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Everything posted by medsouz

  1. I'll add Oculus support of you buy me one. On a more serious note it shouldn't be too hard to extend ITracker to add it.
  2. Here you go: http://medsouz.net/stuff/KerbinSide035.zip
  3. I'm about to play around with B9 right now, I'll see what happens. EDIT: I didn't have any issues using the stock B9 craft on KerbinSide runways. EDIT: Just noticed that you corrected yourself and said Firespitter.... whoops
  4. B9 bug? That's probably a KerbTown issue, if you describe it I can look into fixing it.
  5. Hmmm could you possibly send me your airport files so I can test it? Also funny that you mention a rewrite as I'm working on one right now.
  6. I posted it a few pages back, it fixes the timewarp lag issue that comes from there being too many KerbTown objects.
  7. I just fixed a bug in my KerbTown fork that causes 1000s of errors to spam the console (and probably lags the game a bit). You can grab the update here. Thanks to AdmiralTigerClaw for letting me know about the issue.
  8. I'm actually currently writing a KerbTown clone from scratch which I'm building from the ground up with object caching in mind to prevent some of the weird issues like AnimateOnClick not working (and so I can stop butchering Razcheck's code to make mine work). Hopefully I'll hopefully have a release soon and I'll make sure that AnimateOnClick is working. This is the first time I've heard of the left over launch clamps issue, I'll look into fixing that as well.
  9. You can add tracking stations to RemoteTech in GameData\RemoteTech2\RemoteTech_Settings.cfg. Use the KerbTown editor tools (ctrl+k) to find the latitude/longitude of KerbinSide's tracking stations.
  10. I don't have any experience with 3D modeling... Sorry
  11. Unfortunately you cannot, KerbTown doesn't support using stock buildings.
  12. Ignore the hate you're doing fine. Just seeing how much work you put into this has inspired me to get back into programming after a long burnout period. With my next release (which might take a few days) you'll have to worry even less about optimization. I've got a lot of work done on a new implementation of KerbTown that I'm building from the ground up to avoid the Krakensbane issues.
  13. I don't believe that my changes to KerbTown had any effect on this.
  14. I'll see what I can do. Right now I'm experimenting with writing my own version of KerbTown (that is save compatible) from scratch so that I will be able to expand it without worrying about destroying Razcheck's original vision for his mod. If I can't figure it out (which is highly likely ) then I'll just add these to my fork.
  15. I've got nothing better to do with my free time so fire away and I'll try to do whatever I can.
  16. I updated my KerbTown fork to fix the following issues: You can grab the updated version from my GitHub repo and don't forget to let me know if you guys find any more issues or want anything added.
  17. Hmmm it should work on both 64bit and 32bit... Could you get me an error log so I can try to fix it?
  18. I fixed the issue I mentioned earlier with objects deleting themselves if the player moves them too far away. Unfortunately (fortunately? ) I couldn't replicate this issue: Maybe I fixed it with some of my other changes? As always let me know if you find any more issues or if you want something else added. Download
  19. Ack I just realized I forgot to change something: If you move the object you're currently placing too far away from the player's vessel it will probably cache it, there is always a chance that it won't be an issue as I didn't actually test but it probably will. I'll fix it later tonight.
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