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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Aviator Arsenal will not be available on CKAN, mainly because it has dependencies on BDArmory. About BAD-T, don't worry the next tournament will start soon(tm), there is a lot of balancing left to do and I think I managed to come up with a fair points system for the weapons.
  2. There is no such balancing on FAR, in engineering you almost never have "plain better" for everything. Unlocking parts later on the tech tree simply gives you more flexibility, allowing you to shape the wings better and other things like that. For example a certain all-moving wing part can have lower transonic drag when placed on a certain location at the aircraft if compared to the others.
  3. Calma pessoal, já estão criando uma alternativa, o spacedock. Eu ainda não sei se vou colocar meu(s) mod(s) nessa plataforma, principalmente por que ela é proveniente do CKAN, e eu não quero que meu mod seja distribuído pelo CKAN.
  4. @Bookstore44 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cjb7n8xokq0wsy2/PowerRoll.MP4?dl=0 Yes it is possible, yes what you are experiencing is normal, it's a design thing. Stalling is not yet perfect, but for a few reasons, this may change on the future. But since there is no huge problem with the mod, you should share your design so that we can discuss and improve it here:
  5. Logo haverá outro site substituindo o KerbalStuff. Ainda é incerto se os mods vão ser portados, por razões de licensa, veremos.
  6. Hmm, isso tá com cara de satélite do Remote Tech. Caso o problema ocorra novamente, vá na vessel e veja todas as partes que ela tem, alguma coisa nela está dando problema.
  7. Banido por incitar backseat moderation, quem controla aqui sou eu.
  8. Ah, então alguém quebrou o save. Por favor descubra o que foi pra eu proibir que façam isso denovo.
  9. Yes I have thought about that, and about ways to implement that. The main problem is, how would I set up such teams, and which rules for conquering would I have. There are already many locations on Kerbin with airfields where battles will happen. But going further on the idea, it would be better to have two teams, people would choose a side to join, with limited spots. Then, the team would decide where to place their defenses, that means each airfield would contain certain airplanes, as long as everyone participating has at least one. In turns people would choose to attack, and would only be allowed to attack the nearest targets. But that requires too much organization, team-wise, could turn into roleplay and people could end up fighting each other because the other guy's plane was bad and lost because of it, that kind of stuff... It would work better if we had predefined "leaders" for each team, me and a friend, or two friends of mine for instance. We/I would choose who gets on which team and only those leaders decide where to attack, using the airplanes provided by the community. The community feedback would be taken into account for making such decisions, so you would participate indirectly, through airplanes and opinions. But I am not sure if that would be fun for the airplane creators, what do you guys think?
  10. Oh, yes that would lag a bit, BAD-T allows 80 parts per craft, on a total of max 320 parts. My laptop can handle 250 parts at 30fps-ish, 320 makes the timer mostly yellow. Anyway, while KerbalStuff is down here is a dropbox download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z2b5j400nqao7se/AviatorArsenal-1.1.zip?dl=1
  11. Oh, okay, and how is your performance running battles with so many planes? Or did you go easy on the part count?
  12. @SuicidalInsanity that's... beautiful *tears* It's great that the only survivor was the one you were focusing at. But we really need to make the AI avoid head-ons a bit.
  13. Hmmm, trollagem é contra as regras. So que você não está 100% errado... Brincadeira, você está totalmente errado. Ou não? Nunca saberemos.
  14. If anyone haven't seen it yet, Aviator Arsenal just updated, we are now on version 1.1. There are a lot of new weapons and stuff. It's not only meant to be used with WW2 airplanes, if you want a balanced set of weapons to use in any case I highly recommend the pack.
  15. @Davico de nada. Ah e pro resgate você terá que fazer um pouso de precisão, no meu canal do youtube tem um vídeo ensinando.
  16. Você consegue colocar esses plugs mesmo com o KAS, sem o KIS, lembro de ter feito isso. Ah e tome cuidado com o KIS, mods como o FAR conflitam com ele.
  17. Pra voltar de Mün precisa de ridiculamente pouco, manda screenshot do seu modulo poisado mostrando quanto combistivel tem.
  18. Por acaso é esse aqui? Ou é algum outro mágico que eu ainda não conheço?
  19. Não lembro de ter desativado nenhum deles. Mas recomendo ir onde todos estão, pra não dividir muito. Se o modo ciência estiver fora do ar me avise por favor.
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