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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Density is the density of the resource, it only changes the weight of the stored ammo. If you open the weapon configurations you can find buller weight and velocity (muzzle velocity), the damage is calculated through energy (mass*vel^2)/2, times a constant and reduced by the energy drained from drag and depending on some target part parameters. It's kinda overcomplicated, that is why you better test it. To make a weapon stronger increase bullet mass and velocity.
  2. You cannot see how much damage it does, you can only experiment and figure it out, as it varies a lot. New ammo types are created by creating a new resource, putting it on some container and making the weapon consume it, BDA does not support ammo properties, all projectile properties are weapon settings. (You can make a tank fire using 7mm ammo, liquid fuel, ore, it doesn't matter)
  3. Every ksp mission: "Minuscious plan, eyeball plot, wild ride execution."
  4. vlw baniu flw Pq q ta td riscado? Ah cliquei sem querer no celular.
  5. @Heimder gostei de como ele anda. Já imagino formas de fazer ele virar, e também otimizar o modelo colocando dobras nos joelhos(?) por exemplo. Ainda acho que kOS vai ser a melhor solução. Pode pegar o BDArmory Continued e colocar umas armas nele também hehe.
  6. Está em baixo do... Ah vc achou. Bom saber que o LanguagePatches atualizou! Suportar diferentes idiomas deveria ser o padrão entre os jogos, pena que o KSP está demorando tanto pra isso. Parabéns pelo update.
  7. Mas isso nunca foi segredo. Ah e ele não é mais desenvolvedor do KSP.
  8. Tenta usar o kOS pra automatizar as apertadas de botão, aí não corre risco de o sistema não funcionar.
  9. @Heimder O KAX tem garras que prendem de verdade no solo, mas eu acho que elas só funcionam se lançadas por cabo. Mesmo assim daria pra fazer um sistema que usa as garras na hora que encosta no chão ou algo assim.
  10. Meu quarto do pc tem 17,5m^3, divirta-se. (sim eu tenho um quarto especificamente para o pc, nada demais)
  11. I think that at this point testing it with other mods is pretty valid, but it always requires more work and nailing down which mod is behaving badly under which circumstances, then reporting the issues at the correct places.
  12. Aqui tá agradável, um dia lindo pra ficar em casa com as janelas fechadas.
  13. Yes, that is normal, voxels can actually represent half of the space they are in, imagine a half block on minecraft, that kind of thing. That airplane does not look very stable for supersonic flight, especially with a canard, I can provide other aircraft for you to test if you think there is something wrong.
  14. If you don't already know how to you should not get it, as you said yourself, it's not updated.
  15. @paul23 yes, FAR has that curve, check out the static curves, it's light blue. But because we usually swipe a much larger AoA range than we can find on most graphics, the stall point shows up kinda early on it. If your airplane is not very aerodynamically efficient it's going to be shorter too. And remember that it looks like that for subsonic, changing a lot when supersonic. Edit: also, if you don't have built in AoA or a large wing to add cambering it will start at Cl~=0 for 0deg AoA.
  16. @Sol Invictus the thing is, ferram already knows about the ground effect, and I already said that if it comes that will happen with/after the wing overhaul, so discussing it here does not bring any useful information to the mod or to the users of the mod, neither does discussing its impact on designs here. The FAR Craft Repository was created exactly for that purpose (discussing and sharing designs), it is even linked on the OP. And yes it was meant to get the cluster out of here. Overall discussions about aerodynamics don't fit here either, as you said yourself its FERRAM'S aerospace research not community's. Best thing to do is moving to the other thread or making a new one at Science & Spaceflight.
  17. I just think that this whole design and aircraft discussion should move over to http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121176-Official-FAR-Craft-Repository Mainly because that has nothing to do with the purpose of this thread, ground effect was commented on and that's as far as it goes regarding the mod itself, how to work around it and other things like that have nothing to do with it. It also adds a lot of cluster in here.
  18. Banido pela recente queda na atividade aqui do fórum pt.
  19. @Z1 M4N Yeah, that is a known issue, but it would require the model to be modified to be "trully fixed" and that is not something we plan on doing right now. This is because KSP is very weird about which axis is "front" and which is "up", and bombs use a fake center of lift. If you want, you can edit the part CFG "simpleCoD = 0,0,-3" and change that value to another axis like "simpleCoD = 0,3,0" or something like that, and see which works. I didn't change it on my side because it may or not affect their explosion on impact, but I am unsure, if it works allright I can edit it on my end and update the mod. The 100lbs bomb's model was already modified, so it should work fine without further adjusts. Edit: btw there is a way to use MAF to better aim unguided rockets, if you experiment with it enough you will figure it out, worth it.
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