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Everything posted by pinolallo

  1. I do love challenges, but Is think that is a bad habit posting a challenge "tailored" on personal successful flight. eg I do the flight then I will post my "mission" and get the score: this is only understandable reason for the many "no sense" requirements for this challenge.
  2. That was lucky shot: I build this ship to submit the MatchingBird challenge and, at the first flight test I did such a successful flight. The ship is "almost" full stock: there is MechJeb installed. This aircraft is very very easy to fly, stable and maneuverable (without nosecone or sas/asas whatever) Full flight report, download link here. enjoy.
  3. I did this plane. Class: mechJeb Manned Full Flight report p.s. Is a 51 part count ship and i did 12 world tours. Was the first flight (it was intended as test flight...)
  4. No problem, I have an utility stock craft that can do the same (with 7 kerbals on board), but this one was very lovely little and cute.
  5. Here My FastTrack SSTO. 3 K-Prices on a row. 90%+ efficiency And a what I guess are records: I do get in stable 100km orbit with 152.5 fuel and 39 of oxidizer ((201-48.50 111-71.09)) on the THIRD orbit run The max efficiency ratio was of 92.103% (weight in orbit/weight ground*100) on the third orbit run here the album Beside that craft is modded B9 Cabin and wings, engines and fuel tanks are stock. You can find info/craft file on album.
  6. Here My FastTrack SSTO. 3 K-Prices on a row. 90%+ efficiency And a what I guess are records: I do get in stable 100km orbit with 152.5 fuel and 39 of oxidizer ((201-48.50 111-71.09)) on the THIRD orbit run The max efficiency ratio was of 92.103% (weight in orbit/weight ground*100) on the third orbit run here the album Beside that craft is modded B9 Cabin and wings, engines and fuel tanks are stock.
  7. I do that just now (for another challenge) I do get in stable 100km orbit with 152.5 fuel and 39 of oxidizer ((201-48.50 111-71.09)) on the THIRD orbit run of my latest 2 people SSTO. here the album Beside that craft is modded B9 Cabin and wings, engines and fuel tanks are stock. The efficiency ratio is of 92.103% (weight in orbit/weight ground*100) edit: wrong thread OPPPPPPPPPS sorry
  8. Welcome Back BollyBolly. In a flight test I do the 3 k prize (with full KSC landing) with a 7 kerbals stock SSTO that weight about just 30 tons and 160 parts. I need to make another flight mission to properly report, the scope of this SpaceCraft is mainly do rescue missions. enjoy
  9. zekes, just a question: when do you published that ship in kerbalspaceport? I'm still waiting for a ship I submitted sunday. I don't want that is starting a 2 weigth for 2 measures (operate double standards) policy.... Any case good ship (ugly as usual but effective )) ) p.s. I wrote this if you are interested
  10. I do have successfully bring in orbit such a plane. (25tons) using mechjeb b9 and stock parts. PM me if you want to have the latest craft file. is a perfect spaceplane but you can't go warp because the wing will explode.
  11. Debbo ancora provare un atterraggio con l'ultimo MechJeb. ti faccio sapere.
  12. Something goes wrong: I can "trust" the site, but others? edit: this is shown on https://kerbalspaceprogram.com works on https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com
  13. Mün is an hard thing, well done Rosarium. Amazing monster pa1983
  14. Just in case someone wants to check here is a pastebin of a persistent.sfs file with the ship in orbit, but, when you load the ship from the tracking center, the ship will explode because the warp. I hope that will help solving, or test the solution. persistent.sfs Ty
  15. Senti, mettiglielo un nosecone avionics package... e' meglio, vola ma si muove come un bradipo...
  16. Ecco il tanker Stock (ma con mechjeb 2.0) SSTO-T stock Mi sono accorto (dopo averlo lanciato) che non ha l'avionicsPackage.. ma e' come se ci fosse. Ti avevo allegato l'album del munliner?
  17. il munliner richiede per l'atterraggio l'attivazione dei rockets e dei nerva. In pratica quanto attivi l'autoland attivi anche i razzi (4). Io ho trovato l'atterraggio del bestione alquanto agevole con l'autoland e ho curato molto le landing structs (puoi permetterti atteraggi bruschi da 1ms). Il tanker puo' essere anche caricato praticamente senza mods, te ne preparo una versione light.
  18. I do bring that plane in orbit many times (successfully unless you start warping around), the same ship on R3 was a good one (also warping around): is not a part count problem.
  19. Ho rivisto la procedura di lancio sulla base di mechjeb 2.0+ in pratica faccio cosi' adesso: decollo, Smartass surf a 50° sino a 18000 quindi cambio l'angolo di attacco a 3° e questo sino a quando la velocita' ascensionale scende riporto l'angolo di attacco a 10° e aspetto sino a quando mechjeb riduce il motore a 1/3 a questo punto accendo i rockets, spengo i jets e accendo l'autoascend pilot. in ogni caso ecco il manuale (e quello del tanker)
  20. You where right: here the ship I do sent that piece of iron in orbit 10 times and always got an explosion on 110km altitude after the dewarp before circularizing.
  21. the colonization plan is running. you can find all ships here And this ships is the missing tool of the plan (the way to refuel the kerbin orbiting stations and shuttle) Another ship is about to be released, the interplanetary runner with 2 lander-base on board.
  22. ach, Daze and Climber you where part of the erased: where are your ships now? did you recovered something?
  23. I guess no. You told me that the problem of wing exploding after warp was a ksp problem. But this problem start from r3. I'm saying that something goes wrong with wings after r3 (because i did not make any changes/update on ksp) and I'm not the only one that exploited this bug. I'm saying that. When someone discover something wrong on a ship I have released, I will try to reproduce the error and in case I will update the release thanking the guy that discovered the bug. Thanks a lot for your pack, but is broken and had to be fixed.
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