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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Nothing special is needed. They are just DDS textures. You could use PNG, etc. but that would eat more memory.
  2. No Manual yet. Tool-tips to be added in future versions though. Right now some things don't do anything. Offset is one of those currently.
  3. Move the camera around the particle. Basically, to fake the volume, usually particles are used (eg. KSP rocket exhaust) however, if we did it that way, the effect would fail very quickly as the particle would always face the camera, and therfore look like it is spinning around as you move the camera around it. To avoid this, we use a custom tri-planar particle shader that renders three different textures depending on where you are retaliative to the particle.
  4. This is all hypothetical. It could be a good way to do a bunch of different things (more detail, more variety, less memory usage, etc.), but at this point, I'm not certain what I would and would not implement.
  5. Yes and no... Unity has limited texture support, so what you suggest would be DXT1 or 8-bit Alpha only. This also would have the implication of forcing one unified color. For places like Kerbin and Eve this is likely fine, but for Jool, this may not be the most appropriate action. If this didn't matter to us, one thign we could consider doing would be to re-use the texture space. That is, we would assign one cloud layer to red, one to green, one to blue, and another to alpha. We could also use the RGB as a detail map for added detail at certain distances. This comes with some trade-offs though: 1) This may affect quality as DXT5 compression is not very friendly with map values. It is much better suited for regular color textures. 2) It will make it considerably more difficult to create textures.
  6. You may want to bump up the texture settings in KSP if it is blurry.
  7. It really isn't a spec. It is a custom KSP config mechanism. The commatized values are used because that is what KSP supports.
  8. Astronomer's Pack is not compatible anymore. You will have to wait for it to be updated.
  9. Probably. One of the downsides of c# is that the built-in GC makes devs less than responsible with memory. Always call the destructor when removing things.
  10. I plan on adding it sometime in the near future Plan on this in the near future along with being able to tone-down shadows.
  11. Screenshot? - - - Updated - - - That is the texture displayed during daytime for cities.
  12. On Mun as in map view? Landed on Mun? Old config packs are not supported with the current EVE release.
  13. Atmosphere is currently not truly supported. Given there is already scatterer, I figured I'd work on other things so that we don't have two direct competitors. Right now I'm focused on bug squashing, and shadows.
  14. Yeah, figured it was about time to be setup this way...
  15. I'll make a lower-res version tonight. Looks like you may have downloaded the old version before I had a fix up. You can just delete the EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Shaders/CompiledCloudParticle.shader file or re-install the mod from a fresh download. Seems to be a common problem... people are too used to the old stuff May address this sooner than later.
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