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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Yeah, after the camera becomes so far away from the body you are orbiting, the overlays are shoved onto layer 10 and rendered with the planetary cam. I think this is occurring due to a mismatch between the planetary cam and my camera. Probably Field of View.
  2. Hmm... that is odd. I'll have to take a look into that.
  3. Haha, I saw a post on Reddit where someone made a Kessler bomb and made some rings that way
  4. Still conceptualizing... some users suggested that they should not be simple "sprites" but instead have an LOD mechanism so that they could be collided with, interacted, etc, so I'm thinking about that a bit. And on second though, I'm not sure that there should even be any around Jool. One of the Squad devs mentioned a while back that there would be other planets, notably gas giants with rings. I'm also very interested in getting volumetric clouds working. Textures are nice, but being able to fly through a cloud at launch is what I really want. Imagine getting lost on Eve in a cloud
  5. I want to see it through until Squad adds clouds into the game by default I find the planets just look too lifeless without it.
  6. Hmm... I will have to try all the capsules now at different altitudes. What altitude were you at? Does it affect city lights as well? (it should)
  7. You aren't the first to mention issues with IVA... I tried it out yesterday with Beta-1 and couldn't see any problems, so I'll have to look at it again in more depth. I really like the concept of tiny lights added in. Maybe I could add another texture layer where it would be further tiled to add "high-res" dots?
  8. Yeah, and it is at a point that feels more solid to me, and does almost everything I initially wanted. Following you? hmmm... I can't think of why that might happen.
  9. I thought about that, but I couldn't find a POR to attach to.
  10. That is an issue with recalling Kerbin unfortunately. The Realism mod will have to work around this.
  11. Released Beta-1 in the showcase thread. From now on, my updates will go there, but I will keep an eye on this thread for development. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-22-Beta-1-City-Lights-and-Clouds
  12. What capsule is that? I tried it with the standard 3 person one, but couldn't get it to do that.
  13. Released Beta-1 detail shading when close to clouds from above, more config options.
  14. Looks like I'll be posting an update tonight. New config format, new shader (with detail rendering).
  15. hmm... I'll have to look into it. Someone else said they saw something similar. I thought I had fixed that in Alpha-10...
  16. Very nice. I think I messed around with Jool layers when it was flickering due to a plugin bug... These will definitely have to go into the next version.
  17. Thanks! This is definitely going to be a mod where everyone will likely use their personal preference to alter things.
  18. Yeah, I should put something together... I'll do that in the next few days...
  19. Only if Skyrim uses Unity as the game engine. I already have an idea of how to go about it (Unity has a decent particle emission system) but there are some interesting logistics to work out due to how KSP references space/cameras.
  20. I am not an artist at all. Programmer. I write the code that exposes the ability to create awesome things. I know that the textures & config are far from perfect, and I need all the feedback I can get so that people like you can do awesome things Next up: Enhancing cloud shader Exposing params
  21. Like I mentioned just above, it will be based off of a config entry. Unfortunately, I don't think I can base it off of radius, but I haven't really looked into it. I should visit all the bodies to check what the camera scalling does to the distance. I only checked Kerbin, so the other planets might be different. The scales are weird though. 200 seemed like such an arbitrary number scale.
  22. Actually, I figured out a way around the cloud detail. I'll end up using a similar technique I use for the underside of the clouds. Detail Textures. I just have to make sure they fade at a decent distance otherwise it looks too tiled. From below it is fine as long as the clouds are close enough to the camera. I will probably have to make the underside fade to the main texture though, as clouds that are very high (eg, Duna) are easy to spot the tiling. As for the other, well... KSP is very interesting in how it renders. there are three cameras: Near, Far, and Scaled. The Near camera renders ships, kerbals, etc. The Far camera seems to render the detail terrain, PQSCity stuff (Space center), etc. The Scaled camera renders the planetary and map view of bodies when you are ~100km away. The Far camera fades as you start moving away from a body to reveal the scaled camera render. So what I did was add a new camera that attaches to the scaled camera, and I attach clouds to the scaled planets. I can't use any other camera aside from my own and the scaled camera, otherwise the objects won't render to the correct size/position. So what I do is once I exit a certain distance away from the body, I move the layers onto the scaled camera so they don't mess with the Z writing. If I do it too soon, the layers won't be visible until you are up high, if I do it too late, they will overlap objects (as you saw). I will probably expose this value for different bodies in the near future. Until then, I would say have your stations at about 200KM up
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