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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. That is good enough, don't worry about it I expect to be done reviewing all airplanes today.
  2. Vocês todos sabem que discussão sobre religião ou drogas é proibido aqui. Nesse domingo vai ter live
  3. I believe that 8GB will be enogh for the vast majority of gamers. 16GB is good if you have a very high end system or run programs that can make use of it, but I hardly ever use more than 8GB out of 16, and I noticed that it only normally happens when developing plugins when I can open more than one KSP besides all the programs for development.
  4. @DoctorDavinci is your GPU an nvidia gtx 600 series or higher? You could use shadowplay if that is the case. No worry about that, if you can't use all the visual mods it's totally fine. @Veeltch & @TangerineSedge Nice crafts!
  5. Use a com dois pneus e diminua a escala, aí não terá problemas.
  6. What are the specifications of your computer? Also, try to record in lossless mode, it impacts performance a lot less.
  7. Thanks Baha, will use it Lots of crafts, reviewing everything, doing well so far. Some took way too long to kill the dummy so I will assume everybody did their homework and skip that test (taking long didn't really mean it was worse, some simply wouldn't dive deep enough to engage). Then it's much faster to simply check if the craft was built within the rules. Some quite exotic airplanes, I like it.
  8. As specs desse pc são: CPU: FX-8150 (que pretendo deixar a 4~4.2GHz) GPU: GTX 660Ti OC 2GB da Gigabyte RAM: 8GB DDR3 1333MHz MOBO: M5A99X Evo R2.0 HDD: 500GB PSU: 600W Reais http://imgur.com/l15KeSh Edit: o A10-7700k parece realmente muito bom, a pesar de o cpuboss.com estar overestimando sua capacidade, o custo benefício é enorme, acredito que ele fique entre um i3 e um i5.
  9. Sim, pretendo lançar o MAF assim que lançar a 1.1 (não a preview, lançar oficialmente). Montando meu pc secundário: Ja tá quase pronto na verdade, so falta colocar o painel frontal devolta.
  10. @Sturmgeschutz Se quer fazer aviões assim recomendo que você use o modpack do BAD-T: Se não quiser os motores a hélice do mod pode usar o KAX mesmo, mas aí recomendo usar o AJE, aumenta muito as possibilidades e torna tudo mais interessante.
  11. Just so that everybody is aware, the battles will run in 1.0.5 using the mods listed on the OP, so that the aircraft specs don't change. But yeah, will continue using it on 1.1 for sure.
  12. Thanks again, @SuicidalInsanity! Will be using that one, tell me if you update it on the future
  13. Bem, a explicação é simples: 0/0 = ??? ??? * 6174 = wat. Eu ia pegar e fazer a continha, a*1000 + b*100 + c*10 + d... Mas deu preguiça.
  14. Minha vez: 5487/5487 = 1 1 * 6174 = 6174 Pronto
  15. Ok, eu escolho o número 5487, e vou provar matematicamente que é exatamente isso.
  16. Divide por ele mesmo e multiplica por 6174
  17. Banido por falta de fonte. Borboleta nem vive o suficiente pra migrar (a não ser que você mostre uma fonte confiável provando o contrário).
  18. Hey @Good_Cat, @ss8913 and @darkracer125, I have moved your posts about craft design here. I should make it a bit more explicit that this kind of discussion goes here, and poke @ferram4 about making that more obvious on the FAR OP. Anyway, @Good_Cat, the yellow line is the second derivative of the green line, it basically means how "smooth" the green line is. For example, if the green line is a straight line, regardless of the inclination, it will be zero. If you put a straight line of fuel tanks of the same radius, the green line will be constant at the middle and have two sudden steps at the tips. Every sudden step means a spike on the first derivative, a spike on the first derivative translates to two spikes on the second derivative (up then down). It's not that complicated, but in order to decrease drag on the transonic region, you must decrease the Mach 1 wave drag area, and the closest to the zero the yellow line is, the lower wave drag area you get.
  19. @Toonu Don't be afraid of suggesting The only problem with your idea is that people would simply spam high jamming parts to make any craft stealth. Using FAR code, I talked to ferram about that before, but it doesn't seem as simple as it sounds, the current "visual" method seems to work fine, even though I never attempted an attack from a long enough distance.
  20. Banido por que parece que não adiantou muito, enfim. Hora de ir montar meu pc secundário.
  21. @godefroi as an Electronics Engineering student not far from graduating I can ensure you that there is nothing with a micro ATX that makes it better or worse. The main difference between them are the pci slots, and what ends up happening is that the highest end cards are expected to be used with more than one GPU. But on the mid-high range you can find motherboards with about the same quality and the micro ATX will usually be cheaper. The deal with more expensive mobos is usually the socket, more pci slots and overclocking hability/stability, if you don't plan to do that anything will work fine.
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