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Everything posted by jgjiscool

  1. There is only one way to win this game! Unfortunately I forget what they are...
  2. I killed them... I won\'t even post a screenie...
  3. Warning! I hereby accuse Ground-hog of being affected by kerbokaur-ism! Still. Run some tests quick!
  4. Oh. That *facepalm* was hiding a laugh.
  5. Isn\'t there something in the law that says YOU HAVE TO BE HIRED FIRST?!?!
  6. That must be the worst photo I\'ve seen in a while!
  7. jgjiscool


    Mate you could confuse anybody with this madness!
  8. You\'re too late. Been there done that.
  9. jgjiscool


    Remind me again why we speak the stupidest language in the universe. I mean, the true-false sentence was first invented as the upside down sentence is... it was written in old english and upside down, the word true spelled false. No wonder there\'s a recession! The infinite probability drive\'s tea has probably gone cold!
  10. It will end. A moderator will shut it down at 1000 posts.
  11. Hey! I\'m only 15. I can have fun on these forums if I want!
  12. Millenium is 1000 years. Try 38000 years time.
  13. Well it aint really a fuel tank anymore. I just needed something to hold down my accelerating rocket while it was in prelaunch - proignition stage. Tanks with the fuel replaced with lead seems to work. Sorry this should be in releases, but oh well.
  14. Put the slalom file in the parts folder. Then load the craft.
  15. This is f***ing PRO!!! Dude how did you make the slalom?
  16. Old guy of the 41st century: 'Get off my lawn\'s wireless internet'
  17. I think I\'m winning! Not. I lost my crew...
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