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Everything posted by jgjiscool

  1. The other thing is though, the parts on MIR also taper at the ends somewhat whereas the KSP parts don\'t.
  2. This thread is quite useful! First we talk about the game, then we talk about something else... It\'s like the off-topic off-topic thread!
  3. Brick wall handling is fine as long as it\'s as tough as a brick wall I guess.
  4. jgjiscool


    The addiction is completely impossible to get rid of! Mind you it feels to satisfying to be at work, hate your boss, and pretend he\'s in that little teeny, tiny pod heading for the Mun at 1800 m/s...
  5. ^ What you call a deer with no eyes ^
  6. Wait. You\'re only giving the command pod version a linear force of 1? and a rotational force of 5? Is that really enough to handle a future space station? I guess we can 'alter' it . Loving this little hunk of awesomeness!
  7. A winner is the person to post after me! || \/ THIS WAY!
  8. The words written on it actually came out correct. Unlike the spelling translation for a spanish recipe that came out something like 'put pasta in a bath'.
  9. WHAT?!?!?! Too many stock pieces in there for my liking! Wait till my pack comes out. Then see how easy it is to achieve orbit!
  10. New part: Name: Inter-Continental Balistic Missile Rocket Description: This is the number one way to get to Kuba... and BOMB IT! Featuring a full power, 195 thrust solid rocket engine and a brilliant 5 minute burn time, this monster can fulfil all your needs! It towers at 5 metres tall leaving plenty of space to add some winglets (which you will need by the way) and extra directional assistance. Had some help from C7 too. (Thanks! ) Another new part: Name: Heavy Compression Liquid Fuel Engine Description: This engine is often regarded as primitive and environmentally disastrous, but just because it is best powered by coal is no reason to disrespect it! It pumps out a decent amount of power and heat without adding a lot of weight to your rocket, but it\'s fuel consumption is slightly elevated. It\'s reccomended that you use an appropriate radiator to get rid of the heat. It appears to be bent with a hammer... Why you would use this part, I\'ll never know... In other news: The Black-Hole fuel cell has been withdrawn due to a designer malfunction and may return to production later this month. If the plans can be recovered.
  11. By landing on the sun, we mean crashing into it. \
  12. You broke Vista? I\'d say Vista broke Vista...
  13. That link in your signature must be the first page that google translate has ever translated correctly!
  14. Orbit is definitely possible. It\'s difficult, but possible. Welcome to the forums!
  15. Not quite twice as fast. You must allow some time for the programmers to make sense of the other programmer\'s code (the reason I don\'t work with anyone else on a single project) and also the upload time will still be whatever it\'s going to be: twice as many programmers doesn\'t suddenly double your upload speed believe it or not!
  16. HAHA! I think we pretty much exhausted the original topic...
  17. I am the new champion! Whoever posts after this will hereby not be the last person to post... Because then I will post again!
  18. Yes. Windows is a programmers operating system. Mac is good for videos, photos, sound, noobs (they don\'t slow down and get clogged up).
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