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Everything posted by nothke

  1. Ooooh, ATV is so flaaaaashy... xD
  2. I've been building my own Shuttle program similar to the capabilities of the real one. B9 pack allows me to have a cargo hull for 2m pieces and a sleak looking Shuttle without using 1:1 Shuttle model, but actually design one by myself. Kerbal Transportation System comprises of (currently) 4 Orbiters. Asterion, Basilisk, Charon and Damocles. They are almost identical, except Charon is the heavy lifter with powerful, efficient but very expensive Ocelot II engines that I need to take good care of. "Damocles" was built to replace Basilisk after it was almost completely destroyed on ill fated landing. Basilisk however flies again, but not on high-importance missions. I have also built addition equipment like the Crane for taking crew into the orbiter on pad, the mobile stairs, and Astrovans to drive Kerbals around KSC I have also logged my missions onto this Spreadsheet "Asterion" on launch pad just before KTS-5 the first successful launch after test flights. Note the old asparagus booster launcher. It could carry just 4 tonnes max: Releasing 2 cubesats from Asterion's hull on KTS-10 mission. Also visible are 3 Munseeker satellites that were going to be launched successfully to Mun orbit: "Asterion" lands after KTS-10 and is welcomed by ground crew: "Asterion" docked to my first space station "Ginevre SS" on KTS-7. You can see robotic arm being tested with a tug on the end. The specialized crane for getting Kerbals into the orbiter. It's cool, but takes a lot of time so now I prefer using "crew manifest" "Basilisk" lands at KSC. Engine inspection after flight. All OK After moving to 0.20 I redesigned the shuttles, Here you can see the first flight of "Damocles" (KTS-15) with a new arm attaching a tug to Horizon-2, my take on ISS Horizon-2, my take on ISS being built in orbit with Damocles attached KTS-16 Basilisk uses it's arm to attach the new truss segments My most recent mission was to bring the first solar panel using "Asterion" on KTS-18 Asterion on launch pad. This is the new launch configuration that avoids lag by not having 50 parts like the first one, it uses long burning KW-rocketry SRB-s and two tanks. It also has an internal tank built in the hull for the orbit insertion.
  3. Uncontrolable spinning usually happens when 2 objects (different ships) intersect and are locked or push eachother by some part under tension (with damned robotics hinges for eg.). In this case it looks like this doesn't happen so.. I don't know..
  4. I launch, for example.. A resupply vehicle (like the ATV) to my station in Kerbin orbit and put it in a slowly approaching orbit so that I lose as little fuel as possible. So, it would take a few days days for the ships to meet. During that period, I have time to do other stuff with other ships (sure I could timewarp, but that's no multitasking fun xD)... In mechjeb, there is "closest approach in.." but it's only for one or two orbits, just like the KSP already does with those pink arrows. Kerbal alarm clock also doesn't have a lot calculations except the basic KSP ones. I like how the guys at ESA say after 5th June ATV launch "docking in 13:46 GMT on 15 June 2013!" That's exactly what I need =)
  5. Hello, I actually downloaded the alarm clock for one thing, and this one is not in the plugin. And that's the closest approach! I launch, for example.. A resupply vehicle (like the ATV) to my station in Kerbin orbit and put it in a slow orbit (approaching, but slowly) so that I lose as little fuel as possible. So, it would take a few days days for the ships to meet. During that period, I do other stuff with other ships... In mechjeb, there is "closest approach in.." but it's only for one or two orbits. Would it be possible to add a "closest approach" to target timer in the future? And possibly the one that doesn't count just 2 next orbits, but until the REAL closest approach
  6. Oh god, I have an even worse problem now! One port won't undock now! It has an "undock" button but it won't work.. The module just stays there attached. It shouldn't be connected to the previous problem cause the previous one was another port type (now it's clampotron jr.) so I didn't change it.. =( How can I see what port am I dealing with?? Is there a way to see the part ID from the debug or some way??
  7. Thanks!! It works now! I was looking into a wrong port xD I searched "acquire" and guess what.. There was one dock with that state. I changed it to ready and it works! I think that this happens when you quickload while the "magnet" is working (maybe I did), or maybe when "administration" changes as I unplugged the arm while the magnet on the other port was working. So the state stays somehow frozen to "acquire" I hope the devs know about this bug
  8. I made a robotic arm with Damned robotics and tried docking two "modules" with it.. While I was docking it, the magnet worked correctly pulling the "child" module into the "parent". but when I released the module from the arm the magnet just wont work anymore.. Strangely enough, I can join the "child" to any other port on the station. The arm is not really the problem, I have been trying to connect it with RCS and the "parent" dock just doesn't work. As if the magnet on that particular docking port has "worn out". I am looking into the "persistent.sfs" file and I don't see anything unusual about the port. Or I just don't know what to look at =( reloading doesn't work as well, the port is just dead!
  9. Is there a variable in a .cfg that controls the wobble between the parts? Or if not, are there ways to lower it? (no, I don't mean struts)
  10. I just deorbited the entire station (4-5 modules big) with a lot of parts, in a quite steep angle at RAD angle (more-less normal to the trajectory).. And nothing exploded! Only panels got torn off.. I am sure the mod is installed cause it shows the temp on every part.. It just crashed into the ground in one piece.. In the old days* none of the parts would survive *the old 0.19 deadly reentry
  11. Ha, I just suggested this the other day to udk_lethal_dose on how it would work to code: The problem with the wet workshops in real life is that they are very complicated to successfully and properly convert to crew spaces, so the idea was always shelved and less risky designs prefered instead.. In Kerbal universe there is no such thing as "complicated" xD
  12. Hello, I have a problem, I have made a robotic arm and made a docking port on the end for "grappling". So I position my arm to grapple the module and then detach the module from the main ship. The module attaches to the arm immediatelly, but then.. the arm stops working. As if there was some weird "command" switching and it doesn't let me command the arm anymore, I am still in the command of my ship though.. The only way to regain control is to quicksave-quickload, or go to space center and return.. BUT the strange thing is.. All the joints have moved.. The centers (0) are at wrong positions ???
  13. If you need a cargo bay, you have it in several mods like B9 Aerospace pack, mk3 Fuselage Expansion pack or SpaceJunk (round) cargo bays. Use these for general purpose, my cargo bays could be used for anything you want, but are primarily meant for racks.
  14. False. I am alienated. The user below me knows the answer to the ultimate question of life, the Universe, and everything
  15. Let's resurrect this thread!! ..here I'll try to do it:
  16. I am having annoying problems with APAS-69.. Sometimes it wont dock (magnet doesn't work), and now, it wont undock!
  17. Yeah, it could be done with just one billboarded particle quad that looks like a star, and the size of it would correspond to the size of the ship. Some small satellites would be so small to be less than a pixel wide from the ground, but some big stations would be more visible. The brightness would change according to the sun exposure. I have always wanted to see how my ships look from different perspective. It's so bad that we don't even have ground launch tracking cameras or such like those shots we see on TV. Well yes there are remote cameras in Lazor mod but it's very buggy and I don't like it.
  18. Since it's hard to get anything uploaded on spaceport, here you go: Just a little craft while we wait for ATV to dock with ISS: This pack comes with 3 files: 1. ATV + Stockane 5 - fully made of stock parts. 2. ATV (crewed) + Stockane 5 - fully made of stock parts. It can carry 2 Kerbals into orbit, but you should not use it for deorbiting (as it does not have parachutes or a heatshield) 3. ATV + Ariane 5 (KW) - for this you will need KW rocketry parts, it just looks better, more correct to the real Ariane 5 with big boosters and with fairings. It's also has a bit more dV The rocket should easily get you to 120km (tested) Kerbin orbit and probably beyond if you want to spend service tank fuel. Don't panic if it seems that stage 2 engine doesn't do anything. Its TWR is less than 1 so it will thrust slowly, make sure to do a gravity turn during this period. Also make sure to shutdown the second stage engine (and decouple it) before your periapsis goes above 40km, then circularize with 4 small service engines and you should have the service tank almost full. It works very well with Mechjeb, so if you want to use it, place it on the ATV hull. Solar panel deployment action groups aren't set, so you'll have to do it yourself if you want. DOWNLOAD ATV + Ariane 5 KW rocketry launcher fairing separation ATV + Stockane 5 stock parts launcher second stage separation
  19. Wow, your photos are amazing. It's the first time we have good weather without clouds, so I'll see what I can do tonight, it's my first try and at least we can take photos of ISS every day xD It's not like it's a one time event =) ATV looks very faint in the Lexif's photo, I am sure I didn't see it cause there was too much light around. I'll try to go to a meadow further from city lights tonight. BTW that telescope photo is... Mother of God. It looks like some tiny crab like-insect under a microscope xD Radiators are legs, Soyuz is an eye, solar panels are antennae, the truss is the skeleton/backbone/carapace, the pressurised modules are the mouth, and the Shuttle is.. well... FOOD xD
  20. Woah, I just saw ISS fly over Serbia, my first sighting! I wasn't sure if it was an airplane or ISS, it just looked like a star moving across the sky and it was reeeeaaaaly bright. Then at the end it just gradually went dark and I was sure it was ISS setting in the shadow. I was waiting for ATV, but it didn't appear, I guess it is just too small.. I will take a camera on a tripod tomorrow and keep the shutter open when they arrive =)
  21. Not for now, but soon... I just need to finish the basic models and I'll publish an alpha version
  22. Yeah me too, I usually make Kerbin experimental stations to 45 degree or higher, than it's cool that you have "launch windows" and you need to manage to launch when the track goes over KSC, also you need more fuel for slight inclination changes.. And especially when landing space planes it's a lot more complicated. It's just a bit more challenging overall. But for refueling stations for Mun or beyond bound spacecraft, I always use equatorial of course.
  23. Besides all this, Luca is up there now =)
  24. (leftest white dot ATV, rightest white dot, ISS) As you can see in this image from orbit plane normal track, it's barely a pixel xD (at least you get the sense of scale)
  25. ISS has 51 degree inclination cause it is the lowest to which the Russians can launch from Baikonur. Although Baikonur's lattitude is 45.6, Russians raise inclination to 51.6 to avoid boosters from dropping into China. Of course, that gives station the benefit of covering practically 75% of the planet, or 95% of the inhabitated lands. EDIT: Woah, I got quadruple ninja'd!
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