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Everything posted by AHO

  1. Hi! This is really cool! I'm downloading the Command pod mk1 and I'm going to try to build it. Will post pictures when I'm done
  2. This mod is really cool! can't wait to see where it goes.
  3. I started in 0.16 and WOW. has the game changed since then. When planets were added over a year ago I was so exited! Man, it's really bean that long. The times go by so fast.
  4. I'm really looking forward to this! Keep up the good work!
  5. Indeed, it is the developers who would do this so please, bring the idea back harvester. you've let us all down.
  6. I mean, I'm just having trouble contemplating why they would do this. Can one of there most brilliant and well thought out features. Come on devs put this back on the shelf! You were really on to something amazing here! You can un-can it right? So please, if you're reading this, at least give the original idea a chance.
  7. Wait, resources have been canceled? No hope of ever returning!?!?!?!! What!! No! Just no!!!!!!
  8. Can't wait for the new mod, nova
  9. So, there are still plans to add new planets into the stock game I hope?
  10. He did end up leaving, but he's still active on the forums. I'm just wondering what will happen to his ideas. Specifically what he was working on for his planets and moons. He had some great ideas. So, does anyone know what the devs are planning to do with these planets he was working on?
  11. Does anyone know if the planets that Novasilisko was working on will be implemented later in the game?
  12. These are great! I'd love to see them added into the game somday.
  13. ...But mining would add in so much to the game. It fits in perfectly with kerbal space program! Just think of all the possibilities of mining resources on another planetary body. Heck, there are even planes of mining on the moon or on asteroids in real life!
  14. AHO

    Model Rocketry

    Yeah! Nice to see another into model rocketry I've been using rocksim for about 3 years now and it works great!
  15. People; looks like we've got a time traveler on our hands...
  16. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/22823-Planet-composition-of-the-kerbol-system/page4 Man, this is an old thread. Most of these people aren't active on the forums anymore. Ah memories.
  17. I know I made a thread like this right after .17 came out. I can't remember where it is but I'll try to pull it up.
  18. Your computer must have been lagging like crazy!
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