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Everything posted by nothke

  1. Just keep in mind that I will not give out the licence for free usage until I publish the parts that I already have, and the extensive description of how they could be used in the future. Which I will do during the next week.
  2. I have reserved a lot for the train station. I will not yet put the exact track profile yet as we haven't decided on it (IIRC), but the track path will exist. In the pictures you can see it, it's that elevated narrow platform coming off the brick bridge and then turning north. Right in the middle of the island is the lot for the station.
  3. The only thing that I found truly interesting in the OP is orbital decay =) I'd really love to see, as a difficulty option, orbital decay above 70km, so that you need to boost your stations from time to time, and if you neglect them, they should eventually reenter. =)
  4. Did you just listen to my rant on modders irc?? xD This is something I was requesting for a long time. Lots of people told me it wont work cause of scale differences between internal and external models. But don't stop here!!! You should make the camera react with g-forces more than just shakes on certain events. Like a camera on a spring and damper, like it's usually done in racing simulations. Also, take a look at EZdok plugin for FSX, it's the most realistic head shake ever done for a game. It basically has a few layers of noise with filters + g-forces. It's just incredible what kind of immersion it gives to the player. This is something that was missing from KSP all the time.
  5. A few screens of the first test of Downtown island in game.. I also placed a few self made buildings to demonstrate the scale.
  6. It does work, the only thing is that the spawn points have moved because spawn point transform naming has changed, otherwise it works all fine with HoneyFox's update
  7. Hay guys, I noticed a major problem that came with ARM, the camera now snaps to the top of the topmost collider. For example if you want to look under the overpass, the camera will snap to the top of it, this screws a lot of things, such as going inside buildings, tunnels, and much more! This didn't happen before 0.23.5. I can see why devs did this (to prevent camera going underground or through buildings) but it completely destroys the possibilities of what we were trying to do. Here is a video of what's going on when I enter the tunnel: I wish someone makes a mod that solves this problem, otherwise, Kerbin City is basically screwed.
  8. Here's an idea: a HAMMER!! So you can destroy parts from EVA, no more docking ports that won't undock xD
  9. Yes, the spawn point naming has been changed. The spawn points are currently at the model's origins.
  10. Hi guys. I'm back. Real life troubles and other projects kept me away for a long time. I actually had a bit of motivation to return to the project and dedicate my time to it the following weeks, but I have noticed that there are other modders who have taken a very similar idea of a standardized cargo system, and since our projects are very similar, and I see that the guys have much more patience, motivation and dedication, and obviously have the capability to deliver what they promise, which I was constantly failing at. Therefore, I think that any sort of continuing the project would turn out to be a competition, which would be useless for me, and I should instead give myself more time on other projects and ideas. I am afraid I won't be continuing FLEXracks anymore, so I declare this project officially dead. I will be around still, working on other, smaller, and less ambitious things (this includes Kerbin City). I will "probably" be publishing a truncated version of FLEXracks at some point. If anyone needs help, I will be lingering on the modders irc, or send me a pm.
  11. The meshes need to be separated per material anyway, .mu is a collection of gameObjects, when you export to .mu, the meshes are still separate but are just handled in the game as a single "package". You can still have multiple colliders or animations for each different mesh in a single .mu Razchek was saying that there is a way to hide the objects from KerbTown menu, so that you can't place them from within the game, but I don't remember how. EDIT: For the following islands, the rules are changing, instead of me giving plot dimensions to you, I will provide a model of the entire island, and you will model directly on that model. You will still be able to apply for plots, but only when I finish the streets and set up a map. Expect it these days, so prepare to apply for plots.
  12. This is the map of plot occupation of the Easter Island. I still don't have anything for the downtown island. https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1KYGI-0hz07Zd2GY_qXZzTaJyhq98RIPGaRSOgrsvmiI/edit?usp=sharing The reason behind the single model is that it's the easiest and fastest way to place the city in KSP. I can set up the entire city in 3ds max or Unity (depending on what format people send me), and then when I export, get back to KSP, the city is automatically updated, I don't need to use the difficult-to-manage KerbTown interface every time to add new objects. Also I have much more control over polygons and vertices in the modeling software so I can make sure there are no holes and that everything fits. I don't actually think there is any difference in performance if you do it in the other way, but someone could correct me if I'm wrong.
  13. They are not designated yet, but there is a big waiting list of people who applied to build on the island: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq-Kp1pObiWgdEVRSG54eHFtS2NKWFoyZHJranFub1E&usp=sharing#gid=0
  14. An early view of the street network of the northern chunk of Downtown island:
  15. The link is from HoneyFox' 9th April build from the KerbTown thread. Definatelly needs some better version control. I will check the name of the spawn transform when I get home.
  16. Hay guys, just got back from A MAZE Berlin. I was a bit promoting modding in KSP xD That's probably the problem with the plugin then. Spawn points are transforms on the exported model, they should be correct, unless some naming rules have changed, but I doubt that. Are you using this version? https://www.dropbox.com/s/pfssc2u341zp58a/KerbTown%20%28fixed%20for%20v0.23%29.zip
  17. I just found another possible failures list by Aknar: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64189-Random-Failures-mod?p=879174&viewfull=1#post879174
  18. Nice, a few modders are also working on random failures mods: https://github.com/jbengtson/ksp-partfailure and HoneyFox (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71866-WIP-Random-Failures-%28for-your-masochism-needs-XD%29) Also I was trying to help HoneyFox by assembling a list of whatever came to my mind: It could help you too https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-8iIiyy6Qnurrg2TEO_gfK-IWWjUaCO9U0hyjoFj40U/edit?usp=sharing
  19. Well, the entire city is supposed to be stunt park for planes, no? =) There already are challenges, such as doing a barrel roll between buildings or flying through a tunnel below the airport terminal. I wrote down in design guidelines that plot developers should have aerobatically challenging buildings as one of their top priorities (but still keep it real and feasible). This is planned. An entire island will be dedicated to a Kerbal University campus. Scott Manley has agreed that we can use his name for the University (or one of the buildings). But there could be other things as well, one idea was to connect the university venues with youtube lectures or something like that. Any idea is welcome.
  20. Hi guys, I was away from KSP for 2+ weeks, I was just informed that KerbTown was being updated. Good job =) and good to see that we could continue with the Kerbin City.
  21. Particle birth is bound to fps, (or something like that, performance related), which is why they combine into a single point if you put more than they generate. So for example lets say they generate 60 times a second, and you put emission to 120, then, 2 particles will generate at the same place. If you are running really fast, this is quite obvious. Increasing generation with mach won't help as you will just be generating more particles at the same point. The trick to avoid this is creating them with a different shape, if you use line, then the 2 particles will not generate at the same spot, but will generate at 2 different points along the line. But even if you put a line/sphere/ellipsoid whatever, you will still see "clumps" at very high speed. There are a few more inherent problems to this technique too, like weird linear generation when going sideways. Another way to alleviate this is to add random velocity or force so that particles get separated. On one side generation with fps is awful, but on the other hand, making shock diamonds is quite easy cause of this, cause they will always generate at same distance.
  22. This effect uses displacement maps shaders. I don't know that anyone managed to port displacement (or better yet, geometry) shaders to KSP yet and I think Razchek is the only person who managed to port a new shader to KSP so far. If Sarbian menages to port new shaders, (which he was trying, but unsuccessful so far) such as lit bumped particles, everything would look much better. There are some other tricks like ray marching, which could potentially change the look of particles completely, for the better. Not to mention possibility of using the Unity mesh class to "design" plumes as 3d models and change them in real time, which I tried, and look pretty decent, but which again require better shaders to look good). It's something just further along the road.
  23. That's actually a jet contrail (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/148/341584357_1d7998dcaa.jpg)
  24. SmokeScreen doesn't add anything visually. It's a plugin to help creation of new particle systems including a lot of fixes from the stock exporter. What's in the screens is a particle mod that I am developing right now.
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