  14. We have hotfixed the release; if you downloaded Jordan prior to this post, please click on the link in the OP or the GitHub readme to download it anew (the version string in the Principia UI should say 2023121300-Jordan-0-ge51928f832188fd4eeedd50e33d11218e1cd44eb, not 2023121300-Jordan-0-g9e72cb593eb3e8b37b1ae2bf29a6a08963d1c0b3). We apologize for the inconvenience.
  15. We are aware of multiple bugs with this release: deleting a flight plan results in a crash, and orbit analysis on the flight plan no longer works. We are trying to understand and resolve these issues. Once they are resolved, the release will be patched as others have been in the past (most recently 伊藤 six months ago). We apologize for the inconvenience.
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