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Everything posted by Designer225

  1. 2461.5: Meanwhile, wildlife flourished around the Equator. Elsewhere and everywhere, the ecosystem is beginning to adapt this sudden change. 2462: The Kerbals developed a way to farm (and provide plenty of oxygen, as well as creating their own ecosystem) by creating the greenhouses. Hope the trouble would end. Meteorologist Paul Kerman (based on real life Paul Deanno) said that: "The Ice Age might not end until possibly 2000 years later. Perhaps longer."
  2. 2460: The Temperature of Kerbin dropped to around 1 degree Celsius.
  3. You must have an imitater (or rather, imitator). (Ah yes, I can remember the old days...) I dropped the book off as a present. Mikeman's almanac - with a secret, cute (but dangerous) weapon.
  4. Well, if you focus more on military, Europe and Australia might be a good choice. Anyway, just choose a continent you think will work: http://politicsandwar.wikia.com/wiki/Resources
  5. 2455: Kerbin's 3rd Ice Age began.
  6. No one's hill (The former owner escaped, and I have no intention of occupying the hill.).
  7. I don't have an iPod, so you crushed nothing. And don't expect me to cry. Besides... There are NO Zombies that can be "planted" in PvZ2! I'm just thinking it would be great to include some of PvZ1 and PvZ2 elements (You can guess what PvZ stands for.). Anyway... Ready... Set... Plant!
  8. You are hypnotized, so I'm taking you as a human. Gargantuars incoming! My hill. (Also, I can't be defeated by brute force alone. You'll have to use your Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time! logic to defeat me. I'm on a Zombot War Wagon.)
  9. 2436.5.1: No one showed up to work anywhere. 2436.5.15: No one showed up to work anywhere. 2436.5.24: 75% of the working population returned to work. 2436.5.31: The LADEE is launched to the Mun.
  10. You are in. Also buy more land - you are running out of room for infrastructure.
  11. Trade or war (although you get nothing from a broke country, even if the country is active for a long time). Or, just wait for 2 hours.
  12. 2356: The first antimatter FTL drive test ended in failure - antimatter leaking out. The crew spent 2 months cleaning the spill. 2414: Gene Kerman expected the probe to send signal, but it didn't. Perhaps maybe some 30000 years later the signal will return. 2425: The optical communication system is invented by having laser pointed on a normal antenna, providing several GB of useless data.
  13. I (as Dr. Zomboss, on the Zombot) sent a group of zombies to get your brain. My hill. (Yeah, I know, I like Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time!)
  14. YouTube video-posting inactivity and YouTube-video-browsing fever. (Meant to have it up on YouTube, but thanks to my video recorder/editor - Blueberry Flashback Express - I'm tired of editing videos, having it exported to .avi first, then edit it using Microsoft Movie Maker 2012.) Anyway... 8/10.
  15. 2/10 Quite uncommon. Very uncommon.
  16. Year 2308: First transmission from the first FTL mission.
  17. They are launched simultaneously and are extremely radioactive, so they fizzled before I got to the 5th portal. Luckily I wore the suit that blocks alpha, beta, and weakens gamma rays. After that I cause a nuclear meltdown on the plant the next poster works at.
  18. ERROR: Incompatibility detected! Cause: 4D object in 3D space. Destroying mikeman7918. Meanwhile I monitored them through my computer. No one's hill, but it is under surveillance.
  19. That was a paper box and I broke free. When you came back you couldn't find me! Meanwhile, I shot the next poster with a poisonous arrow.
  20. Granted, but I have to be kind to be kind. I wish that the next poster would bring FEZ 2 back. (Phil Fish rage quitted after some "critics" called him a real bad name.)
  21. Year 2300: The first FTL voyagers went... and never returned. Sort of.
  22. Odin's getting mad... Anyway, time to... mine the hill... ooh! Gold! *digs for gold* OOC: That's 11 turns of non-mikeman-as-poster posts.
  23. I have the Rocket Artillery to fire a rocket to destroy you. Then I had to drive the rocket artillery back to a workshop (5 miles away from the hill) to fix it. No one's hill.
  24. Only a negligible amount (The camera is already smashed into bits) hit me and did no damage whatsoever. After I woke up I decided to snipe you. You felt unconscious and was taken to a hospital in Oakland (I think Scott lives in Oakland, CA). Then I snipe the next poster. OOC: BTW, I'm the poster before the poster above me.
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