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Everything posted by BloodyRain2k

  1. For all the impatient ones, here's my version for 0.21, I just grabbed the source and compiled it against 0.21: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59546146/KerbalAlarmClock.dll
  2. Something that mentions ORDA, well just pastebin the log and I'll see if I can find something. Might be Procedural Dynamics as I got the others aside NP but that's only parts so it shouldn't be the problem.
  3. That's another issue I'm not having, for me it works fine right away with 0.21.1. Anything interesting in your log maybe?
  4. It works fine for me, even though Git now adds subfolders to the zips which makes it only neccessary to unpack the zip into KSP\GameData and then rename the ORDA-master folder to just ORDA, but that's only cosmetical. So I don't know what it is but that problem seems to be on your end, just remove the ORDA folder you have under GameData, and unpack the ORDA-master.zip again into GameData, then you should have an GameData\ORDA-master folder which should work.
  5. Do you happen to have small scanners and be on a 250km orbit? Cause then you're on the edge of it's range and it's going by true altitude, so the water parts will be too deep and you'll not end up scanning them. I noticed that last night when I did the same and forgot about the range change (it was 300km for a longer time for me).
  6. You could try to launch them seperated yourself by editing the node MJ creates to be an orbit later, the next two orbits later etc and then just do course corrections. Might waste a bit of fuel but it shouldn't be that bad. That's a bug I haven't seen in a while, try getting the dev build from here, that should fix that.
  7. Or try deleting the kethane.cfg in your save's folder, might reset them all too.
  8. It's missing that this isn't a part of MJ2 yet. They are working on Autom8 for MJ2 but it's not really a top priority I think.
  9. Released I added a save button so you can change the defaults easier. Also if your craft has problems getting it's deviation lower when approaching you can try raising the Kp_Acc higher. And here's a pic of the new feature, now idea if that beam really helps figuring out over longer distance which port you're aiming for but I hope it does.
  10. I'm trying to get ORDA's better way of wiggling the controls into MechJeb since it could need that and now starts to support docking anyways, namely I told r4m0n he could rip that out if he want XD If you're talking about quaternions about me you might aswell talk japanese to me <.< all witchery and voodoo to me...
  11. Should be easy to change that setting to a per type one so you could disable it and all planes of that type would share that setting. That's the old KillHS bug for you, fix is submitted and might be solved already in the latest 2.0.8 on jenkins, but dunno, I only play with my heavily modded MJ xD
  12. I think you can just enter the numbers into the first fields, just set them to N E, else it'd do negative south which is north again etc. No idea what that'd be but it should be S 61° 40min W 137° 55min ? Something around that.
  13. That's an old bug in KillHS which it's using at that time, sadly this old is still present in the download in the first post. I think it should be fixed in the later releases from here. I think atleast I've submitted r4m0n the fix.
  14. That's a bug I haven't seen anymore in a while. I kept having that a lot a while ago but not anymore. Might be cause I'm more or less constantly using the lastest stuff from the Repo and mess with it myself too ^^; You could try a newer release from here, that should contain the fix for that problem, whatever it was.
  15. So, updated to 1.0.7 and also thanks to DYJ the thread's now usable again. Someone could really have pointed this out to me earlier, I was wondering why no one was posting for a while already but I didn't notice the lack of a reply field until now.
  16. I made a plugin for cases like that that adds modules to parts based on simple criteria, eg "CommandPod" or "CrewCapacity>0", you could try that for adding MJ to all commandpods. https://github.com/BloodyRain2k/ModuleAttacher/raw/master/bin/Debug/ModuleAttacher.dll Just put that under "KSP\GameData" and run the game once, it'll create it's config then under "KSP\GameData\PluginData\ModuleAttacher" where you just add "MechJebCore:CommandPod" to the end of the file. You can ignore the two "demo" lines, if it can't find what it should add nothing happens. That's mostlikely a problem with the Translatrons KillHS being derpy sometimes, I already gave them a fix for it that makes it in most cases more reliable. You could try out my Stageable Actions plugin for that, it'd allow you to let it stage (or fire an action group) at a set altitude. https://github.com/BloodyRain2k/StageableActions/archive/master.zip There was also a mod that did the same as far as I could tell but without the need for a part (I just did it cause it was simpler, at that time) so if you can find it on SpacePort try that too and see if it's better.
  17. I think he's trying to point out that the "match velocities at CA" normally does stop you 50-100m AFTER you passed said CA, which combined with it's deadly accuracy for CA finetuning can result in a pin point interception? It's not that hard to keep that in mind and abort the finetuning when it reached 100m seperation so the velocity match doesn't intercept right through, still it'd be nice if it wouldn't do that by default : / You don't even get the CA distance field for rendevous targets O.o
  18. I really like the hexagonal shape and the only thing I'd slightly complain about is that the top and bottom remind me of drill heads rather than canisters, but that's maybe just me : /
  19. I've been encountering that problem too alot recently, it seems it fails for some reason to truly put the throttle to 0, doing a short warp up and down fixes it weirdly.
  20. Just use a generator MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel rate = 0.9 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = Kethane rate = 1.0 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 10.0 } }
  21. I think it is a KSP issue, as I have it without MJ too. I had a thread about that but that's gone into oblivion now. MJ and other circumstances seem to increase the amount of it though.
  22. That's what modding is for, showing the devs that they might be wrong about what's possible ^^ Now we might get some stock threads too later
  23. You shouldn't carry Kethane into orbit, mine it and turn it into fuel, then haul that over, even with the large converter it's weight isn't worth it as it has roughly the same weight of what you're making from it (or worse in case of monoprop and xenon). My Miner only has 2 drills, a large converter and 4 radial Kethane tanks so it minimizes the junk and can carry a good amount of fuel with it. I could give it 4 drills and maybe I should try it but it's just a bit faster at the expense of some more weight it has to carry up so I hadn't yet. I mainly went for this so I'd have the good efficiency when converting but have everything in one ship. I also had the idea of making a small detachable mining part so only the fueltank goes back to orbit, now that I kinda get my hover control for MJ working I could try that again.
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