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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. The detail will be applied ONLY when close up, so any color should probably be added to just the main. Or you can edit the color field in the config.
  2. Yup! You can either edit the textures, or add more layers using the config.
  3. The lights look like it has the old detail texture. The new texture by Tw1 is a lot nicer I think. It is in Beta-1.
  4. Yeah, he is aware. Looks like I will probably be exposing the values in a config so they can be toyed with.
  5. If using Universe Replacer, I would use packs that don't contain any clouds.
  6. Ok, definitely a field of view issue... makes sense now that I think of it. The camera wouldn't move in space, the field would... Unfortunately I have no idea how to sync the two... I will have to look into it.
  7. Picture? Is it the lights or clouds texture? Both? IVA? (Looks like there is some sort of IVA bug I need to fix)
  8. Yeah, after the camera becomes so far away from the body you are orbiting, the overlays are shoved onto layer 10 and rendered with the planetary cam. I think this is occurring due to a mismatch between the planetary cam and my camera. Probably Field of View.
  9. Hmm... that is odd. I'll have to take a look into that.
  10. Haha, I saw a post on Reddit where someone made a Kessler bomb and made some rings that way
  11. Still conceptualizing... some users suggested that they should not be simple "sprites" but instead have an LOD mechanism so that they could be collided with, interacted, etc, so I'm thinking about that a bit. And on second though, I'm not sure that there should even be any around Jool. One of the Squad devs mentioned a while back that there would be other planets, notably gas giants with rings. I'm also very interested in getting volumetric clouds working. Textures are nice, but being able to fly through a cloud at launch is what I really want. Imagine getting lost on Eve in a cloud
  12. I want to see it through until Squad adds clouds into the game by default I find the planets just look too lifeless without it.
  13. Hmm... I will have to try all the capsules now at different altitudes. What altitude were you at? Does it affect city lights as well? (it should)
  14. You aren't the first to mention issues with IVA... I tried it out yesterday with Beta-1 and couldn't see any problems, so I'll have to look at it again in more depth. I really like the concept of tiny lights added in. Maybe I could add another texture layer where it would be further tiled to add "high-res" dots?
  15. Yeah, and it is at a point that feels more solid to me, and does almost everything I initially wanted. Following you? hmmm... I can't think of why that might happen.
  16. I thought about that, but I couldn't find a POR to attach to.
  17. That is an issue with recalling Kerbin unfortunately. The Realism mod will have to work around this.
  18. Released Beta-1 in the showcase thread. From now on, my updates will go there, but I will keep an eye on this thread for development. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-22-Beta-1-City-Lights-and-Clouds
  19. What capsule is that? I tried it with the standard 3 person one, but couldn't get it to do that.
  20. Released Beta-1 detail shading when close to clouds from above, more config options.
  21. Looks like I'll be posting an update tonight. New config format, new shader (with detail rendering).
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