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Everything posted by BloodyRain2k

  1. If it'd be that simple I'd have offered it. It's not something you can add via cfg before it's not added in the dll itself.
  2. Yup, I did. But TT didn't seem to be interested in that change when I PM'ed him about it. I also did a lot of other modifications to them like toggles for the brakes, motor and steering and tweakables so you can change these in the editor. Guess I'll write him a second time and send him the whole thing, maybe he'll take it.
  3. I just fixed that error yesterday and threw the pull request at sarbian already but I doubt that that's the source of your zoom problem because that error happens as it says itself OnLoad and at that time is it a bit hard for you to hover the AR case so if your problem happens after physics have kicked in on the launchpad (or whereever) for example then these two are totally unrelated. So maybe it'd be an idea to post the full log in a pastebin or so and a list of all other mods would also help.
  4. RemoteTech, I know that weird behaviour and I never had it until I also had RT2. Though I'm still not sure if it's just RT2 not noticing the kill thrust call or if it's MJ interpreting something wrong.
  5. Would it be that hard to add an option if you want to use an external file for saving or tie the alarms to the crafts and move them accordingly when you change the setting? You technically don't even have to mess with the savefile, just add a node to the craft, I think. I know ORDA saves it's stuff by just adding a node to it's part.
  6. Sorry no idea, I never used the teleport module, same with the fuel dumper.
  7. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59546146/TTModularWheels-v0.6.2.3_for_0.23.zip Here are the configs I use for my own MJ compatible version. They are probably not really good placed but atleast all parts should be unlockable that way. Btw TT, it'd be nice if you could make 4x electric engine, adding 48 engines to a fuel truck is a bit excessive, just to be able to get to 18m/s.
  8. Sorry, especially in that case I can't do it as people will likely start asking where you got a working version from etc. As soon as I hear back from TT that I can publish this fix or someone who speaks license (preferably a mod so I can blame someone else when it still turns into a poopmine XD) ensures me that I can do that without violating his license I'll make this public for all.
  9. I just grabbed the source, made them MJ Rover AP compatible and did a few other small improvements and ported them to the tech system. If TT is alright with it I can post that here but until I get an ok from him I won't cause I don't wanna step into a licensing poopmine.
  10. First I wanna state that I really like the new science system over the old one, except for the one thing: transmitting destroys the experiment. Why?! This literally takes away any reason ever to use comms before you get a lab in place because you can't transmit the transmittable part and return the rest later. Which makes no sense to me. There is already the cap to the transferrable amount so why add a second one? Even if it wouldn't allow for covering up the amount that you don't get from returning (Goo and Materials only seem to return for 80% or so) it'd still be useful. For example you shoot a probe to a planet and let it send some science which you can use to get better parts to get to it later to grab the science and return it for the remaining value. I guess there probably was a balancing thought behind it but I think it fired back on the point of transmitting and comms.
  11. All probe sized parts except the octo core, I hate them. They clutter up my partlist for nothing. Only ones I use if at all are the radial 20kn engines (not the radial Ants). They also make nice LRB seps for deorbiting stages with leftover fuel. I hate them even more for needing to be unlocked so I can get my loved 1m stack probe core : ( I really want a part filtering feature where I can just hide parts. (I know part catalog(ue?) can do that but there you have to remove them from numerous categories for EACH filter, which is just as annoying)
  12. That's also my thought, instead of having hardcoded loss when transmitted have a hardcoded ratio of what's transmittable and what's retrievable. For samples there could be added sampling modules that shift the ratio from retrievable to transmittable to a certain extend.
  13. I'd extend the transmittable part to have loss based on antenna strength (amount too maybe?) and distance and if done properly, relay network quality. Think of Remote Tech. This would give a point to setting out dozens of satellites to then just use cheaper antennas on your probes or whatevers or just use stronger ones if you don't wanna be bothered with satellites (it shouldn't prevent transmission like in RT if no relays are there, just reduce quality of the signal a lot). Edit: also we need sample storage pods and command pods should hold samples per seat, not total. I expected the 3 man pod to be able to hold 3 eva reports and 3 samples but it can just hold one set like the 1 man pod.
  14. As far as I know was there already a mod that allowed the use of engines for RCS. Though you could just make highpower RCS thrusters that just eat more fuel, or just add wings. And I think it's time to show a screen of your monster because it seems you're lacking control over it when it can't even counter a slight tip to the side.
  15. Maybe this is a problem that occured when your CoT is ahead of your CoM (even with it might be just as bad). I once had a big craft too where the upper stage used it's engines together with the booster stages which resulted at one point with a CoT ahead of the CoM and then MJ went nuts. I don't know what it was and it's been quite a few versions, was maybe 1.9.8 or so, but I think the engines ahead of the CoM steered in the opposite direction which doesn't seem like a bad idea given but it seems MJ couldn't handle that for some reason. So out of curiosity, try lowering your CoT to stay below your CoM and see if that helps.
  16. First: Autostaging can be turned off or limited to stop at a certain stage. Second: I've NEVER had MJ rearrange anything in my rocket. Do you mean things flick around in the staging list in the editor or mid-flight? Or do you mean by "rearranging staging" just that it fires stages in an unwanted way? If you got stages that MJ can't understand just tell it after which stage to stop autostaging and do them manually then.
  17. Tried checking what amount that desposit lists? It's true that the hexes stay green but the amount is still updated and might show 0.
  18. Quicksaves rewind the persistance file as the quicksave is nothing but a copy of it. I'm sure of this because I can rewind MJ settings the same way and they are saved the same way too (atleast the per craft ones) in the persistance file. Edit: You should also add KAC to the Space Center screen now as time passes on there and therefore alarms too.
  19. If you'd change the "FlightInputHandler.State" in the TTModularWheel.cs to "vessel.ctrlState" it's even compatible with MJ's rover autopilot. You should also then comment out the "if (isActive == true) {" block so it can also keep controlling a nearby rover that's not the active vessel.
  20. Mhm yeah, I've only cared once about the tutorial things as I used youtube to figure out how it works and I also never tested if the installation way still makes that work. Sorry about that. Guess I'll have to update the instructions for that. And about SpacePort, ask the guy that put it up what it is since I didn't put it there. I don't really care about SpacePort but if anyone want's to keep this updated on there go ahead.
  21. Under the Target tab you have to select a vessel within 2.5km distance, select a port on your craft (the row of number buttons above the list) and a port on the target (number buttons below the selected target's entry), then the Dock button will show up.
  22. For the case anyone wants to try my temp fix: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59546146/ScaledSpaceDumper.dll What this does is for one is dumping all ScaledSpace transforms into KSP\ScaledSpaceDump.txt upon scene change, next it'll remove all null transforms to prevent the map wobble and grid freaking, lastly it'll remove all non body spaces when you go back to the spacecenter because they get created upon entering a flight anyways, but without this they'd end up getting added over and over again, everytime you enter a flight from the spacecenter. And for the paranoid ones, here's the source: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59546146/ScaledSpaceDumper.cs
  23. I don't get either of these so I can't even try to fix them so I'd need a way to reproduce it.
  24. I've had that problem too a few times, mostly at 1000x warp. I fixed it by changing line 117 in MechjebModuleNodeExecutor.cs: else if (!MuUtils.PhysicsRunning() && core.attitude.attitudeAngleFromTarget() > 10 && timeToNode < 600) Before that 600 was just 300, since that change I didn't have problems anymore.
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