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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Procedural wings reports that it's not compatible. So I recommend everyone to make a backup save of their 1.3 versions for this tournament.
  2. I do it so that my subscribers freak out, it's been more than a year since I last posted a video (or played at all), and my channel is dedicated to KSP.
  3. I hope the mods and everything else are ok with the new release, KSP just updated to 1.3.1 on my steam without notice. Damn it steam I said I WANT TO HANDLE MY UPDATES MANUALLY, which part of it didn't you understand, uh? *Had to revert it manually through the "beta versions" settings.
  4. We should use this opportunity to promote this tournament more, it seems like we won't have more than 8 participants this time if we don't.
  5. @SuicidalInsanity can you extend it over the weekend? That is the only time I have to actually play stuff properly.
  6. Made a Do-335 like airplane, but it doesn't perform too well. Not ugly enough either. Back to the drawing board.
  7. Banido por que meme ou está fresco ou está podre. Apenas as lendas sobrevivem.
  8. I just meant I will make the weapons work and apply balances provided by the community, I don't have time nor skill to make new weapons myself Even if someone else wants to make new weapons that fit AA's visuals, balancing would be a problem and I don't have time to balance a new weapon by myself.
  9. Banido por que eu disse que foi boa, não seja dramático.
  10. FINE I'LL UPDATE THIS MOD. Heh First check the pull request with the fixes then add the MM patch to the parts. @ElCapitan nice wings. Have you tried b9 pwings before? It doesn't have smooth corners but you can work around that quite easily.
  11. Banido por que sua piada foi tão ruim, mas tão ruim, que ficou boa, aí ficou ruim, aí ficou boa de novo.
  12. @Kowgan Ok, I didn't try it but I trust you, so I already uploaded the updated pack to curse Should be available soon.
  13. @Kowgan if you don't mind I will upload it to curse later today.
  14. Banido pois hoje fui lembrado do quão ruim é o sistema de ensino brasileiro. Não é à toa que tem tanta gente burra nesse país. Também tem essa mania idiota de tratar todos como se fossem iguais, sem turmas para os alunos mais avançados. Aí a turma toda segue o ritmo dos mais lentos, é mal ensinada, deixa de aprender um monte de coisas e são todos nivelados por baixo. Se eu tiver um filho(a) um dia quem vai ensinar tudo de verdade sou eu.
  15. @Van Disaster I hate giving tips because I am also going to compete but... Go faster.
  16. @SuicidalInsanity what a spoiler, haha. But yeah there has never been any secret to the AI at all.
  17. Are you sure you are attaching the tank to the ordnance mode using its node? Otherwise it won't work properly. About the weapons, BAD-T 3 has a module manager patch that fixes it, you can find it here: https://github.com/SuicidalInsanity/Misc/releases/download/1.101/AABulletDefs.cfg It is not yet ported because I currently have no time to maintain the mod, and it still works, sorta. (apart from the trumpet)
  18. Wow, that was a really good battle. Very different from most of the others, both crafts are really fast. Spoiler (read after watching) Btw, when I meant score I had rounds won in my mind, not sure which method is better.
  19. Neat, now we have a sniper boom'n'zoomer vs one of the most agile prop planes I have ever seen. Sorry @ferram4 but my bets are not on you. Unless the Tytonid manages to make the BT drain all of its energy I don't think it can turn fast enough to keep a lock on it and escape when needed. Just hope it doesn't end on the first headon encointers.
  20. Gotcha, fam. Glad to see the commitment with balance is maintained, this is super important. I think we should spread out the word a bit more, many people who would like to participate may not know about this yet. Edit: I already sent the visual mods to him btw.
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