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Everything posted by Lack

  1. Seems like a good selection. When I do have more time I might take a stab at making those, along with some very basic IVAs. @MrWizerd, Remind me when you've posted the link. I'll update the OP. --- Also, there's still some problems with FAR support and the small wing (The lift is way out infront of the wing). I tried fixing it a while back, but made it worse. If anyone's capable with FAR, would they be able to take a shot and post an update?
  2. Well, a very basic Cessna or Beechcraft type plane with the Bonny will weigh in at about 700kg empty (+-50kg). A bit more fuelled up. Compared to the weights of the RL counter-parts (Beechcraft: 1,142/1656kg, Cessna 172: 767/1111kg - empty/gross) that doesn't seem too bad. Edit: Tested it. It can take off and fly around, so that's alright then. Be careful with banking though.
  3. Hehe, yeah. With the Ke-90 I was following the traditional ~64% scale used when importing real-life(ish) parts into KSP, 2.5m being the nearest size bracket (You'll want to scale it up by ~1.36 to get a proper GE90 size) D-18's a fairly good fit, shame the arse end doesn't look quite the same. This should bring it up to about 3.4m MODEL { model = SXT/Parts/Engine/25mTurboJet/model texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Engine/turboFanEngine/model000 texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Engine/turboFanEngine/model001 texture = model002 , Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model000 scale = 1.36, 1.36, 1.36 } I went with the IO-550 since the Bonny is based of the Beachcraft Bonanza (See what I did there, eh, eh, nudge, nudge). Never been a huge fan of Cessna's personally though, never could figure out why either. I wonder if the IO-360 would be powerful enough though, it's rated at what, 160hp? So in KSP's kN terms, that's roughly 1.7kn give or take (bit of a hacky conversion, that). The 300hp (3.2kN) IO-550 I've got struggles a bit with FAR, so the IO-360 mightn't be powerful enough in KSP. On the otherhand, why not both.
  4. That engine is based on the Continental IO-550, although with much cunning and wit, I changed its name to the 'KO-550 Continental' in-game. The thrust should be about on-par with its real-life counter-part's capacity. Did the same with the ~70% scale GE90 ripp-off, which I cleverly disguised as the 'Ke-90 Turbofan'.
  5. Ah, I see it. I'd written 'Command' instead of 'Pods' under category. I'll fix it in a minute. Edit: Link should be updated now.
  6. Just a note to say I'm a bit busy with work at the moment and might be for the next month or so, so instead a proper release, I'm just going to release what I've got for SXT. I've taken an hour or so to patch up the bigger bugs like missing collision meshes, but there may be others I've missed. --------------------- SXT-16.5: EDIT: Updated https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/SXT-16.5.zip Goodies: - 0.625m Prop-Engine - Based off one of the engines fitted to the Beechcraft Bonanza (Requires Fire-Spitter) - 5m Habitat Module. Comes with controls and SAS. - Vernier Thruster - OMS updated with gimballing - An-225 parts (Nose-door is missing a ramp at the moment) - Radially attaching An-225 parts - New Probe core and update to re-enable old one. Haven't added any new IVAs, they'll have to wait. --------------------- Re-Textured Tank A darkened version of the re-texture stock long fuel-tank. It's the texture I used for the Saturn V type parts, now darkened to match the new NASA parts a bit better. I may have over done it a wee bit, so best back up the stock version. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/SXT-SquadRetex.zip --------------------- KSC++ v2 An update to the KSC++, includes off-world base type parts. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/LacksKerbalSpaceCentre%2B%2Bv2.zip If you've made your own modifications to the KSC layout and want to keep them, you can just copy LackMisc/Parts/Base folder over. --------------------- Nice planes. I was thinking about doing a small radial cockpit at somepoint. I quite like the Bf-109's cockpit, so it may end up being a bit more square. Will probably add some more prop-engines.
  7. Thanks everyone. I've also been messing around with a few off-world base parts, @AlphaAsh, Nice, I may knock up a fairly simple air-strip at some point. Would quite like to have a little dirt-strip one as well. @somnambulist, Thanks, that'll be fixed in the next release. Still having a few problems with mesh-colliders for the new An-225 parts and one or two other things, but I'd like to get it released sometime this week; before real-life work gets more hectic.
  8. Here's a DL for the KSC that I was messing around with, LacksKerbalSpaceCentre++.zip Requires an up to date version of Kerbtown I only really made it for personal use, so it's a bit on the unpolished side. But I figured people would have some fun with it. Might be laggy on lower end computers, but I haven't had any problems and this computers about 6 years old now.
  9. This might be of some use as a place-holder for some of the parts (middle unit flanked by the 2.5 to 3.75m parts, ignore the window I stuck on it) till someone else makes something better. I can provide the blender model for it in the mean time (There's a copy the in-game part here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/SXT-alpha-16Pre-Release.zip).
  10. Just the ability to add things, so I knocked up a few quick models and spent last night playing around with it. Heh, good choice of gif, I'm actually watching Dr Who right now.
  11. Tried for a long time with that one, even with Snjo's help couldn't get it to work. And something completely un-related. I decided to download Kerbtown, it's good fun.
  12. We've also have it set up to disable some parts since this handily removes the need for a re-scaled lines of parts. e.g. @PART[4x2*] { !TechRequired = DELETE !entryCost = DELETE category = -1 } The next version of LLL will have this as a 'required' (well, strongly recommended) mod, I think.
  13. There was a big re-organisation in LLL-12, for the third length 2x1 hull it should be http://pastebin.com/QnFVnEDJ it won't matter what directory you put that in, so might as well make a new entry under 'LLL/Parts/Engine/' or even put it in your own folder if you want. And for the end-cap probe http://pastebin.com/nMBr9A9s Again, directory doesn't matter for the config so probably best make a new entry in the Control/ folder,
  14. Mr Wizerd is helping with the LLL tweakscale config we've been working on, so I would recommend sending him a PM; it's in a pretty workable state although there were one or two parts missing and I hadn't been having much luck getting the custom scale to work.
  15. Well, wouldn't do to have an Antonov without the nose-door. The 225's one of my favourite planes, would love to see it up close sometime.
  16. Yeah, there's a fair few parts. Was thinking it should be possible to make a parts disabler, just needs a simple interface and the ability to add something along the lines of @PART[partname] { !TechRequired = DELETE !entryCost = DELETE category = -1 } to a text file so module manager can get at it. Could provide an in-game alternative to scratting around in the folders, although I've taken to adding the part location to the descriptions nowadays.
  17. @Orionkermin, Porkjet, Thanks. Yes, there'll be a radial cockpit a normal stack version. Load of screenshots of current work. And, I got bored;
  18. Very nice. Don't think I've done a full moon mission with the N1 yet, normally end up doing something slightly stupid like turning it into a plane. Never could get the dV balance for it to quite to my liking; so it does have a slight tendency to run out fuel too early, or still have tonnes left depending on payload, FAR, etc. Been playing with the HGR myself recently as well, they're great. Also, did you happen to lose an engine on the munar injection stage?
  19. link's in my post at the top of the page. I've got the beginnings of a tweak-scale config for LLL http://pastebin.com/XjMp6XMA http://pastebin.com/hPJ7ZU9G Covers a lot of the parts, but not everything. Couldn't get the scaletype to work properly, must be using incorrect syntax.
  20. @Aedile, For LLL? Should be under Science, should probably move them to Utility though. Think it was because I had a tonne of stuff under the Utility tab at the time and it was getting on my nerves. @Jagger, WhiteOwl, Thanks. @BigD, Thanks. I've removed one of them, should be fixed whenever I get round to releasing another version of LLL.
  21. @Aedile, Thanks, pre-release of SXT-16 should have fixed those errors. @SSSPutnik, Thanks, very nice! @janill49 & zilfondel, Yeah, any mod that changes either Squad's textures, or has their names differ from the 0.23.5 names (as in older versions of KSP), will mess with SXT. You can fix it, but it'll take about 20 minutes, (Probably more like 10 if you've got something like Notepad++ and can do mass search and replaces) Bit more about that here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-15-1-09MAY2014/page181 @zilfondel only, They are separate mods. I'm not sure I could make that much clearer without having seperate threads; last I checked with a mod they very much prefered if you kept all your projects in one thread. @mughi, Neutrinovore, AntiMatter001 & Damaske They're in the works (By which I mean I thought about it while in the tub and haven't actually done much more. But I do mean to). @Damaske, Probably because the texture/shape of the wing isn't quite right, the angle is just a bit off halfway along, I think I gave up fiddling with it and just called it done. Some new wings aren't a bad idea though. Working on some more aero-space parts as it is. Radial An-225 parts (3 parts shown below), can double up as 747-like parts depending on how you place them along the hull. Will probably add a An-225 style wing-mount and a crew cabin part as well.
  22. Right, and I'm back (long week at work, so took a bit of a break, luckily it's a bank holiday, been having a nice long weekend as well). Couldn't quite replicate the problem myself, but I'm guessing that it might be due to the collision mesh; there's nothing fancy about it, and it's as simple as it comes, but it does sound like it's catching on the decoupler's collision mesh, same sort of thing happens with heat-shields when I use them. I've had a go playing around with it, I'll put up a link later, I think it's working a bit better now. There's a few new parts as well, so I'll get them working-ish first (since I can't be bothered to separate it all out). I'll have a read through the other posts as well. Edit: Well, it's still behaving slightly oddly, but I'm starting to think it is due to Krakensbane and the fuel tank, since I swapped out the SXT engine for the stock 3.75m and it's still doing it. Yep, not SXT specific, does the same even with just stock parts, it's the low orbital speeds that are doing it. Edit 2: Ah well, here's a pre-release of SXT-16 anyway. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/SXT-alpha-16Pre-Release.zip Couple of new crew-cabins, a new probe core, and possibly something else, I forget (I left the module manager config to unlock the 2.5m Corpernicus parts in there as well, so delete at your preference). Not sure of the balance for the crew-cabins, so feedback appreciated before I do a proper release.
  23. This is fantastic. Done a quick experiment with this and LLL. Looks promising, very promising. Seems to handle multiple MODEL{}s just fine.
  24. Yeah, pretty much. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/enginelist.php#id--Nuclear_Thermal--Gas_Core--Open_Cycle @Damaske, Well, let me know if you get it finished. Shame it can't be done via module manager. I hadn't been planning any more 1:3, 1:6 parts, they were mainly because I was bored. Won't rule out the engine fairings though, I can always pass you the .blends anyway. If you mean the 2x1 truck-bed. That's working as intended, try altering the nodes to be in-line with the actual part (I think you just need to remove the vertical displacement) and then attach it to another part like a 2x1. You'll see what I mean.
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