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Posts posted by syfyguy64

  1. Why have tiny, boring supplies ships that mostly just carry fuel, and rarely repair parts? Well, I bring you the Space dock Declia EX-001.

    It is equipped with 2 drones for repair parts. AS well as 4 medium fuel tanks.

    It has 4 docking ports, excluding probe ports, and one crew cabin, with emergancy power incase an enemy fires upon the station, and disables the solar charges.


    [ I need someone to lift it in orbit for me, because my computer is awful, no matter how low the settings are. Hell, I only get 20 FPS in VAB w/o any parts. ]

    Download file for craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/if5nd9s2ngpz58l/SD%2001%20Decelia%20EX-1.craft

  2. buying a resource intensive game when I have a 8 year old computer that lags running minecraft on lowest settings.

    Not that the game is bad, it's amazing, but I can only build ships, sometimes launch vehicles, but rarely.

    Only had about 20 some flights in the past year.

  3. I'm looking into making custom parts to make the Battlestar Kerbalia, and want the pieces made personally for me with decals, so I figured rather than hiring one of you to do it, I can do it how I would like it. But I request that you give me some tips on good freeware for modeling, and won't kill my 06 XP computer that needs skype and steam closed to simply browse the forums.

    Also, maybe some tips on code, because I know hardly anything about scripting.

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