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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. @alp3r not right now, it would stop being a matter of which airplane is the best and would be a matter of which pair fights the best, and that is much more complex for the players to handle. Maybe on the next version of BAD-T, also if KSP 1.1 is able to handle 3x3 battles we will definitelly have heavy fighters together with fighters.
  2. TIPS AND SUPPORT: Submitting:Even though you can only submit one airplane, that does not mean you can't update it. Both hosting platforms, Dropbox and KerbalX allow you to update your airplane as needed, without breaking the download link. I am only going to download and validate the entries after the submissions are closed (for sanity sake), and that means it does not matter what is in there before that happens. If you submitted your airplane early but realized there were a few tweaks left, or simply that you made a whole new better design, just go ahead and update the sources, making sure that you use the exact same names as the original ones, for consistency, if something shows up and I have no idea what it is because the link, file and craft name don't match (or are at least very similar) I will have to throw away the craft and assume it was something I pushed by accident. To update your airplane on Dropbox, simply replace the .craft or .zip file by the new one, with the exact same name, and the old dropbox link will download that instead. On KerbalX, simply open the craft, hit edit, then drop the new craft file on the upload box. After the craft is uploaded hit the "Update" button and the craft will automatically update. But again, make sure the names are the exact same or it may screw up the links or something like that.
  3. THE TOURNAMENT: After the success of the first BAD-T, it was decided that the tournament should go one step further. On the purpose of this tournament, the mod Aviator Arsenal was created, FAR and BDArmory received several features and tweaks and new Kerbin-Side battleground maps were made, all of that thanks to @VintageXP, @ferram4, @BahamutoD and @SuicidalInsanity. Also thanks to @Lack for allowing the distribution of SXT prop engines with tweaked settings. The second version of this tournament consists on 2x2 World War 2 themed airplanes battling on unique custom made airfields and natural locations spread across the Kerbin planet. On this tournament you can submit either a Fighter or Heavy fighter airplane, which will then fight against other airplanes on battles ran by me. They will then be available on youtube, just like on the first BAD-T. When an entry loses a battle, it's out of the main competition branch. Since a high number of entries is expected these airplanes will only have the chance to fight again if a member of our community volunteers to run these battles. If the number of entries is not as great, these battles may be run by me but will not be recorded. Creating the vehicle and setting up its AI characteristics are entirely up to you, rules are applied to keep the competition fair and must be strictly followed, no exceptions will be made BATTLE BRACKETS Lost the first battle? No problem! TIER 2 BATTLE BRACKETS MODS: The following mods are required: FAR v15.5.7 Aviator Arsenal v1.1.1 BDArmory v10.4.1 BAD-T SXT Propellers pack The following mods are allowed: B9 Pwings v0.40 Procedural Parts v1.1.11 Adjustable Landing Gear v1.2.0 CLASSES AND POINTS: There are two classes, Fighter and Heavy Fighter. Fighter: You can spend up to 100 points however you wish. Your airplane must weight more than 2.5 tons* and have one single propeller engine. Heavy Fighter: You can spend up to 150 points however you wish. Your airplane must weight more than 6 tons* and have two propeller engines. *measured at the map view during simulation *dry weight, empty of any resource that the aircraft utilizes such as ammo and liquid fuel, oxidizer and ore are examples of not useful resources that can be used as ballast. Point Costs: -Engines cost their stationary thrust in kN. -Weapons cost their caliber in millimeters. Points including decimals of the engine/weapon stats. Check Craft rules for details. RULES: Craft: - Your craft must contain no more than 60 parts. - Only Aviator Arsenal stationary weapons are allowed. - Maximum of 6 weapons of a single type on your airplane. - Open cockpits must be safe, that means that the Kerbal must not be too exposed nor sit on extreme parts of the craft. - It must fly with FAR and be able to take down the test dummy on it's own (just to make sure you have the right mods and that you or I didn't mess up somewhere). - The craft must contain at least one Kerbal and only one Communications Antenna, which must be visible (this part contains both a weapons manager and AI module). - It must not contain rocket grade parts (ore or RCS ballasts are fine, as long as not structurally important). - Scientific instruments are allowed for aesthetic purposes. - When present, the cockpit reaction wheels must be turned off. - Parts can be freely clipped, as long there is no abuse and no resource stacking. (fuel tank inside fuselage is ok, fuel tank inside fuel tank is not) - Procedural wings thickness must be greater than 0.120 for any reasonably sized wing part to prevent glitches. - FAR's wings Mass-Strength must be between 0.25 and 1.5. Submitting: - The deadline is March 13th (deadline is over). - Your craft must be available to download through kerbalx or dropbox ONLY, no other hosting platform is allowed. - You must not submit more than one airplane*, if something goes wrong please contact me via PM. - Your submission must be done through this private google form: -snip- - Sharing crafts on this thread, being that your submission or not, is allowed, but that is entirely up to you and will not count as a valid entry, only the google form submissions will be valid. - You are free to cooperate with your friends to build an airplane together but remember that any sort of roleplaying is strictly forbidden by the forum rules. *I am studying the possibility of submitting two different airplanes to battle together on a future version of the tournament, but for now only one airplane per submission will be accepted. FAQ: Until when can I submit my airplane? Until March 13th (deadline is over, you cannot submit anymore). Can I submit both a Fighter and Heavy Fighter? Not right now, it would stop being a matter of which airplane is the best and would be a matter of which pair fights the best, and that is much more complex for the players to handle. Maybe on the next version of BAD-T. Why not KAX? KAX is an amazing mod, but SXT had enough propellers to fulfill the desired roles. I messed up on my submission, what to do? You must send me a private message explaining what went wrong. I updated my plane after submitting, can I resubmit it? No. It would be very chaotic for me to dig through several submissions of the same person to figure out which one is the latest. My airplane breaks some/any of the rules by accident, what can I do? If an airplane breaks one of the rules or does not beat the dummy plane you will receive a PM and will have the chance to resubmit once. See? I am not a bad person, I think. How do I make an airplane fly on FAR? I am working on a FAR video tutorial specially for this challenge right now, don't mind my accent. My airplane is really bad, should I submit it anyway? Hell, yes. The main purpose of this challenge is having fun, not everybody in here is that eager to win. Can I create a fake cockpit using a chair and some other parts? Yes, of course you can, just make sure the kerbal is not too exposed nor sitting on extreme parts of the craft like stated on the rules.
  4. @Gnoyze You can find all of them on this playlist: Well, not all of them, one or two are missing because a couple of battles were kinda humiliating so I rather not upload them No, not guidelines, there will be strict rules and no exceptions will be made, it's just that they don't interfere with your design too much, they are meant to keep things fair.
  5. @Gnoyze since I expect that many people do not understand how to use FAR I am resuming my work with the FAR tutorials just for this challenge. Rules don't force anyone to build on a certain way, there is nothing on them that would prevent you from building a replica or something weird People went super creative on the last BAD-T, I can't wait for what is next.
  6. @BahamutoD take your time to fix the competition mode, BAD-T starts today but there will be plenty of time for people to build their airplanes before battles start happening.
  7. Banido por que na verdade não tem como comparar a dificuldade, ambas são muito complexas o problema é que elétrica é muito ampla. Então em elétrica tem como vocé estudar áreas que são muito mais complexas do que outras, aí não tem muito bem como definir. Mas que ambas são difíceis isso eu garanto. Não faço elétrica por ser "mais fácil", faço por que gosto e o mercado de trabalho também é um fator importante.
  8. You nailed it. Also, I thought you were talking about BDArmory's DMG_MULTIPLIER, not the damage on the charts, lol. They are not really arbitrary but good to compare the weapons. @SuicidalInsanity Yes, it's a FRIGGIN HOWITZER I am surprised that you put enough time and effort on making an airplane that can actually score a kill with it, would love to see a video/gif. @BahamutoD Thanks, the bombs will be oriented on the right axis for the next update, since that is not critical I will wait for other changes to update the mod. I recall it being hard to change the display orientation, but that's minor, I will let you know if I find a way to do it.
  9. @DariusKirk14 Yeah it may work. But do you realize you are parking two ships close to each other, going into one of them and making it shoot? That is definitely not going to work on a dynamic environment, and is exactly the reason why BDArmory stopped supporting space combat. Space combat with proper orbital dynamics is simply too boring to be fun, the first to fire wins and there is not really much you can do. You can force it by setting up a colony landed somewhere and attacking it with pods or something like that, but then we have the problem that controlling a pod like that to evade bullets and stuff is too much for us to handle. It would require very complex computations, especially to not crash itself to death, some people managed to have fun with it, but it's nowhere close combat on the atmosphere. So I would vote down anything related to drifting this mod towards space battle, at least for now while there are still many interesting features that could be implemented for atmospheric combat.
  10. Banido por ser "tão bom" que só vai aprender o que é sofrer na faculdade. Não se iluda, jovem.
  11. @BahamutoD We are going to fix the bombs. BAD-T is very close to being submitted, the engines configurations are ready and everything is set up smoothly. The full modpack shouldn't take a significant amount of ram to run at all, it's a very short and diverse pack, just like on the previous BAD-T. But what I like the most about this new tournament is going to be the points system, I want to see how people deal with it.
  12. Vocês que esperem pra ver o que eu vou fazer no streaming nesse domingo.
  13. Banido por ficar postando enquanto você deveria estar prestando atenção na aula.
  14. @ga.santos melhorar sempre é o muito bom, com o tempo você vai aprendendo mais coisas e reforçando uma identidade do seu canal, se precisar de uma ajuda com o KSP é só chamar
  15. Banido, por que eu acabei de ganhar 10 likes e eu nem sei daonde eles vieram.
  16. Will talk to @VintageXP about it. Do you rememeber which other things can be affected by this? The bombs look so much cooler on the editor when they are facing up Is there an easy way to change the display orientation?
  17. That would be much better, I can upload the changes on my side as soon as you tell me that you implemented this. For bombs without CoD displacement you could simply assume Z as being forward too. Thanks a lot for the help
  18. So, I changed the fake COM, it worked on the past, the bombs probably just updated their orientations because we modified a few things. The simpleCoD should fix it, but since in my testings with FAR the bombings were very precise, I don't consider this to be a major issue at moment. Any changes to the bomb will be together with the next update which will come either fixing some problem or add something.
  19. Ok, vou procurar, a pesar de ser extremamente complicado. Estão jogando no server sandbox? Edit: quer dizer, o server não está salvando logs no momento... vou ver o que posso fazer mas não dá pra saber quem foi que fez isso.
  20. Ok, então antes de sair banindo as pessoas eu preciso de uma confirmação de quem é que está fazendo isso. Assim que vocês puderem me dizer exatamente quem é que foi eu vou banir. Caso isso não seja possível, e isso continuar ocorrendo, vou ter que tornar o server privado, infelizmente.
  21. So, Aviator Arsenal just updated! Minor update to fix a few issues Changelog: -Fixed bomb node orientations. -Fixed Jericho Trumpet naming. Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yhfy6siftqzytqn/AviatorArsenal-1.1.1.zip?dl=0 Edit: the center of drag was adjusted in the past, it doesn't seem to have any effect right now, I will see what I can do about it. And the behavior on the video is relaly weird, it was not like that on my side
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