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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. I thought particles were CPU intensive once you had a decent number of them? That is what all the unity forums seem to say at any rate...
  2. I thought I killed that bug... Ugh. Do you know the order of events that got you there? (MapView changes, Did you load from the tracking station, etc.) I have a suspicion about how I can solve it, but I want to be 100% sure this time. IVA is fixed though right?
  3. That is what I was thinking... any idea how it would impact performance? I'm thinking that there may also be transform implications too...
  4. It could be a fairly big drain on CPU... I'll see if there is anything that could be exposed though.
  5. Haha, I was thinking up lots of things "outside the scope" of this mod... One idea I was toying with was to use a render texture in place of the static ones, and create clouds procedurally. If that were the case, contrails would be somewhat easy to add to it. The only thing I'm not terribly sure of would be what altitude to use it, how to handle multiple cloud layers, what to do when the ship goes more vertically or through a cloud layer, etc.
  6. Hmmm... that would be interesting. I am not sure of the best way to do that though... I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the suggestion!
  7. I think there might have been an issue with Beta-1 and Jool. Yeah, I would really like to simulate weather and generate the clouds procedurally, but I haven't concentrated on it too much. I'm hoping an artist will come along and create some nice textures for this effort in the meantime What I want to finish next is volumetric clouds that would follow the texture clouds and allow users to fly through them. Right now the camera simply fades them out as you approach, but I hope to use the particle system in unity to create some relatively light weight cloud cover.
  8. I ended up buying FRAPS a while back. It works amazingly.
  9. Hi All, I know some of you have been having issues with clouds showing up on ground, so I exposed the camera cuttof values in the common.cfg. you can get the new build here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-22-Beta-2-City-Lights-and-Clouds I don't know exactly what values should work, but multiplying them by the same factor that the bodies have been expanded by should work.
  10. Nice! I really like the concept. Does it simply lock the gameobject transform in place?
  11. Thanks! That is exactly what I thought when I saw Kerbin. It just looks almost naked without cloud cover.
  12. Beta2: Fixes IVA, adds config options for camera-swap distance and utilized layers https://github.com/waka324/VisualEnhancements/releases/tag/Beta-2
  13. You can remove some of the other planets if you need to reduce the memory footprint. I'll probably end up releasing a low-res version for memory conscious individuals. Seems kinda high though... even expanded to rgb maps the textures shouldn't take up that much memory.
  14. I just took standard RGB values and divided by 255.
  15. The detail will be applied ONLY when close up, so any color should probably be added to just the main. Or you can edit the color field in the config.
  16. Yup! You can either edit the textures, or add more layers using the config.
  17. The lights look like it has the old detail texture. The new texture by Tw1 is a lot nicer I think. It is in Beta-1.
  18. Yeah, he is aware. Looks like I will probably be exposing the values in a config so they can be toyed with.
  19. If using Universe Replacer, I would use packs that don't contain any clouds.
  20. Ok, definitely a field of view issue... makes sense now that I think of it. The camera wouldn't move in space, the field would... Unfortunately I have no idea how to sync the two... I will have to look into it.
  21. Picture? Is it the lights or clouds texture? Both? IVA? (Looks like there is some sort of IVA bug I need to fix)
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