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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Ah... You need a terrain config as well. I think I'm going to have to change the config stuff around a bit to require it. I'm also likely going to merge the city lights and terrain as it is now a requirement.
  2. There were some config updates... Are you using the default configs or custom?
  3. what if you use this one: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/061f28bfa89b2f12623fa2c0fa07614c8505a5d9/x86-Release.zip
  4. If you entered 2000, 8, then yes. - - - Updated - - - They should still work. They work on my build at any rate...
  5. Translation simply moves the clouds around randomly (eg. 10, 20, 30 would do a MAX translation of 10 in the X, 20 in the Y and 30 in the Z, with a MIN of those values negated). 2000,8,0 would make the particles 2000 at smallest, and 16000 at largest. That is HUGE. These values are in meters after all. Any value can be applied, not just 2^x.
  6. Another update has been posted. This addresses some of the lighting issues.
  7. You have it correct Proot. I did unify the details texture system... However the seams shouldn't have changed...
  8. OOps... Sorry, that should be {2,4,0} is min of 2 and max of 8.
  9. The _size param: {min_size, max_scale, unused} so 2,4,0 would result in the smallest particle being the size of 2 and largest 4.
  10. Nope Think of it like a pie in the oven. Getting closer and closer to being ready, but we don't know exactly when until it is done.
  11. The configuration would help. I'm really curious about what is going on there
  12. RAM-wise, yes it should be MUCH better, but I've seen plenty of comments saying that frame-rate was heavily impacted.
  13. I'm curious where all the issues with performance are stemming from? What kind of settings are people playing with? Are people using OpenGL?
  14. Added more Compatability with Kopernicus... Fixed terrain shader weirdness.
  15. 1) What exactly isn't working with the particle color? The source looks good... Do you mean the textures? 2) I'll have to check that one... 3) Yeah, the scaled space shadows will be off until I replace the mechanism I'm using there. 4) Only sort of. The default textures are now the ones KSP uses. - - - Updated - - - Oh, also there is a new version up that fixes some issues with the oceans.
  16. Just posted an update... I think these are the best, most configurable clouds we've ever seen in KSP. - - - Updated - - - This also means I'll stop toying around with the clouds for now, and shift gears towards the ocean.
  17. I'll likely end up documenting the GUI... Tooltips or a help mode. The config method squad uses isn't comment friendly.
  18. This is coming... I still have work to do, and I will need to publish a full help guide on all parameters (or perhaps a tool-tip or in-menu guide).
  19. Yes, they should be anyways... Is the GUI not working? Or do you just prefer manually editing configs?
  20. Ah, ok. Makes sense... PQSMod is a class you can extend and attach to the PQS. It has callbacks and whatnot for when the PQS is enabled/disabled etc. It creates a more OO flow, and perfect for things like this. - - - Updated - - - This is planned, though not for next version of EVE.
  21. Whoa... Hold on here. No need to be snarky. Proot was genuinely interested in helping out and trying to manage the "defect talk" that tends to plague WIP threads. Proot apologized for coming off a bit strong, no need to take it so personally. As an aside: The atmospheric sun glow has been around only for about a month now. Much shorter than the ongoing dev time. Thanks guys for being patient. I know it seems like it is taking a decade to complete, but I swear it will be worth it. After cleaning up a few of the shaders, I'm tackling the ocean now. If you tried the most recent version, you may have noticed that the volume particles merge seamlessly into the 2D layer... This is something I've wanted to get done for a long time now. They also use the detail image as well, so the clouds should look better than ever. After I fix some of the work with oceans, it is back to the cloud shadows, and more shader improvements!
  22. Looks great!! Absolutely beautiful! With cubes being used for the rendering now, they can be applied to the scaled space meshes, the layer updated, and values scaled to match the scale ratio. Is this what you are doing now? This will allow multiple bodies to be handled much more easily What I'd probably suggest is adding a PQSMod to handle the Macro<->Scaled transition.
  23. Clouds flickering??? Is it kind of sparkly do you mean?
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