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Everything posted by Einarr

  1. @jackellice, Files in the NumericDisplay folder should not have been editied. I noted that in an earlier post (even if I didn't make it as clear as I could have). Just leave them the way they were with the regular version of this. As to the broken zip, lemme repackage it and reupload. Edit: Alright, new link up in the previous post, lemme know if there's still errors and I'll try a different compression method (used LZMA). I use 7-zip and just used whatever the default settings for zip format are.
  2. Alright, I've basically just zipped up the whole MOARdV folder (which only contains FlightSystemsRedux). It's essentially the same as what MOARdV released, but includes my updated configs. Use at own risk, obviously, but they seem to work for me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fan6qrkl9e2j11f/FlightSystemsRedux_KSP_1.2.x_Unofficial.zip?dl=0 Edit: New Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8k9p88jiliq9n8g/FlightSystemsRedux_KSP_1.2.x_Unofficial.zip?dl=1 Edit 2: Zipped up with 7-Zip. I've had reports that WinRAR doesn't like this file. I don't know why, and suggest using 7-Zip (it's free) for extraction.
  3. If you did, it would have been fairly recent. My setup still uses the FASA Gemini IVA. Edit: Seems your first post in the new TRAILS thread was on Oct 24. I definitely had BDB before that, but not by much. I usually just overwrite for updates, so if you did update to the newer TRAILS IVA since Oct 24 it might not have worked for me. In any case, I do prefer the FASA one especially with MOARdV's touches. More functional and aesthetically pleasing. I've looked at the new TRAILS thread and while that IVA isn't bad, it lacks much of the functionality from the one I'm using now. I was hoping you could resolve my issue as you likely have both the required tools and knowledge to do so fairly easily. I looked into doing it for myself, but found that the complexity kept rising (not a simple config file edit and can't just load the .mu into Unity to move the camera, for instance). I have no experience with modelling for KSP...and they don't make GMAX anymore...so I'd have to learn a whole new modelling program. Edit 2: I am running BDB 1.0.1 and only see the FASA Gemini IVA in Spaces. None of the other folders seem to be relevant to the TRAILS Gemini. I also noticed that BDB does not make use of KSP-AVC, something you might want to consider eventually.
  4. Oh, so he's the one who adapted the FASA Gemini IVA for it? Vids I've seen of the standalone TRAILS Gemini pod have a different IVA...maybe he swapped out after those were made...
  5. @CobaltWolf, I've adapted this: to work with the Gemini IVA from this mod (including fixing the color codes for newer RPM). However, I note that while female Kerbals are positioned correctly within the IVA, male Kerbals are positioned too high, resulting in the instruments just below the windows being cut off (either fully, or partially). Makes it rather difficult to use them with Jeb, Bob, or Bill. The above mod is only a config tweak for the props and does not seem to supply or alter the base IVA model, which I had to link to the one supplied with BDB. Can you do something about the positioning of male Kerbals within the IVA?
  6. Has anyone else noticed that the resources page for the stock IVA replacements multiplies the resources by 2? I don't recall it doing this in 0.90 or before...
  7. I have just gone through and done my best to update all the color tags to the HTML format to get this working in 1.2. The NumericDisplay items didn't like the change and stopped working (they had been working before my modifications, but I didn't know if they were working properly). Basically all I did was go through the FlightSystemsRedux folder (and subfolders) and edited all the .cfg and .txt files. Using the find/replace function, I replaced all instances of "[#" with "<color=#" (no "s) and then changed the appropriate closing "]"s to ">"s (again no "s, this is what took the longest...done manually). This worked for most of the props and avionics. As noted, the NumericDisplay stuff had to be reverted, but seems functional. Additionally, there are some ASET Props that are used without a customized txt or cfg file, so the manuals and a few props will still show the older style color codes. For my own use I did update the relevant ASET props as well. I also added a MM patch to make this compatible (mostly...still not sure about the camera/radar and such) with the BDB Gemini as I'm using that now. While all these changes would affect the IVA for the other (non-Gemini) pod, I don't have it, so there may be issues I didn't notice. I make no promises the update is perfect, and don't know enough abour RPM configuration files to diagnose issues in detail. It seems to be working for me at present, which is what I care about. All this was done so I could enjoy the Gemini IVA. However, it occurs to me that others may want the update as well. With MOARdV's permission, I can either post a download link, or send the files to him so he can post it to GitHub.
  8. Good to see that US is still around. Used to use it in 0.90, perhaps earlier and loved it. Glad it hasn't been abandoned.
  9. Seems there's still an issue with Launch into Plane of Target when launching from low grav non-atmo bodies (Minmus in this case). Here are images of the orbit I ended up with:
  10. I would expect that since the leading/trailing edges of the wings do not have a collision mesh, FAR probably ignores those parts of the wings. Perhaps I ammistaken, but I would expect you'd nee main wing area to generate lift/thrust with those, though you could reduce the size of the leading/trailing edges.
  11. Would be nice if the .version file would include 0.90 compatibility so KSP-AVC would stop bugging me... Also, the log spam gets old when trying to diagnose a problem. Lines like these: (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) MemoryUsage(1.11): Load
  12. I take it you don't use the Simulation mode of the FAR window in the design process, Wanderfound? I'm also eagerly awaiting the next 2 installments of your build video as your solutions may be helpful in my own designs.
  13. I would think it would recognize the payload once it has been deployed (released from the bay).
  14. Hopefully bac9 will revert the part size interface thing for the next version he releases, so those of us still using 0.30 can get the other fixes and such that 0.31 brought.
  15. I've actually reverted to 0.30 to get more sane numbers for dimensions. It's a shame that Squad hasn't documented ways to feed numbers in properly...or, infact, anything about it...
  16. About that part size interface...there are some issues with it that I noted. I even recorded a video showing them off. Pay attention to the dimensions windows as I put together the sample plane in the SPH.
  17. Bah, not gonna get Retro Future just for the camera, and I don't have enough of a RAM budget left to have the whole thing in...plus I probably wouldn't use most of the parts... Edit: Figures, I go to actually look for it and can't seem to find it... Edit 2: Found it, the thread does not have RetroFuture in the title, making it more difficult to find. Idid end up getting it, and ditching all but two of the cameras.
  18. I assume you have some sort of RPM capable camera mounted just ahead of the fore landing gear on the Demo Gull and Labrys. What mod is that camera from?
  19. Might consider adding some word wrap once you figure out how to as that would deal with the issue nicely, and possibly help to future proof things.
  20. I am rather enjoying the 2.0 version of this Gemini IVA. It's so useful, even if the main screen is left off...
  21. Used to love IR back in 0.23.5. Now I can't use it due to its dependency on Tweakscale. I've had so many issues with Tweakscale (mostly related to improper mass calculations for rescaled parts, which may, or may not result in hilarity, mission failure, Kraken attacks, etc.) that I will not have it in my mods list anymore. Would be nice if the default IR install could use something similar to B9's ability to swap models on the tail parts (raised, lowered, straight, etc.) to allow for different sizes (as it was in 0.23.5...) without cluttering the part list.
  22. I no longer have the version of the save game I was using for testing. I don't back them up to the HDD, instead I use Notepad++ as a means to revert changes. Since I resolved the issue, I moved on. However, the troublesome Kerbonomics entries are likely still present since I did not go in and eradicate them from the persistence file. Save Game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bd4uv0ze6gpypyj/Einarr-Career.7z?dl=0
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