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Posts posted by syfyguy64

  1. Kerbals are from duna. Theres a giant kerbal face there :P a pyramid similar to the pyramids found on kerbin. Kerbin's might be the aliens. Itd explain why they are green. Maybe Duna become unhospitable so they came to Kerbin and destroyed all the humans/first kerbals. THats why theres a curiosity rover stuck in the sand on Duna, yet no one launched it. It was the previous race living on Kerbin. Would also explain why theres not many structures or anything, only a few were able to make it to kerbin, and havent begun civilizing the place.

    Theories theories lol

    3413 AD

    The solar system was invaded by massive green creatures, destroying every landmass of humanities home world with their god like weaponry.

    Our vast fleets where flies against there giant, apollo like rockets that are miles long.

    They also have meters representing miles, or something close.

    And jool is green because they tried to destroy it, but failed.

  2. Do we really need to?

    I mean, almost every space station attempt I have has about 4-5 dockings going good, then the last one I screw up, trying to get a cinimatic picture, but hit the main core, destroy it, and then I decide to burn, but the power supply is stuck in my rocket some how, and it hits the other parts, taking them with me, and everything falls down.

    Wish I had pics.

  3. Remember when orbiting was such a major problem you couldn't figure out?

    Neither do I.


    So, have you flown into the center of Kerbol, me?

    Also, ever build that vast fleet of starships, like in battlestar galactica, what you always wanted to do?

    The crafts are here for you if you want.


  4. My first orbit was back in the non-rotating Kerbin days, so there wasn't really an "Ah ha!" moment, just a lot of checking orbital velocity charts and watching my altitude to see if I was going to drop back into the atmosphere followed by the slowly dawning realization that I was actually going to stay up here!

    The jumping and shouting came with the first successful Mun landing. This was back in the days when you did your transfer burn by waiting until the Mun just came over the horizon and then accelerated to 3000m/s(I think) and hoped for the best. Had to land on winglets since they hadn't invented landing legs yet. Very Buck Rogers.

    A lot like my first mun landing, except I broke the wings, decouplers, and asas. Everything except the capsule and parachute.

    Then I said "Nut's to this," and got nova punch for 13.3.

    I made a launcher out of 3 parts, and a lander of 8-9.

  5. It was 13.3 for me, and I was watching a bunch of videos, so my first hour was less than fun, unlike others.

    But they crashed, it's just that they where small all liquid fuel rockets, no solid boosters.

    The first time I got in orbit was in a far too complex rocket. It had 3 fuel tanks, another stage had 3, then another had 9.

    Here's a picture, of the Mun version (I just added wings as landing gear, and another stage).


  6. I say go.

    The landings in this thread must be your first, not your best, so if you landed in 0.13.3, post it.

    If you landed in 18.4 Demo, post that, too.

    The first time I landed on the mun was in my wibbly wobbly 1x3x3 fuel tank ship, kinda simple, but really neat looking.

    Ascent burn:


    Orbital manuevers:


    Mun Encounter (I hope):


    Star Burst (Is that what those are called?):


    Then that project failed, so I used Nova Punch Pack.

    It was just a lander under 3 5 meter tanks and soem orbital stages.


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