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Everything posted by pinolallo

  1. Many thanks: Here you can find the .craft file I sets the airIntake manage and prevent flameout on MechJeb I sets the Ascent Autopilot with a 50° curve, 122km orbit. The launch profile is to keep the SMARTASS to 70° until 22kms of altitude then turn it to 0° until vertical speed drops under 26mt/s. At this moment you just level and keep the altitude around the 33km (over this altitude turbjet start to slow down throttle) and let plane accelerate until the apoapsis reach 160km. Engage the Ascent autopilot and wait until the atmosphere limit (70km), disengage the turbojet (key 1) and engage rockets (key 2), the autopilot will drive you in a 122km circularized orbit (this orbit let you maneuver with lower orbit targets that are in lower orbit than you and warp faster) . To land you can use the Landing guidance, sets the target to 0,6,10 S and 76,56,32 W, engage and wait until the plan reach atmosphere then use SMARTass set Prograde, level wings and wait until 10km of altitud, engage SpacePlane guidance and land. Hummm, remember to set the MKII cocpit as control
  2. Booly, in the report of the rondine there are reported 2 single missions, one with the stock (non amphibious) and one with the amphibious version (the amphibious weight 0,5 tons more but is more balanced). As you probably knows, I think that this thread deserve the merit to be place where you can find new SSTO concepts not just a report for a successful mission.
  3. FatNose "Rondine" Specs: Weight: 9.76 Tons DryWeight: 7.86 Tons Cost: 46.92 M$ Crew Capacity: 5 Parts Count: 97 Kerbal/fuel x mission: .384 Tons Full balanced Rcs Nose Shielded Docking Port Full Ladder access (both from the P10 than from the MKII cockpit) Surface Speed: 2230 m/s (35000 mts) Mission Profile: SpacePort->Orbit (120 km)->Orbital Rendezvous (100 Km)->Docking->Deorbit->KSC landing. Full mechjeb compatible. Exceptional flying in ANY load condition Amphibious Version/Stock Version (mechJeb) I spent some time to create this tool. The main goal of the project was to create a crew Transport SSTO with the lowest Mission/cost profile. This SSTO was created to be VERY easy to fly (extremely balanced in any load condition), with a few part count and under the 10 tons of weight. I did many SSTO's and this one is probably the ugliest I make, but probably is second to no one in terms of performance and mission cost. Just think about the weight and the crew capacity. The data are related to the Amphibious version. I deeply tested all specs. here some pics (with data so you can make your considerations) Download ships (regular/amphibious) (need mechJeb 2.o+) Download Tosh Floating parts
  4. FatNose "Rondine" Specs: Weight: 9.76 Tons DryWeight: 7.86 Tons Cost: 46.92 M$ Crew Capacity: 5 Parts Count: 97 Kerbal/fuel x mission: .384 Tons Full balanced Rcs Nose Shielded Docking Port Full Ladder access (both from the P10 than from the MKII cockpit) Surface Speed: 2230 m/s (35000 mts) Mission Profile: SpacePort->Orbit (122 km)->Orbital Rendezvous->Docking->Deorbit->KSC landing. Full mechjeb compatible. Exceptional flying in ANY load condition Amphibious Version/Stock Version (mechJeb) I spent some time to create this tool. The main goal of the project was to create a crew Transport SSTO with the lowest Mission/cost profile. This SSTO was created to be VERY easy to fly (extremely balanced in any load condition), with a few part counts and under the 10 tons of weight. I did many SSTO's and this one is probably the ugliest I make, but probably is second to no one in terms of performance, flying quality and mission cost. Just think about the weight and the crew capacity. The data are related to the Amphibious version. I deeply tested all specs. K-price mission is related to the Amphibious version. here some pics (with data so you can make your considerations)
  5. FatNose "Rondine" Specs: Weight: 9.76 Tons DryWeight: 7.86 Tons Cost: 46.92 M$ Crew Capacity: 5 Parts Count: 97 Kerbal/fuel x mission: .384 Tons Full balanced Rcs Nose Shielded Docking Port Full Ladder access (both from the P10 than from the MKII cockpit) Surface Speed: 2210 m/s (35000 mts) Mission Profile: SpacePort->Orbit (120 km)->Orbital Rendezvous (100 Km)->Docking->Deorbit->KSC landing. Full mechjeb compatible. Exceptional flying in ANY load condition Amphibious Version/Stock Version (mechJeb) I spent some time to create this tool. The main goal of the project was to create a crew Transport SSTO with the lowest Mission/cost profile. This SSTO was created to be VERY easy to fly (extremely balanced in any load condition), with a few part count and under the 10 tons of weight. I did many SSTO's and this one is probably the ugliest I make, but probably is second to no one in terms of performance and mission cost. Just think about the weight and the crew capacity. The data are related to the Amphibious version. I deeply tested all specs. here some pics (with data so you can make your considerations)
  6. BoolyBooly, " This is a K-Prize mission with "Milligan Jet K-Prize" a stripped own Milligan jet which went to 4x lift off, full orbit and safe landing with the same craft without refuelling. " Cupcake, amazing result for a VTOL. Congratulations.
  7. The main goal of this SSTO is to rescue kerbin landed crew an bring them back to KSC. to obtain this has special performance: space for 7 crew member 3 K-prize (ksc -> stable orbit for 3 times without refuel) SLTO (Short Landing and Takeoff) Here the ALL TERRAIN version FatNose Commercial rated same class of ship (weight, fuel and Engine Ratio but made using B9 Mod)
  8. Hello, Here a SSTO production project and the data sheets of 6 SSTO's builded using my standar SSTO body (in version v1, v2) You can find more info inside the album descriptions.
  9. I forgot to specify: lightSSTO made 2 orbit run (100km 141km) and a docking maneuver without refuel like the 3kPrize and the analog addict ssto .
  10. Here a rocket (a vertical launched and lander) SSTO.
  11. Light SSTO Fast: surface speed reached of 2.281 m/s will eventually qualify this ship into the fastest 10 turbojet airplanes see on this game (see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27296-The-MachingBird-Challenge) Light: less than 6 tons of weight (5.78 full 4 tons empty) Efficient: 91.9% efficiency (61.5 fuel and 17.82 oxidizer for a 141 km orbit) Full optional Calibrated RCS, Ladder Access, Front Docking Port: the main reason for this project was to make a cheap, full operative and transportable SSTO (this the reason for the size and weight of this craft).
  12. This week I worked to a lightSSTO: Fast: surface speed reached of 2.281 m/s will eventually qualify this ship into the fastest 10 turbojet airplanes see on this game (see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27296-The-MachingBird-Challenge) Light: less than 6 tons of weight (5.78 full 4 tons empty) Efficient: 91.9% efficiency (61.5 fuel and 17.82 oxidizer for a 141 km orbit) Full optional Calibrated RCS, Ladder Access, Front Docking Port: the main reason for this project was to make a cheap, full operative and transportable SSTO (this the reason for the size and weight of this craft). In this album I submit a double run with a docking.
  13. I knew it, BoolyBooly: but I did almost anything with ssto's and I would like to submit an test another type of SSTO: VTLO, 3 crew member, and full double shuttle mission capable in 24tons is a an achievement that deserve a post.
  14. In my opinion your calculation does not compute nothing. good way is the ratio between vehicle weigh on take off and weight on orbit.
  15. Flight Instructions and description on imgur album. MJ ship Download Ship STOCK ship Download Ship
  16. Here my new SSTO, Is not a spaceplane but a VTOL rocket. Can reach twice (and dock also on spacestation ) orbit, safe landing on KSC.
  17. I managed to put the tt releases into the GameFolder (adding the Part{} boundaries on .cfg): worked fine.
  18. nice, but what you have to to modify the Squad part.cfg, and that is quite different if you need to publish ships that are using that modified part, I agree about this way is more efficient but is much less praticable.
  19. BB I'ts ok , I'm not native english and is hard for me understand "humor". I'm fine in the .20 gate crasher. A question, what about a Duna/Moons etc K-prize SSTO? this because I have some of them that are shuttling from land base to spacestations and back. What do you think about make a little extension of k-prize?
  20. I was not complaining about the rules, I know them and that ship was just an experimental one, I was complaining because the gate crashing is ship listed in .20 and not in .19. Sorry the misspelling of your nick.
  21. New SSMRL (single stage Multi Role Lander) with kethane self sustain SSMRL on Duna drilling kethane SSMRL on Mün drilling kethane 3k Catalina Rescue SSTO (amphibious 7 kerbal 3*100km orbit run capable) 2 BigMouth docked at kerbin One (bigMouth is a large body 21 tons lifter) The new FatBob (large Body 42 tons lifter with 3m module cargo bay and dock/undock) The FatBob docking Bay from the Shuttle on redocking manouvres
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