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Everything posted by Einarr

  1. Currently using 1.5 of Kerbonomics, apparently it does not have a .version so it's difficult to keep track. I'll update Kerbonomics and test again. If there's no change, I'll remove it. Edit: After updating, the issue was not resolved. New log, just incase anything changed... https://www.dropbox.com/s/46igw805swvwm6m/output_log.zip?dl=0 Edit 2: Removing Kerbonomics seems to have resolved the issue. However, when I loaded my persistence (the one I've been using for all this testing that has had no changes made to it), I noted that KCT indicated that Science Tech was being researched, I then checked R&D and saw it was unlocked, with all parts and so on also unlocked. After returning to the Space Center, then the R&D, the node was, once again, locked. I then proceeded to let KCT do the research time thing, and once the node was unlocked, I checked in the VAB to ensure that loading vessels would not revert the node. Such action no longer does. All seems to be working properly now. New log here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpndnvylfrsz6u5/output_log.txt?dl=0 My suggestion is to see about working with the author of Kerbonomics to resolve this incompatibility.
  2. With the extra debugging on, I tried it again with Insta Tech Unlock. The results were not promising. The Insta Tech Unlock option was also reverted. More video: I bet you're eager for these logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0igdl5dpcaz0tyj/logs.zip?dl=0
  3. As I have determined that KCT is causing my issue, I'm bringing the discussion back here. In this video, I load up my career save, check the R&D Center to show that I've unlocked the Science Tech node, then go check the KCT window back at the Space Center. I find that KCT is researching Science Tech, so go back to the R&D Center to see if the node has reverted, which it has. I then go back to the Space Center to check the KCT windows some more, find that I have -4 upgrades, and that it is not showing the upgrades I have applied. I then switch to the VAB and back to the Space Center in an attempt to get KCT to load my upgrades, which it does, showing -19 available upgrades. I then proceed to show that warping to completion of the research, then loading a vessel in the VAB starts the loop over again, at least, with regard to the research. Also, YouTube refuses to use the thumbnail I selected. I suspect that the KCT portion of my persistence file may have become corrupt due to some negative numbers I'm seeing in the upgrades screen. The relevant portion can be found below: SCENARIO { name = KerbalConstructionTimeData scene = 7, 5, 6, 8 KCT_DataStorage { enabledForSave = True RecoveryModifier = 0.75 NoCostSimulations = False DisableBuildTime = False InstantTechUnlock = False EnableAllBodies = False Reconditioning = True fundsFromSimulation = 0 firstStart = False TotalUpgradePoints = 20 TechUpgrades = 4 activeKSC = Stock VABUpgrades { Item = 0 } SPHUpgrades { Item = 0 } RDUpgrades { Item = 0 Item = 0 } PurchasedUpgrades { Item = 0 Item = 0 } BodiesVisited { Item = Kerbin } PartTracker { Item = SR.NoseCone Item = 2 Item = SR.Payload04 Item = 1 Item = SR.Rocket01 Item = 2 Item = SR.Rocket02 Item = 2 Item = SR.Wing03 Item = 3 Item = SR.Wing02 Item = 2 Item = SR.LaunchStick Item = 2 Item = SR.Payload02 Item = 1 Item = FASAMercuryPod Item = 4 Item = FASAMercuryDec Item = 3 Item = FASA.Mercury.Eng Item = 3 Item = FASAGeminiDecDark125 Item = 1 Item = FASA.Mercury.Parachute.Box Item = 4 Item = FASAMercruyCap2 Item = 4 Item = FASA.Mercury.LFT.Long Item = 4 Item = FASA.Mercury.Redstone.Eng Item = 2 Item = FASAMercuryRedstoneFin Item = 2 Item = FASAlaunchClamp125 Item = 3 Item = FASAMercuryPodRCS Item = 3 Item = proceduralStackDecoupler Item = 3 Item = proceduralTankLiquid Item = 3 Item = liquidEngine3 Item = 3 Item = liquidEngine Item = 1 Item = FASAMercuryAtlasVernierEngine Item = 2 Item = winglet Item = 2 Item = GooExperiment Item = 1 Item = FASAProbeGeigerCounter Item = 1 Item = FASAMercuryAtlasEngBooster Item = 1 } PartInventory { Item = SR.Payload04 Item = 1 Item = SR.NoseCone Item = 1 Item = SR.Payload02 Item = 1 Item = FASAMercuryPodRCS Item = 8 Item = FASA.Mercury.Redstone.Eng Item = 1 Item = FASAMercuryRedstoneFin Item = 4 Item = FASAlaunchClamp125 Item = 1 Item = FASAMercuryPod Item = 1 Item = FASA.Mercury.Parachute.Box Item = 1 Item = GooExperiment Item = 3 Item = FASAProbeGeigerCounter Item = 1 } } KSC { KSCName = Stock VABUpgrades { Upgrade = 11 } SPHUpgrades { Upgrade = 0 } RDUpgrades { Upgrade = 4 Upgrade = 4 } VABList { } SPHList { } VABWarehouse { } SPHWarehouse { } Recon_Rollout { } } TechList { Tech { techName = Science Tech techID = scienceTech scienceCost = 45 progress = 0.00700740741393364 ProtoNode { id = scienceTech state = Unavailable } } } }
  4. I have clearly identified KCT as the culprit. It seems it's gotten itself caught in a loop. I'll take the rest of this to the KCT thread, be ready for more there, magico13.
  5. There's no crash, and therefore no output_log. Edit: Seems Squad buries the output_log.txt in a different folder than the ksp.log. I found it and have uploaded it here.
  6. Is there any reason that KCT may cause an unlocked tech tree node to revert to being locked without simulations being involved? I started a thread here To try to figure out what's causing my issue. I suspect KCT due to it altering the way tech nodes are unlocked. Kerbonomics is also raising an eyebrow or two, but I don't see how that would affect tech nodes.
  7. I've got some mod soup going on and am having an issue where after previously unlocking a tech node, and the parts therein, it will revert to a locked state after I load a vessel in the VAB. I do not know which mod may be causing this issue and am hoping others can help me identify the culprit. Here's a Video showing what I'm talking about, though I forgot to return to R&D at the end of the video to show the node had reverted. It should be quite evident given that parts that were listed in the VAB are no longer listed. Here's an image (linked thumbnail) of the warnings that KSP-AVC gives me upon loading, and yes, I've checked that most of these are noted to be working in 0.90 by checking their threads, aside from ResGen (don't know where that one comes from). I have the updated RPM dll from the RPM thread, but it doesn't include an updated .version. B9's .version also needs updated, even though I have R5-2-8: I have also zipped up my ksp.log, which was too large for pastebin. I can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7x0xpqaflh9z73r/KSP_Log.zip?dl=0 I found a line repeated a few times while going through the log just after the point where I'd loaded the vessel called, "Mercury 4". [WRN 17:25:58.024] [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called I suspect this is either the culprit, or a symptom that can help narrow things down...I just don't know what RDTechTree comes from. Edit: Found the output_log.txt...why they bury it is beyond me, but I've also uploaded it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/46igw805swvwm6m/output_log.zip?dl=0 Edit 2: While not exactly solved, the culprit seems to have been identified. Taking the discussion to the relevant thread.
  8. I assume this is not backward compatible with 0.25? Still waiting for a few of my major mods to get updated before I move to 0.90...
  9. Did you activate the relevant dishes on the sats you decoupled and set the dish targets properly? This really must be done before you decouple. I also hope you have a 50Mm dish for each 'local' sat you intend to deploy on the main sat connected to Kerbin, and that those dishes are active and targeting Active Vessel (at least while you're deploying the local sat network, afterwards they'll need to be targeting one of the sats in the network). Typically I use Omni antennae for local comms around a given body as nothing needs targeting. I use Dishes to communicate between planet/moons and interplanetary. This means that to have complete coverage, I need comsats around each moon as well, but it removes some hassle, particularly during initial deployment of a new network (if deploying the network from one initial vessel). Edit: After looking more closely at your image, I note that the two sats marked as having the 50Mm dishes have those dishes targeting Duna. They really should be targeting the one sat used to link to Kerbin (the one with the 90Gm dish). I also note that the interplanetary link sat shows no indication of having any of its 50Mm dishes targeting any of the other comsats. Dishes have to be targeted on both ends. Edit 2: Closer examination shows what appear to be link lines between 1 and 2 as well as between 1 and 3. If 1 is the interplanetary link, then you should not be having an issue. In any case, I'd still suggest trying what I've suggested above.
  10. Terribly inconvenient, that flag pole being there. I bet it refused to respond to your frantic requests/demands to move out of the way... Someone is likely to be disciplined...
  11. Ironically, I've gone back to the Edge of Oblivion cloud setup and textures so they will load consistently. I'd been running Edge of Oblivion for awhile now, and didn't even realize it had auroras since I wasn't seeing them. Apparently, EVE is only loading a single cloud layer regardless of what's in the config that ships with the visual pack (and has been for awhile without me noticing). I have to manually add the other layers ingame, by hand. Very tedious, and I'm not even certain whether I'll have to do it each time I load up KSP. Wonder if there's a setting somewhere I have to change... I'm running EVE 7-4. Hopefully the author hasn't updated it without also incrementing the version number... I have no idea if it's the same 7-4 that can be downloaded now...
  12. After installing the base pack, then adding Snow, Auroras, Lightning, Dust, Eve & Jool clouds, Atmospheric Scattering, and Surface Glow I notice that Kerbin has no clouds and only one layer in EVE's ingame interface now. Was I supposed to merge the relevant configs, or is there another step I'm missing? I'm using what might now be considered the Beta release. Edit: Looks like EVE is only loading one of the configs found in ~\GameData\BoulderCo\Clouds . In my case, the Atmospheric Scatter one, since its filename starts with 10. Testing has shown that if I move or rename this, it will load the Surface Glow config as that starts with a 12. I'm going to try merging the configs.
  13. Any chance of sharing those MM configs?
  14. Don't suppose you could be convinced to come up with some designs utilizing B9 parts?
  15. How are you getting those mach numbers and such near the navball?
  16. I'll do some more testing using only one keypress. As for the speed at which I was doing it, I rather doubt I was doing it even as fast as .1 second. I'm thinking it was closer to .5 seconds between keypresses. Edit: More testing has confirmed that the issue seems to be resolved finally. I'll be sure to post again if it crops up...
  17. I suggest backing up your save before trying this...or anything else you are unsure of. Also, report on this as I want to know as well. Edit: Well, I tested it myself, and there were no game crashes. However, the ship's main reactor does not work. I believe it's fixable, just some editing of the part config (be sure to create an MM patch). I really only wanted the command pod and rings, so I'm not going to bother with the reactor itself for the time being, particularly since I don't know how much power the author intended for it to put out. Edit 2: Before removing the reactor and other parts I don't want, I checked the part config for the reactor itself and have determined that an MM patch or config edit should fix the reactor and make it functional. Essentially the ThermalPower entry in the FNAntimatterReactor module needs to be changed to a PowerOutput entry. More might be required, but that's all I see at a glance.
  18. Would you like me to take a screenie of my GameData folder so you can see all the mods I'm cramming in? Edit: You asked for log entries, so here's a few, and erm, no, the Toggle Engine issue has not been squashed. Anyway, I deployed a sat into Polar orbit of Kerbin for a contract, and when I went to use the keyboard to shut the engines down (Group 1), I had some of your new logging things come up. Be advised I did hit the key multiple times, so the log is showing all of it. [LOG 03:03:58.594] AGX Key check for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:58.595] AGX Key activate for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:58.596] AGX action activate FIRE!Toggle Engine [LOG 03:03:58.598] AGX Key check for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:58.599] AGX Key activate for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:58.600] AGX action deactivate FIRE! Toggle Engine [LOG 03:03:59.110] AGX Key check for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:59.111] AGX Key activate for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:59.112] AGX action activate FIRE!Toggle Engine [LOG 03:03:59.114] AGX Key check for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:59.115] AGX Key activate for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:59.116] AGX action deactivate FIRE! Toggle Engine [LOG 03:03:59.827] AGX Key check for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:59.829] AGX Key activate for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:59.830] AGX action activate FIRE!Toggle Engine [LOG 03:03:59.831] AGX Key check for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:59.832] AGX Key activate for some reason 1 [LOG 03:03:59.833] AGX action deactivate FIRE! Toggle Engine [LOG 03:04:14.314] AGX Key check for some reason 1 [LOG 03:04:14.315] AGX Key activate for some reason 1 [LOG 03:04:14.316] AGX action activate FIRE!Toggle Engine [LOG 03:04:14.317] AGX Key check for some reason 1 [LOG 03:04:14.318] AGX Key activate for some reason 1 [LOG 03:04:14.320] AGX action deactivate FIRE! Toggle Engine [LOG 03:04:16.658] AGX Key check for some reason 1 [LOG 03:04:16.659] AGX Key activate for some reason 1 [LOG 03:04:16.660] AGX action activate FIRE!Toggle Engine [LOG 03:04:16.661] AGX Key check for some reason 1 [LOG 03:04:16.663] AGX Key activate for some reason 1 [LOG 03:04:16.664] AGX action deactivate FIRE! Toggle Engine [LOG 03:06:01.809] AGX Key check for some reason 1
  19. Also, yes, it was affecting both groups assigned to flaps related actions. Group 11 was assigned to RAlt + 1, Group 12 was assigned to RAlt +2.
  20. I use RAlt and RControl for Mod 1 and 2 respectively. Those videos were shots after a complete restart of KSP and were the first flight. I had previously played around with parts as noted at the top of that post, but exited KSP to ensure the behavior I was seeing was not caused by KSP or various plugins not resetting things correctly. Also, vBulletin sucks... *glares at an expired token*
  21. Is there any reason why the FAR windows may refuse to show up in flight for vessels created in the SPH and launched from the Runway, yet work normally for vessels created in the VAB and launched from the Launchpad? Edit: Seems there may be some conflict with the Stock Bugfixes. I removed the SymmetryActionFix.dll and the problem I was describing has vanished.
  22. So after removing the solar panels and all radiators from the spaceplane I first noticed the issue on, the Issue remains. This time, I managed to record it with Fraps, with the ingame log console open. Essentially all I'm doing in the video is demonstrating that the Issue occurs when I use the keyboard, but not when I click the button. I also don't have it when I click the switch inside the B9 cockpit, though I forgot to record it. The log console shows an audio warning, but that showed up after I enabled audio capture in Fraps. It should be unrelated as I've never seen it before. Edit: This is no longer limited to the Toggle Engine action. For a single keypress, it it activating the actions assigned to the group twice, as demonstrated in this new video. I didn't have the log console up this time for the video, but it doesn't matter as nothing shows up in the log anyway, as demonstrated by the first video.
  23. I suppose you have had no success in getting Fractal_UK interested in ensuring the needed bits in the Interstellar plugins are accessible to you? Have you even asked him? He is getting ready to release a new version and it shouldn't be terribly difficult to set the needed functions public...of course, I've also not looked at his code...there might simply not be a way for his plugins to output the data you'd need for compatibility.
  24. And it has defined them that way for quite awhile, since at least KSPI 0.11 if not earlier. Unfortunately, I don't know of more updated documentation.
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